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About tinotormed

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  1. Because I might get busy over the holidays, may as well post it today. Junkfood Nightmare! 100% Secrets Map21 junk21n0009.zip Slaughterfest 2011 UV-Fast Map06 sf1106f1212.zip Map10 sf1110f1418.zip (So freakin' hard... :P ) EDIT: Added one more demo for the week because I felt am going to have a great Christmas. 3 Heures D'Agonie 2 UV-Fast Map31 3h231f2456.zip
  2. More UV-Fast runs for the week :) Slaughterfest 2012 Map 11 sf1211f1900.zip Map 12 sf1212f1507.zip Phmlspd Map 03 ph03f1232.zip Tom19 Map 01 to01f0340.zip Map 10 to10f1212.zip
  3. Slaughterfest 2011 UV-Fast Map 08 sf1108f2737.zip Map 15 sf1115f2602.zip Map 17 sf1117f1644.zip
  4. updated with the new names. thankfully the android app 'RAR' gives you the ability to rename the files inside as well as the zip file.
  5. Machete Map30 UV-Max mach300935.zip Slaughterfest 3 Map05 UV-Fast sf3f053547.zip Survive in Hell Map12 UV-Fast sif120355.zip Map25 UV-Fast sif250123.zip Map30 UV-Fast sif301712.zip Map32 UV-Fast sif321403.zip
  6. tinotormed

    Nostalgia 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    I don't play much due to work on other stuff right now so 'Other' works for me.
  7. tinotormed

    Nostalgia 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Nostalgia 2 MAP 01-32 UV-Max n2010109.zip n2020138.zip n2030212.zip n2040323.zip n2050215.zip n2060424.zip n2070246.zip n2080251.zip n2090702.zip n2100524.zip n2110816.zip n2120600.zip n2130608.zip n2140639.zip n2150758.zip n2310315.zip n2320318.zip n2160455.zip n2170645.zip n2180827.zip n2191012.zip n2200928.zip n2210451.zip n2220549.zip n2230711.zip n2240734.zip n2250750.zip n2260504.zip n2270544.zip n2280822.zip n2290617.zip n2300037.zip
  8. Enjoyed this mapset a lot to the point I have made the demos for each map. All of them on UV-Max with no deaths, saves and loads, and pistol starts. Will be uploading all of them at Personal Best demo thread soon. 😊✌️
  9. Speed of Doom MAP28: so285348.zip Plutonia MAP31 & 32: pf311216.zip pf321747.zip
  10. Uploading my first two casual 100% UV-Max completions of Speed of Doom MAP32 and Alien Vendetta MAP32. av321821.zip so322804.zip
  11. Reattempted with a better time and to comply with the rules. wtff1728.zip
  12. Happy 29th Anniversary to DOOM II! Tried WTF-PNSH.WAD and it felt so good playing a Casali wad, so I made a twist of playing this one on fast monsters which made the starting area so crazy with hitscan frenzy. wtpn2230.zip Video will be up at some point during the 30th Anniversary of DOOM though will be commentated.
  13. tinotormed

    Knee Deep in KDiZD demos [-complevel 2]

    After thinking about this for a while, here goes nothing... Knee-Deep in Knee-Deep in ZDoom Fast monsters Each map is already placed in a single file with a text file comment on each of them. Map 13 (Z1M1) - 07:11.91 Map 14 (Z1M2) - 13:09.37 Map 15 (Z1M3) - 34:12.06 Map 16 (Z1M4) - 43:58.51 Map 17 (Z1M5) - 29:55.31 Map 18 (Z1M6) - 26:39.86 Map 19 (Z1M7) - 31:49.03 Map 20 (Z1M8) - 28:55.34 (288/309, or roughly 93% possible kills) Map 31 (Z1M9) - 18:27.83 PWAD: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/kdikdizd kf.zip
  14. Declaring my comeback into the demo scene with Valiant Map 26 on UV-Fast. :) vf261637.zip
  15. tinotormed

    TNT Revilution: Final release now on ID Games!

    Hey peeps! It seemed that the original composer for TNT: Evilution just saw me today! :) This is on Bucket's own TiN Toker btw, which is a remix of the original MAP08 of Evilution.