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Notable 2023 demos

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How about some NoMo highlights?

OOPS: All techbase Map11 NoMo in 0:30.94 by Ktatt-;

E2M6 NoMo in 0:11.83 by depr4vity;

Plutonia Map 13 NoMo in 0:20.86 by kvothesixstring;

Plutonia Map 16 NoMo in 0:24.69 by Gosunoob.


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Posted (edited)

I should begin with @Kinetic's UV-Max d2all and @Starduster's UV-Speed d2all of Sunlust. The streaming highlight of summer. Two very impressive runs.


Next, I'll ping @Kinetic again for his many iwad demos, but lv02 UV-Max in particular.


@mhrz posted many high quality demos, but the UV-Max of map 01 of Dance on the Water stands out to me.


Of @Billa's many notable strollers, lv01 stands out above the rest


Noye finally got its d2all tablefill thanks to @Meowgi. I still think of those attempts whenever I have waffles


@blue cultist has been dominating the big macroslaughter wads. His DiE, NoSp3 and, in particular, Abandon demos are all of extremely high quality


@j4rio's 1:49 Tyson of Kama Sutra map02 is really impressive. I thought can't believe it was driven that far below 2 minutes.


There's a reason why @4shockblast's two iwad contributions to the Bingo competition, e2m5 nm-speed and lv08 pacifist, went unchallenged for the remainder of it although they were achieved so early


@Vile didn't post much this year, but what he posted was great. In addition to an impressive lv29 UV-Speed, he posted new max times for all 6 episodes of scythe2


And this is just scratching the surface. So many more great demos have been posted that I can't keep up with them

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Posted (edited)

big congrats to @tatsurd-cacocaco for his superb movie runs of Memento Mori 2, Requiem, and Plutonia 2. Hard to imagine doing such difficult demos in such a short period of time! 


also, cant forget to mention the great icarus map18 demofest with @Dogmachinethat I guess I need to get back to...




also, @Revvedwho did somewhere around a million uv max movies this year (including a really cool wad you may have heard of)

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Posted (edited)

Another phenomenal year for all of the speedrunners and a congratulations to all that contributed to the over 14,000 demos that were submitted this year.


As far as demos that stood out to me:


-Have to start with @Kinetic with his lv02m055. It was a good fight at the end of last year between him and Looper until Kinetic clearly lost his mind and dove head first into the mud. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was still running that from time-to-time for "fun" but not streaming attempts.


-While he was only around for about a week, @RoadrunnerKZSK left his mark after a 3-year absence with lv24p032, and while it was merely a tic-beat it was great to see an improvement from someone just "passing through" our little community. I look forward to 2024 with the hope that someone takes up the challenge to put the first 31 on the board.


-There were a ton of runs already mentioned in the Cacowards, however through what I must assume is an overabundance of humbleness, @Billa decided not to note her own incredible accomplishment of a new second barrier break on lv16p010. For those that want to see what a flawless glide looks like, check it out.


-I cannot go any further without mentioning @Dogmachine and the incredible back and forth we had on Sunlust 14 Stroller. What began as a cute little AVJ when it was 17 seconds, quickly turned into an epic grind that saw the record change hands 9 times over a couple months, and left it sitting at 12.74 seconds. Dogmachine does not note the attempt count, but my efforts to get the first 12.94 took a total of about 4500 attempts. I have put in a further 3000 trying to take that one back.


-During the bingo competition late in the year, @Ravendesk and I were set on a collision course as teammates attempting to beat a time laid down by @kmc on Haste 07. @4shockblast had "blessed" this route by finding a completely terrible SR50 AVJ, which ultimately lead to a corpse slide under the exit bars. Raven ultimately came out on top with a 21.51 and secured the tile for our team.



Of my own runs that I'm proud of or that are unique, there are only a few of the 200 I put in worth mentioning:

-For anyone that knows me, platforming is the bane of my existence. That said, when you add an arch vile and make the map roughly 30 seconds long the scenario changes. Frog and Toad Map 3 in UV-Speed was held by @Lucky_Edie for a long time but I thought the time could be pushed further with a faster AVJ. Little did I know the biggest time save was from the earliest possible vile aggro and ultimately led to an 8 second improvement with ft03-23 after over 1500 attempts. Following this I crafted a way to be able to UV-Max this level despite the intended route being a straight forward AVJ exit. The UV-Max would require not only damaging the Vile enough from the HK to be able to kill him with a pistol, but also triggering enough retaliatory attacks from the vile at a distance greater than 1024 to be able to finish the hell knight after the vile is dead. Mission accomplished with one of my longest demos and a rare max in ft03m444.


