three epochs, three warriors, three different styles. One single, timeless enemy... Baphomet and its armies. Time to reunite for the final struggle!
Various sources (see below)
New from scratch
Build time:
5 months total
Editor(s) used:
Adobe Photoshop, GoldWave Audio Editor, Notepad, XWE
1. since now ammo pickups are CustomInventory pickups, reaching carriable ammo limits does not prevent you from picking up that ammo anymore, thus wasting it ( => FIXED as of release #10! :-D ); 2. when reloading a saved game started with the Commando or ExCultist classes, the UACTrainee mugshot may erroneously be displayed. This is probably a bug in (G)ZDOOM, but it is easily bypassed by reloading once more; 3. the modification is designed to run in standard aspect ratio; do not try widescreen since unpleasing graphics may show up (i.e. ExCultist Heartifact).