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dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]

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I tried posting this on the discord, but it appears to have gone unnoticed.


In software mode, this graphical artifact appears when the resolution is higher than 640x480 and the weapon sprite is offset horizontally during the fire animation. It's easiest to see with the SSG, and it appears to not occur if the SSG is modded to not have mismatched firing frame/muzzle flash duratuons (maybe), OpenGL is used (definitely), or resolution is lowered (most likely).



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2 hours ago, NightFright said:

I need to see what's going on here. Maybe I have some files in autoload which are conflicting with the widescreen wad I'm using. 


This should work

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Is there any possibility that the big_ammo hud component could get the little ammo sprite next to it (bullets, shells, rockets etc) like the big_health and big_armor do? Would be the finishing touch on my current HUD setup.


Edited by Duffking

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