-At the beginning of the year I found a cute little map set called 10m and went on to submit over a dozen demos for it. All of the maps were short and I had been looking for a movie run to do this year and ultimately settled on this one. Not a ton of tech in the run but I feel it is still pretty solid, and the last map does have an AVJ for a significant time save. After 2+ years in the community, my first ever movie run is 10 Monsters in 4:08


-Last run worth talking about in detail is d5da05m005 simply because of the absurdity of everything that happened. This is a very short map with a vile on one side of the room, a cyber on the other side next to the exit switch, and a bfg on a ledge that you can avj to. What happens in this run:

  • 0.54s target from the vile
  • AVJ and early weapon swap to get BFG out faster.
  • Max damage (800) BFG ball fired at vile (kills vile)
  • Get behind the cyber for first ball tracers to hit while simultaneously shooting second ball
  • Turn and press exit switch on same frame the second BFG tracers kill the cyber
It's a stupid nonsensical run, but unless you can TAS a way to get a faster vile target, I actually don't think there's a way to save a single tic on this.


-Honorable mentions for uniqueness: 1ff05p004, hf05p015, df03p015, ny03-021




Edited by Gosu_Noob

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264 IWAD records were set this year, here's all of them grouped by wad and category:



plus kuckkuck's e1m4 max from this year


And, very importantly, there was a lot of competition among the high-index Strollers:




For my personal picks there are a few runs in my spreadsheet that didn't make it to the Cacowards or those in shock's OP, so here's a really quick list of them


everything by kinetic (lv02, lv03, lv04, slall, av01, e1m2 maxes)

everything by mhrz (pl02, ev01 in every category, e2m1, lv32 max and fast, fl06 (!!!), nosp02, jf2 96 maxes)

4shock's TVR map 30 tyson and a few other map 30 tysons, very cool to have those filled

akolai's dotw 05, magnolia_uv 03 & ww4 d2all maxes, plus sc25t

almostmatt1's TASes all stood out, the only one in my sheet is junkfood map 18 NM-speed but they're all spectacular

gandorf's e3m8 uv-fast beat a hegyi record

coincident's sl30 uv-fast

dogmachine's long tysons, including ksutra 18 and scythe2 14

grumpycat's hr06 pacifist and waronxmas tyson d2all (!!!)

just like last year everything by kmc is good, but the ones in my list are lv27 nm-speed, prcp2 31 pacifist, scythe2 04 uv-max, sodfinal 30 pacifist, valiant 10 pacifist, vanguard 07 uv-max

kvo found a new void glide in vanguard map 10 which is cool, and they have been gliding all throughout the year as well

maribo has been quietly tablefilling a ton of interesting wads, also wrecked me on numerous occasions (jq2 comes to mind)

nightterror's jenesis 23 uv-max

niloqui's ev30 stroller tablefill

petya's stardate 20x6 map 01 tyson is awesome, also all the work he's put into wads like sodfinal - 32 when?

phoenix's pl2 32 max, very fast & aggressive

pleymo beat 2 sedlo runs on lv19 - pacifist and nm100s

bredd pulls off a good mix of challenging & optimised maxes, also dabbled in stroller and all kinds of fucked glides this year... btnx map 15 is the obvious magnum opus but he's been a joy to compete against in certain runs like jf2 06 max, drn 30 max, all our nosp maxes

ravendesk's jumpwad d2all

scuffed had a ton of good runs, e1m1 uv-fast was sick - e2m9 nm100s was very clean and beat a sedlo run

shepardus put out a really cool nomo run of xerxesia map 07

skogsto's av02 max

starduster is a legend, he did amazing poogers 27 & 28 maxes plus the sunlust uv-speed d2all

teedre beat the longest-standing doom2 uv-max record, map 14 in 1:42... the only pre-2011 max now is vile's lv11 max from 2003 (!!!)


and for my runs i don't know, lv16 in pacifist NM-speed and nomo were quite good results but very luck-dependent, i'm happy with my feckyoo.wad runs too, plus i recorded ~80 tic-optimal runs (they are all under a second long) in a day and gave our gracious archive maintainer a huge headache... thissuxx stroller sweep was a fun project too and some of those runs cost an unreasonable amount of time (looking at you, map 09)

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41 minutes ago, Billa said:

shepardus put out a really cool nomo run of xerxesia map 07

Which you beat in a couple hours with a zero press =P Glad you enjoyed the run though!


I haven't kept good tabs on the great demos you all recorded in 2023, but I particularly enjoyed ZM's NM100S D2Alls of TNT and Plutonia, and Tatsurd-Cacocaco's plethora of UV Fast demos.


I only did two demos last year that I consider noteworthy (i.e. spent more than a few minutes on), Xerxesia MAP07 NoMo as Billa mentioned and GOODWAD MAP04 max (which was surprisingly tough for me with the route I was doing, but I'm pleased with how it turned out).

