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Red Recluse

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About Red Recluse

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  1. Red Recluse

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Chillax MAP 30 UV-MAX [TAS] in 8:33 Chillax30MAP833.zip
  2. Red Recluse

    Chillax-v9.7.2 Original Maps?

    Maybe Grimlock Dungeon 47 map something layout Evil Execution map first rooms.The center oroginal slaughterfest 3 maps.Third tunnels and pillars part yellow door look TOM 19 fragment.
  3. Red Recluse

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Chillax MAP 44 UV-MAX [TAS] in 36:39 Chillax44MAP3639.zip
  4. There are such textures FLAT5_1 Flat5_2 Floor0_1 Fllor4_6 Rrock04 Ceil5_2.
  5. Not only one texture and two pictures on walls and ceiling present Doom 1 episode 4.
  6. Red Recluse

    Best years of your life?

    Twentytwo and twentythree time cake for my life.
  7. Red Recluse

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Breathless MAP 1 UV-MAX [TAS] in 18:06 Breathless1x1806.zip
  8. Red Recluse

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Abandon MAP 10 UV-MAX [TAS] in 10:46 Abandon10x1046.zip
  9. Red Recluse

    Capybara demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP 01 UV-MAX in 5:29 cap01m529.zip
  10. Christmas surprise under desember.Wait new year.
  11. Red Recluse

    Hell on Ghostrock [DOOM 2]

    Chicken dinner in cafe for cowboy guys.Look hight noon drifter solved.
  12. Red Recluse

    Favorite classic Doom maps/WADs?

    Nostalgia Nostalgia 2 Hell Revealed Hell Revealed 2 Plutonia 7 Alien Vendetta
  13. Red Recluse

    NoSp demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP 01 UV-MAX in 1:37 nosp01m137.zip
  14. Red Recluse

    The Scariest WADs?

    Project made Zolgia 108 Happy Love wad.
  15. Red Recluse

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Tarachillax MAP 9 UV-MAX [TAS] in 17:42 Tarachillax9MAP1742.zip