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DOOM easter eggs / references / injokes

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By far my favorite easter egg(probably leans more on reference) in DOOM '16 is the design for the classic map door in Resource Operations.

Screenshot (100).png

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On 5/12/2016 at 3:28 PM, Champskiez103 said:

Why is the doom guy smiling if he's dead? Why wouldn't they give you the bloody death face? My mind is beyond boggled. Nice little nod to the classic there; but I'm still lost. Or is he not dead there?

I think you're thinking a little too much into this.

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I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else, but at the end of VEGA Central Processing, while shutting down VEGA, a classic Doomguy face appears on the monitor very briefly:

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On 10/11/2018 at 11:13 AM, G01000011 said:

At the start of Kadingir Sanctum I saw a face on a tree and now I can't unsee it.20181011180606_1.jpg.fb81490f0b1cd0e51b31c2418dd2418b.jpg

That is one derpy-ass face lmao.

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I'm baffled that no one has mentioned how several objects in the game have the name "Mixom" on them, which is a big company mentioned constantly in Doom 3.

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the scar on the Doomguy's helmet could be an indirect reference to the Alien vs Predator movie, in which the predators use the aliens' blood to mark a scar on top of their armor masks, simbolizing their warrior status. the doomguy has one too that's in plain red blood instead.

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found while looking through multiplayer textures lmao. Not sure if this has been posted yet. I was told it was John Dean. He worked on 2016 Snapmap and MP. Funny find.


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a snowman found on the map ritual. There is also a hidden texture i found while inspecting the MP map megatextures so i will try to find that in the actual map aswell


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Daisy Poster, first found in the megatexture itself, now on the map "Ritual"! It's hidden in plain sight towards the middle of the map inside the building, next to some hazmat suits.


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Don't remember which level, but in one of the levels codex entries it says something like please report to your E1M4 Command Controller

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Most likely it's just a coincidence, but I always see a classic Cacodemon spreading its mouth wide open when I meet a gore nest!



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Recently I was playing DOOM 2016 when shortly after completing one of the retro areas I died when I shot a hell knight that was a little to close with my rocket launcher and when the death animation played the helmet had the original doom guy face in it. I want to know if anyone else has had this happen to them.

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On 3/25/2023 at 2:08 AM, telesnow said:

Daisy Poster, first found in the megatexture itself, now on the map "Ritual"! It's hidden in plain sight towards the middle of the map inside the building, next to some hazmat suits.


121 is the area code for Birmingham, UK

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