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Posted (edited)

Well Billa and everyone else basically already mentioned every demo I'm about to so oh well. Too lazy to link demos or videos this year too.


Here's my notable demos from this past year, sorry for repeating what others have said already lol:


E1M1 UV-Max in 0:24 by @kuckkuck

Really significant UV-Max record to fall, this is pretty much the definition of a notable demo for a year. 2 seconds off of deprav's time is huge. 70k attempts in totality to knock it down to this time is pretty insane, and the luck needed turns the run effectively into an on-rails shooter. I know that first double kill up the stairs by the armor is the most frustrating part of the run, grinding a run with that at the start must be agonizing.


Scythe Map25 Tyson by @akolai

Like shock said, a good candidate for best tyson ever. I remember last year in fall of 2022 when I was looking for tysons to do, and saw this hole in the Scythe table, and when I opened the map I noped out of the run after 10 minutes. Akolai's spider punching is really a marvel, think he may be the first to be consistent at punching spiders that I'm aware of, but he really raised the bar here in terms of tyson challenges I think.


Eviternity Map19 Tyson in 1:50:59 and Kama Sutra Tyson in 1:49 by @j4rio

j4rio's return to tysoning is awesome to see. I was really impressed when akolai dropped his own evit19t, but for j4rio to come in and shave nearly an hour off of akolai's run out of nowhere before kicking off a string of tyson runs for the wad, it's just amazing to see. The ks02t in 1:49 is probably one of the most optimized non-meme map tysons ever. I watched petya grind ks02t in a discord stream for about a week during bingo in november, and he was trying to break brainfreeze's tyson of it in 2:02 at the time. and in watching him play it didn't really look like he was making any obvious errors yet he wasn't catching up to brainfreeze's time. Really outstanding that the OG tyson legend comes out of hibernation to knock off even more seconds off this run.


Sunlust D2All UV-Speed in 1:18:40 by @Starduster

Wow what a run. E1 has 5 avjs to do to skip 4 maps (m7 has 2 avjs), and the Map05 one is a bit of a pain in the ass; a forward avj through a narrow gap. From then on, it's a lot of glides that feature themselves in the run, including Map11, Map21, Map22, Map25, Map27, Map29, and Map30, and I probably missed a map or 2 as well. A couple of them are unguided glides, like Map22's exit. In Map25 star found a super cool trick for skipping the L-stairs fight, where he performs a unique wobble jump onto the short wall barricading the player in to the fight. The glides in Map30 take some huge gusto to do so late into the run on damaging floor...they are guided glides, but they were real butt clenchers watching him perform them in real time during the winning run. Avjs also make a return in Map30 to skip the end, which were sweet to watch but also butt clenchers. Map18, like in my run, was also a pants-pissing map in the run to see when star got to that point. Bunch of cool skips and tricks sprinkled throughout the run, and star performed extremely well in the run, and his consistency in the earlier maps got so much better so quickly. Great demo, really fun to watch, and honestly Sunlust deserved an any% run of it.


Sunder Map01 UV-Max in 2:18 and Doom II Map04 UV-Max in 0:48 by @mhrz

Of course mhrz posts a run that beats a demo by 3 seconds a mere 2 days after I praise the previous demo. That run is down to an infight luckfest thanks to him and blue cultist, and mhrz reiterates himself as the undeniable King of Map01 Maxes. For lv04, well, his demo essentially made me question what I was doing with life, and made me take a break from the game for over a week. His alternative beginning routing for the map is a great idea, and it's so great that it's actually horrible, and makes the beginning of the map even worse to play than the route I had been using, and about a second faster with at bare minimum 25% of the consistency as my routing (ripped from brooke of course). I think it can be taken down to 47 and maybe 45...it may only be possible by turning on the lights.


I also thought his ev01m and pl02m demos were great as well.


Flotsam Map06 UV-Max in 4:55 and Dance on the Water Map01 UV-Max in 24:31 by @mhrz

More mhrz! Just remembered he also did these. Flotsam Map06 I really thought couldn't receive any new routing after it got widdled down to the low 5s, but mhrz once again cooks a route to destroy what was the record at the time. A sick avj from the secret area to the central tower is a genius idea, and it's super cool to see this map pushed under 5 minutes. As for dotw01m...someone finally did it! And it was him, which was actually unexpected, not sure why he did it.


Noye UV-Speed D2all in 4:32:31 by @Meowgi

Map25 stood out as being the biggest chokepoint in the run, and I can't believe someone was crazy enough to attempt a run like this with a moment like that relatively deep in the run. Map29 or whatever the cyber friend map is was also a crazy map to see so deep in the run, those cybers are like being surrounded by bees in a beekeeper suit. Or being in a bullet proof vest while people shoot at you with BB guns. Or standing on top of a glass bridge over the grand canyon.


