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About Pseudonaut

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  1. Pseudonaut

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Six Minute Showdown UV-Max in 5:29 smsm529.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu7gi9aOwbA
  2. Pseudonaut

    Do you strafe run to the left or to the right?

    All directions, since I try to straferun nearly at all times. It's different with SR50, which I'm only comfortable doing to the right.
  3. Pseudonaut

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    Sigil II runs. Idk how many I'll do.
  4. Category 1, dead on map03. Entered the map at 18:09. adironman-pseudonaut.zip
  5. Pseudonaut

    Post clips of yourself BFG tracer stacking

    Starting at 15:11. There were probably better ways to handle this.
  6. Pseudonaut

    What's your general play style in Doom?

    Chaos. Brain turned off.
  7. Category 1, dead on map04. Entered the map at 35:33. unwironman-pseudonaut.zip
  8. Depends on whether I think the exploit is cool/lame or makes the map more/less fun.
  9. Hard wads are much harder than any modern mainstream singleplayer game simply because they're designed for people who are already experienced with the game. Most people who can finish Sunlust on UV (with or without saves) have already been through several other wads, possibly hundreds. Dark Souls kills new players many times throughout a full playthrough, but it was still designed to accommodate them, and it was popular even with people who hadn't played Demon's Souls.
  10. Category 1, dead at around 52 minutes with 499/666 kills. caironman-pseudonaut.zip
  11. Pseudonaut

    Wads without slaughtermaps?

    Crumpets contains only small maps, the most populated of which has 117 monsters.
  12. Pseudonaut

    [1 Map] avc.wad

    This actually fixes everything... sort of.