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React To The Custom Title Above You

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce that, with DW's recent change on custom title policy, I've decided to create a spin-off on my highly successful React To The Profile Pic Above You thread! Rules the same, except this time, you obviously will have to say something about the choice the user above you made for his custom title. So, lets start!





I personally avoided giving myself a custom title, so the start will be pretty unremarkable, but I'm sure it will get better!

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Speaking facts right here. 🠕


Edit: Custom title used to be "Forum equivalent to the 3DO Interactive"

Edited by Chip

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you son of a bitch i was gonna make this thread, god damn nabbit


i guess i didn't press x ):

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but to lose, you press Y. :|


Edit: Custom title used to be "Forum equivalent to the 3DO Interactive"

Edited by Chip

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3 minutes ago, CorianderCastor said:

But did it say no lawful fighting-men?

Fan of David Hasselhoff's Looking for Freedom



1 minute ago, Lol 6 said:

He/she loves Doom music

GODDAMN IT LOL6 I HAD A GREAT COMMENT, you absolute soyboy



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