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[Community Project] Death by 1000 Lines: Ultimate Doom 1000 line megawad - limit-removing, cl3 - slots filled!

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2 hours ago, somerandommarineguy said:

How does this look? This is going to be my first full map so I would like some advice.image.png.bfb637e849a96f7b7f79299ed348dd39.png

Would also like to know how I can view the linedef count with ultimate doom builder? This is so I can make sure to not go over the 1000 linedef limit

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3 hours ago, somerandommarineguy said:

Would also like to know how I can view the linedef count with ultimate doom builder? This is so I can make sure to not go over the 1000 linedef limit

Hit the tilde key, while mousing over an area outside your map (or away from selectable items based on what mode you're in) it'll display in the lower right corner. I'm not on my comp rn but there's also a map analysis option in the menus across the top.

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