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Rare unused monster in Doom 3 files.

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I don't dislike the design, but I think that what I like the most is the curiosity of a hidden asset and the possibility to expand the bestiary at least with just one monster more.

About scariness, to me non of Doom 3 foes are scary really. Maybe 10 years ago, when I first played it and having not played too much games with horror/scary elements before.

By the way, I've implemented the burn away effect:

He's so big that he evaporates before he's able to fall completely to the ground.

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Well, if you think in terms of character design he lacks things that are commonly used to make characters look intimidating, dangerous and aggresive: triangular shapes, sharp edges and a face expression. In fact round shapes are commonly used for friendly characters instead, because our minds associate sharp edges and triangular shapes with danger while round shapes are associated to soft sensations and safety.

Look at his overall appearance, it's based on round shapes and there are hardly any triangular shapes that stand out, so I'm really not surprised if people don't like the design or don't feel intimidated by it one bit.

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Well, his hands end with (sort of) spikes, not very pointed but spike-y anyway, that might be dangerous enough combined with his arm's apparent strength. Also, I can imagine that being chased by this monster in some kind of hellish rocky maze would be intimidating.

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Yeah, the problem I see is that those don't seem to stand out enough compared to his overall appearance, look at the contrast between the size and color of his torso and his spikes, it makes his torso stand out too much, the in-game shadows don't help either. I'm really not that surprised that they didn't include him in the final game, I'm sure it could be improved though and they apparently did with the Guardian adding a red glowing color to his hands and making the spikes bigger to make them stand out more and giving him a demonic face to make him look more aggressive.

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The way it has a layer of flesh over what should be its face reminds me of the pinky and how it's said to have to chew through said layer to reveal its face. Maybe it's related? :P

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Arl said:

About scariness, to me non of Doom 3 foes are scary really. Maybe 10 years ago, when I first played it and having not played too much games with horror/scary elements before.

I didn't really treat DOOM 3 as a scary game when I was playing it new 12 years ago. It's what I consider the last "classic" id game before selling the company became the main focus. I remember I was in high school and seeing the trailers for it, I was really excited, not because I thought it would be scary, but because I knew what id was capable of.

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The monster reminds me, of what the hellish growth, would take form into, in enemy form. It does look friendly. I always wondered, why they didn't release some of the other unused monsters but it was probably due to time constraints. ;-)

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Yah, I like it too. Goofy, but I like it. Very Quake looking. Seeing that Sarge Boss looked like the Q2 Tank, I wouldn't be surprised if this was some kind of nod to the Shambler.

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I did the test of removing that line that crosses his "face" that may resemble a mouth, after all, it was drawn in the height map and not in the normal map, so it's fair to assume that it was added later.

Not a very noticeable change anyway.

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Who knows, they might have actually planned on giving the model a head but didn't end up doing so.

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This, the Spidermastermind and Arachnatrons from a Doom 3 mod, Add some Barons, Pain Elementals and you've got a pretty big monster set for Doom 3 and ROE.

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I am kind of surprised that they didn't have more monsters without a face. How many final monsters don't have faces?

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How would it look with a pinky or hellknight face? Like if it was just in its body... Kinda like how the pinky ate its way through its own skin to show its face?

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I think this enemy looks much better with the line "mouth" removed. This would be a creepy monster to place in dimly lit areas. Or hallways with flickering lights. There is something weird and disturbing about a monster with no visible face or eyes.

What shall we call it?

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Aw I kind of wish this guy made it into the game honestly. It's a very strange design all around, to the point where I'd go so far as to say Ol' Lumpman here might've even ascended to Revenant-level memery had he seen the light of day.

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The Clobbernaut.

Arl said:

He's so big that he evaporates before he's able to fall completely to the ground.

You probably already know this, but you can fix this by changing the "burnaway" value in the monsters def file.

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Might've been a original model for The Baron of Hell since I see a head that was suppose to be molded In, but I'd like to call this monster...

The Behemoth? Generic name, I know.

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Well, I actually worked with him under the "name" of "monster_demon_shellvul" all along, because he seems to be a "shell" that was supposed to be used by the hunter Invul:

In the Invul Def file, there are references to a "shell" that was supposed to be summoned or something like that during your fight with him, all those references are in the form of skin/materials named "invul_shell". That's how I tracked the assets and resources of this guy in the first place.

I guess they wanted to put in the expansion all the cut work they made, but with this guy they were out of time or they just scrapped the concept of a shell and leave it buried in the game data with no further use.

Tetzlaff said:

You probably already know this, but you can fix this by changing the "burnaway" value in the monsters def file.

Thank you, I did, I think this beast deserves a slow burn away.

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Nice find, and nice work!

I agree that he resembles the guardian and the shambler from Quake. He looks better with the line removed because it did make him look like a goomba kinda. If only his feet were not so round and squishy and looked more like the hell knights. I also think that if he had a head and a higher poly count model he would make a legit Doom 3 enemy.

He looks a lot better than some of the custom enemies I've seen so I think he looks promising. Keep up the good work.

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Wait a minute... you know what he looks like? A headless version of this fellow from the Lost Mission art:

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^ Good find! Nice! Too bad that monster wasn't actually in the Lost Mission. He looks badass.

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Actually now that I look at it again, it seems like an upright version of the Guardian boss:

Albeit a little tweaked:

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The monster from this thread looks like a Ben 10 alien. Does it have special abilities or is it merely a damage sponge / melee basher?

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