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About Yugiboy85

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    Can send you to the shadow realm

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  1. Yugiboy85

    2023 Cacowards

    Congrats to all the people :D Very good write-up this year
  2. Yugiboy85

    What are your creative crutches?

    Apparently, this is something I do alot (which is true). If I have a staircase and If I can do it, I'll make a "fade to black sector" to spruce up the stairs: I dunno why. It's just something I like doing because, my mind thinks a plain staircase just doesn't look appealing to me anymore heh I do it sparingly in vanilla too if i can get away with it. It's grossly simplified though (like 3 to 4 max splits of gradients).
  3. Yugiboy85

    What does bfg stand for?

    You see, The "big friendly giant" should not be relegated to "other" status. It is highly important.
  4. Yugiboy85

    What does bfg stand for?

    You forgot "Big Friendly Giant"
  5. Yugiboy85

    Next doom game won't have mick. Is doom, doomed!?

    Im gonna be that guy but,"doom chuds"? Who is "us" in that sentence? Personally, I dont see myself as a doom "chud" or, a chud whatsoever. Please dont call "us" that. Thank you On the topic, im sure they will find someone that does the job just fine. Yes, it sucks that mick gordon probably wont be involved due to the disaster that happened during doom eternal's production but, at the same time, it was inevitable.
  6. Not really. Usual: Doomguy has to go on a moon (motm) via a secret military base with a rocket ship (tttm) and, once on moon, he realises that the source is elsewhere, on the purple saturn planet (man from the moon, aka part 3 which is wip).
  7. Oh nice, could you send it via pm so that i can take a look? I have one currently but, i would love to see how it looks still.
  8. Thank you for the kind words :) I believe i am using one of your skies in this actually (assuming you are the same plums that did the skytravaganza pack?)?
  9. Thank you all for your playghroughs and demos. I have yet to watch the demos but, i will do. Pleased to see that so far, the reception has been good. @Bobby "J Don't worry about it, you had alot of stuff to take care about :) I will start working on skill settings etc...sometime this week.
  10. Oh yay, already a video to watch haha. Will watch when i get back home. Thx everyone also for the reception.
  11. VILLA DE LA MUERTE Hello everyone, This is a map I had made for a vaguely spain/syringe inspired project but, decided after some time to release on its own. The map has been sitting on my hard drive for months now and well, I decided to pick it up again yesterday. The map was done in roughly 3 days, which is the shortest I've ever mapped for a serious map. Thank you to @Bobby "J for instigating the project in question (and sorry that I decided to take it out), thank you to my playtesters too :D Map should take you about 5-10 minutes to complete. It's a little hard but, should be manageable. No skill settings are implemented yet though. I'll take any suggestions :) Have fun. LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/604q6o7cmz8nv25mwn04g/Vilamuerte_v1.wad?rlkey=9p2iv7ra1v7n1sxsuiurhtwhr&dl=1 Play info: DOOM 2, Map 01, CL2 Tested with dsda, eternity
  12. Yugiboy85

    Plasma gun's purpose when having a BFG

    It's a good panic weapon if you are pinned down.
  13. Cool writups. However, plutonia 2 in 2018? It came out in 2008 iirc
  14. Little oversight (probably?) in gold star: One of the side of the blue kard pedestal has a donut s1 action on it. Meaning that you can bypass the switch sequence entirely.