Jacek's Cyber 2-shot Map 100% kills by @Ancalagon

This isn't an official DSDA demo, but an impressive feat of 2-shotting 1225 cybers consecutively. Probably the most ancalagon thing I've ever seen.

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So many great demos, many of which I saw but can't remember because I'm bad with map names and player names.


Some that I can remember:

-Kinetic's sub 3 hour Sunlust D2All was overall the best demo I saw

-Scythe 2 episode 1 pacifist by megasphere308. Full episode when?

-Zero Master's E1M8 100%

-kuckuck Doom 1 demos

-all IWAD stroller records!

-about all the Tyson records, especially the film length runs of total concentration

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My memory is as bad as ever, but there are a couple of runs i can think of that happened this (well, last) year and haven't really been mentioned yet (otherwise i would definitely mention both sunlust d2alls, sc25t, noye d2all and other huge stuff).


GOODWAD MAP01 UV-Speed in 1:03.60 by @dolanmolan (demo)

Sick scroller run, very clean, sr40 all the way from start to finish. Curious if sub 01 is possible with pure sr50, but that sounds like ass to run (not bait).


Scythe 2 MAP32 Tyson in 1:07:21.80 by @Dogmachine (demo)

Very cool monster manipulation run. A ton of monster pathing abuse + a good amount of silly infighting spots and also a very good test of patience.


And i guess this is not really a single demo, but @j4rio tablefilled almost entire Tyson table for eviternity within just couple of weeks, including some maps that i thought that were impossible, though i guess it's just a skill issue on my side. The two maps that are left though are probably way too much pain in the ass to fill, so my best guess that it's not something that will be seen soon.


It's not a lot of demos that i could think of, but all other stuff was pretty much mentioned already.


Personal pick:


Ancient Aliens MAP15 Tyson in 45:49.63 (demo)

I thought it was 2022, but seems like it wasn't lmao. Good run, had a lot of fun just running around with the pistol watching dudes infight with occasional pew or punch. There is something really fun to me when the map sort of "defuses" itself, and this is just the best example of that.


Overall though, i feel like i've done less good demos (and well, i did less demos overall) compared to 2022, maybe it's time to switch category of choice to -respawn or something like that :D


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Better late than never.  2023 was a really solid year for Doom speedruns, so I'm sure I forgot many incredible demos.  I'll try to avoid repeating any that have already been said.


Various MAP30 Archvile spawn RNG manipulation runs by @4shockblast
It is rare to see this level of manipulation done outside of TAS, so it was cool to see 4shock knock all these out in a short amount of time.  

Alien Vendetta MAP30 Tyson in 1:11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWevFMYLs-Q
Alien Vendetta MAP30 UV-Max in 0:51 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/av?level=Map+30
TVR! MAP30 Tyson in 0:39 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tvr?level=Map+30
TVR! MAP30 Pacifist in 0:33 https://dsdarchive.com/wads/tvr?level=Map+30

Alien Vendetta MAP29 UV-Max in 4:05 by @Kinetic
Classic run which has seen maxes from the likes of Radek Pecka, TimeOfDeath, Tatsurd-cacocaco, and Looper.  Also Kinetic somehow did this one on the side during the Bingo Competition?


4Kvo UV-Speed D2ALL TAS in 1:01 by @almostmatt1 104 glides (and a bunch of other tricks too) done in just over a minute.  Very satisfying and entertaining watch.

Valiant MAP14 Pacifist in 4:04 by @Terrarienn
Probably the hardest Valiant map to do on pacifist due to the claustrophobic kamikaze encounter at the end, which occurs after 2+ minutes of RNG bullshit with hitscanners, barrels, and cl11 infighting.  Thanks to Terrarienn getting this I had to do MAP10 😡

4Kvo MAP10 UV-Speed in 1:58 by @Bredd
Just as easily could have picked 4Kvo MAP17 here (or btnx 15 which was already mentioned), Bredd apparently went on a gliding rampage after Bingo week.


Cydonia MAP05 NoMo in 0:37 by @kvothesixstring
Super long rocket death slide that seems like it shouldn't be possible (extra distance due to not losing momentum while sliding on the edge of the exit platform, but even then).  I believe Kvo even went on to do this trick in a still unreleased movie run.

Personal Picks:

Speed of Doom MAP30 Pacifist in 2:38
Bucket list trick of mine to finish an icon map with an out of bounds clipping monster projectile.  Bonus points for the projectile wrapping around the whole map.

Killing Adventure MAP30 UV-Max in 1:22
Silly demo, but for a while I didn't think max was possible.  Turns out you just need a healthy dose of RNG.

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