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About vdgg

  • Rank
    MM2 maniac

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  1. E4>E2>E1>E3. E4 is challenging and fun to play. The problem with The Shores of Hell is E2M3 (very flat and boring, though the room with slime, pillars and lost souls has inspired some other mappers) and the secret map. E1 will never be my favourite with such a limited monster roster and no plasma weapons. E3 has plenty of sub par maps, E3M1, E3M2, E3M8 and E3M9.
  2. vdgg

    Three Is A Crowd demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP01 UV Max in 1:40 3i01-140.zip
  3. vdgg

    Three Is A Crowd demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP02 UV Max in 3:35 3i02-335.zip
  4. vdgg

    The worst door in all of Doom

    About the Bugs section, can someone show me a demo? The linedef being 16 unit long, I think this is incorrect.
  5. vdgg

    Three Is A Crowd demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP03 UV Max in 7:48. Recorded with ver 1.2.2. Here is a very fine review / praise of the map by @Omniarch 3i03-748.zip
  6. vdgg

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Nebula 95: Human Earrings by @lupinx-Kassman MAP02 UV Max in 1:30 neb3-130.zip
  7. Wicked_7 and it is pretty damn good
  8. Legacy of Heroes MAP09 UV Max in 9:19 lh09-919.zip
  9. Legacy of Heroes MAP05 UV Max in 14:41 lh05-1441.zip
  10. MAP21 UV Max in 3:25 hb21-325.zip
  11. vdgg

    Redundancy demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP22 (Burning Fires) UV Max in 4:47 and Pacifist in 0:35 MAP29 (The Vile Archviles) UV Max in 4:59 rd29-459.zip rd22p035.zip rd22-447.zip Separate topic created. By the way, can anyone help me with this? ROCKRED1 walls and RROCK04 floor is a great texture combination. I would swear I have seen it dozens of times, but now I cannot find a single map with this these...
  12. vdgg

    Redundancy demos [-complevel 9]

    Redundancy MAP23 (Ash and Cinder) UV Max in 4:15 rd23-415.zip
  13. vdgg

    Redundancy demos [-complevel 9]

    Redundancy MAP18 (A Building That Was Built) UV Max in 5:08 MAP30 (Ending at the End) UV Max in 1:15 rd18-508.zip rd30-115.zip