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This historical directory contains the actual id Software distributions for all old versions of DOOM, as well as some pre-release screenshots, released on the Internet at the time. Read the appropriate .txt files for details. Note that special permission has been granted by id Software to do this. Please don't request that any of your own files, or other old versions of DOOM, be put in this directory. These files are NOT supported by id Software in any way, so please do NOT contact id Software about them. Questions? Contact idgmaint AT gamers.org .

35 files

  1. Binary Space Partition builder (BSP) 1.1

    The first stable version of BSP, version 1.1: written by Colin Reed and converted to GO32 by Dylan Cuthbert. This build dates to April 11, 1994, and was found by ConSiGno on http://cd.textfiles.com/. This version of BSP was recommended by the authors of BSP, unlike the TC version.


       (4 reviews)


  2. DOOM Alpha v0.3 (aka "DOOM Pre-Alpha")

    This is the long-rumored v0.3 alpha, built by id Software on February 28, 1993, almost one month later than the v0.2 tech demo and 2 months earlier than the much further progressed v0.4. Notable features include several maps in their earliest known forms and a fully functional on-screen automap. Though apparently never released to id's alpha testers, this build was sent to several industry professionals for comment and review, whereby it has been successfully preserved. It much more fully displays the DOOM engine in its earliest state than the tech demo, with an internal architecture significantly different and less advanced than later builds. Crashes will be common, especially when walking over two-sided lines. The README file promises a more proper release to follow in two weeks, but such a release is not presently known to exist.


       (31 reviews)


  3. pc gamer review doom2 dec/1994

    pc gamer review of doom2 in december of 1994


       (5 reviews)


  4. pc gamer article on doom 1994

    This is an article from the 1st issue of pc gamer in may/june of 1994.The article is about the impact of doom.


       (9 reviews)


  5. Doom utilities source

    This is the source code to various utilities written by Id Software and used during the development of Doom. I found this file available for download on AtomicGamer.com, and from the timestamps in the zip it seems it was probably released in March 1998, several months after the Doom source code release.


       (19 reviews)


  6. Computer Gaming World - July 1993 article on Doom

    This is an article from the July 1993 edition of Computer Gaming World, giving a sneak preview of Doom, which was released later that year. It was mentioned by John Romero and Tom Hall in their 2011 GDC post mortem presentation on Doom, and cited as the first time that Doom was mentioned in a print publication.

    I have included the two page review and also the contents pages from the start of the magazine, which include an extra screenshot. The graphics in the screenshots closely resemble those of the Doom 0.4 alpha from April 4th, 1993.


       (24 reviews)


  7. Doom I & II - Edge Magazine reviews (1994)

    Reviews of Doom I and II featured in the April and November 1994 issues of Edge Magazine, scanned and compiled into a searchable PDF file.


       (13 reviews)


  8. Hexen: Beyond Heretic DEMO

    Four level demo of Hexen that was released four weeks before the retail version.


       (10 reviews)


  9. Doom shareware v1.25 special version for Sybex

    This is the special version 1.25 for Sybex, a shareware release of Doom that was not distributed by id itself.


       (28 reviews)


  10. DOSDOOM VERSION 0.653 binaries and source

    This is a milestone in the source port development history. Historically and technically interested people should look into it equally.


       (3 reviews)


  11. Doom Developers Toolkit 1.0 Beta

    [Note by the uploader: this is uploaded to /idgames for historical purposes. It's not an up-to-date tool.] DDT is an extremely powerful DOS based editor that enables you to add your creativity to one of the most exciting PC games on the market... DOOM II


       (1 review)


  12. DETH 2.3

    [Note by the uploader: this is uploaded to /idgames for historical purposes. It's not an up-to-date tool. The source code is included.] DETH is a version of GCC DEU 5.2. It has been written by wad editors, so the features we've added and changed should reflect what a wad creator both needs and requires.

    It now edits Doom2 and Heretic as well as Doom.


       (2 reviews)


  13. Upgrade from shareware Doom v1.666 to v1.8

    This upgrade patch from shareware Doom v1.666 to v1.8 has been uploaded because of historical interest to /idgames. People with deep technical interest, nostalgists and collectors will like this.


       (2 reviews)


  14. Upgrade from registered Doom v1.666 to v1.8

    This upgrade patch from registered Doom v1.666 to v1.8 has been uploaded because of historical interest to /idgames. People with deep technical interest, nostalgists and collectors will like this.


       (2 reviews)


  15. Upgrade from DOOM2 version 1.7a to 1.8

    This upgrade patch from DooM II v1.7a to v1.8 has been uploaded because of historical interest to /idgames. People with deep technical interest, nostalgists and collectors will like this.


       (1 review)



    This is a wide area beta release of the [...] game HERETIC. The first three levels are included. Note that this is NOT a final release version, and may be prone to crashes or unexpected errors.


       (13 reviews)


  17. DOOM for Windows --> WinDoom April 13 Build

    It is an old Beta version of Microsoft's Doom port. It's made for DOOM II v1.8 (though the latest IWADs will work as well), but will also run DOOM. One convenient feature it provides is that if when executed it doesn't find an IWAD it'll let you browse for one (so you don't have to necessarily run it from the Doom2 directory.)


       (17 reviews)


  18. DOOM for Windows --> WinDOOM Build 001

    It is an old Beta version of Microsofts DooM version. It works with the IWADs of DooM 1.2, 1.666, 1.9 and also Ultimate DooM. But you can't access the levels of the fourth episode in Ultimate doom. It does not work with the shareware version of DooM, not with DooM2, and also not with the Final DooM IWADS. I have verified, that the -file and the -warp parameter work. Maybe there are also others. The 'Display' -menue of the running WINDOOM.EXE makes you able to display a cool window with benchmark infos.


       (8 reviews)


  19. Doom 1.4, the leaked bootleg of 8-apr-94

    This is an early version of the Doom 1.4 executable, it is not the official 1.4 beta version dated 28-jul-94 which also is available in the historic archive as one of the shareware releases. I found this copy on a shareware collection on a cd-rom back than with no further documentations included nor the resource files which are required to use this one. So I'll give it away as such and merely include this text file with it.


       (7 reviews)


  20. DOOM v1.2 to v1.666 patch

    This is the patch released during May '94 (files are 5/9/94) for upgrading the registered version of DOOM from v1.2 to v1.666.


       (7 reviews)


  21. DOOM v1.1 to v1.2 patch

    This is the patch released during February '94 (files are 2/17/94) for upgrading the registered version of DOOM from v1.1 to v1.2.


       (6 reviews)


  22. DOOM v1.8 shareware version

    In order to create a complete collection of historic DOOM versions, as released on the Internet at the time, id Software has allowed to place this file, the v1.8 shareware version of DOOM released on Jan 23, 1995, in the official idgames archive.


       (15 reviews)


  23. DOOM v1.666 shareware version

    In order to create a complete collection of historic DOOM versions, as released on the Internet at the time, id Software has allowed to place this file, the v1.666 shareware version of DOOM released on Sep 1, 1994, in the official idgames archive.


       (9 reviews)


  24. DOOM v1.6beta shareware version

    In order to create a complete collection of historic DOOM versions, as released on the Internet at the time, id Software has allowed to place this file, the v1.6beta shareware version of DOOM released on Aug 3, 1994, in the official idgames archive.


       (7 reviews)


  25. DOOM v1.5beta shareware version

    In order to create a complete collection of historic DOOM versions, as released on the Internet at the time, id Software has allowed to place this file, the v1.5beta shareware version of DOOM released on Jul 8, 1994, in the official idgames archive.


       (5 reviews)


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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.