Speed Demo Submissions Latest Topicshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/37-speed-demo-submissions/Speed Demo Submissions Latest TopicsenNostalgia 2 Demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141012-nostalgia-2-demos-complevel-2/ The sequel to a wad that was so good, it'll make your head pop off.

idgames link

dsda link when its there

aka nost2 // nost2.wad


starting with a map01 max in 57 seconds. https://youtu.be/jy3ZBy6un3Q


141012Sun, 22 Oct 2023 13:19:19 +0000
Setting up LibTAS with GZDoom.https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142901-setting-up-libtas-with-gzdoom/ I thought it would be cool to play around with LibTAS and GZDoom and find some neat things I could make but I can not get the two to work.


I tried running WSL2 with Windows 11. Could not get any video. I tried installing PopOS and and a few other distros with VirtualBox and still no video. Decided to put PopOS on the bare metal and try. Still not having much luck. I was told this on Discord "you dont even need any special source code modifications for it to work in libTAS anymore, just add the `-nofork` CLI argument and it works in 2.2.13+ now"  I was getting the console rendered at least but now I am getting 0 video. I was thinking maybe it was a video driver? I am using a 3050 on a laptop (on linux too). I really feel like I am forgetting something or I am not educated enough on Linux usage.

I have been a Windows person most of my life, but I am trying to learn Linux (I got about a year experience off and on). So I am really trying to figure out what I am doing wrong here. I know I probably could just post in their Discord some more, but I also wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with LibTAS and if they had any demos they could show off while they were here at least.

142901Sat, 20 Jan 2024 08:54:19 +0000
MBOS demos [-complevel 21]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/132456-mbos-demos-complevel-21/ DSDA page

aka Medi's Box of Shit // mbos.wad


MBOS is a 2022 NaNoWADMo mapset by Master Medi with short, but very creative maps.


Suggested demo prefix: mbos.


Idgames link


One demo to start the thread:


Map 04 UV-Pacifist in 0:04.40

zip: mbos04p00440.zip

video: https://youtu.be/tD871h_dBJ0


132456Mon, 14 Nov 2022 17:48:43 +0000
Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/41850-community-chest-series-demos-complevel-9/ Community Chest aka cc // cchest

Community Chest 2 aka cc2 // cchest2

Community Chest 3 aka cc3 // cchest3

Community Chest 4 aka cc4 // cchest 4


Now that Community Chest 3 has been released, here is a demo topic dedicated to the series. Post demos for any CC installment here! I'll start off with two demos for the secret level in CC2:

c231-TGH - UV speed demos for Community Chest 2 (CCHEST2.WAD) MAP31: Idée Fixe by Sarge Baldy, including:

  • c231-028 - normal exit in 0:28
  • c231s025 - secret exit in 0:25

Let's get recording, shall we?

old Grazza notes:


Note to all by Grazza: When recording on Cchest3, please record in Boom-compatible format, as this is what the wad requires, and it means that the demo will play back with more exes. It also provides a level playing-field. To do so, you can use prboom-plus with -complevel 9 in your command-line. And please use a current version, as bugs in Boom compat have been fixed. Alternatively, you can use the original Boom 2.02 or its Windows port Prboom 2.02.

Note2 to all by Grazza: Also, be sure to use the version of the wad dated 26-Nov-2007.


41850Thu, 29 Nov 2007 04:11:45 +0000
Not Even Remotely Fair demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142824-not-even-remotely-fair-demos-complevel-2/ Not Even Remotely Fair (NERF) is a limit-removing complevel 2 Doom2 megawad made to be played on Nightmare difficulty.

Link: idgames


NERF maps are designed around getting 100% items as an additional challenge to NM100S. Items are deliberately placed to support that.

If you are going for NM100S with all items, please add "100% items" comment to your demo and this comment will be present on the archive (the run will still be under NM100S category).


Suggested demo prefix - nerf.


Some demos to get things going:

Map 01 NM100S in 0:25.46 (also 100% items)

zip: nerf01s02546.zip

video: https://youtu.be/PBNJuhjVbpA


Map 02 NM100S in 0:29.63 (also 100% items)

zip: nerf02s02963.zip

video: https://youtu.be/RA4b1FlnmO0


Map 03 NM100S in 1:50.39 (also 100% items)

zip: nerf03s15049.zip

video: https://youtu.be/xOAPwVU8eTA


Map 04 NM100S in 2:41.83 (also 100% items)

zip: nerf04s24183.zip

video: https://youtu.be/6kYSmRousnM


Map 05 NM100S in 1:30.86 (also 100% items)

zip: nerf05s13086.zip

video: https://youtu.be/YXRPjhxBkak

142824Tue, 16 Jan 2024 18:02:00 +0000
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141120-miscellaneous-demos-part-5/ Welcome to the Miscellaneous Demos thread!

This thread is the place to post your demos on maps and wads that haven't so far attracted a great deal of attention from the demos community.

If your demo fits into a pre-existing thread, then it is better to post it there. Megawads and episodes, for example, usually get their own threads.

Note also that this thread is for unassisted (non-TAS) demos. There is also a thread in this forum for Miscellaneous TAS demos.

If you're looking for older miscellaneous demos, check out part 1, part 2, part 3 or part 4 of this multi-thread.

141120Fri, 27 Oct 2023 22:28:52 +0000
Zone 300 demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/65776-zone-300-demos-complevel-2/ DSDA page

aka zone300


Doomworld thread - http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/65679-zone-300-new-32-level-vanilla-compatible-megawad-released-300-linedefs/
Link - http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=17362
map01 UV-Max in 0:55


65776Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:14:43 +0000
Sepia Demos [-complevel 21]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/135428-sepia-demos-complevel-21/ DSDA page


now on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sepia

dsda link forthcoming


here's a quick* map01 tyson to start it off https://youtu.be/yw07qOSySDA


135428Sun, 30 Apr 2023 12:37:39 +0000
Down the Drain Demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/126308-down-the-drain-demos-complevel-2/ DSDA page

aka drn // drn.wad




Naming Convention: drnxx-yyyy


Very casual 1st exit max to get the thread started. :^)

Map 01 UV-Max in 3:52.


126308Wed, 15 Dec 2021 04:38:56 +0000
Flesharmonic demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142666-flesharmonic-demos-complevel-2/ DSDA page

aka fhc // fhc.wad


Map 02 Nightmare Speed 100% Secret in 2min11




142666Sun, 07 Jan 2024 16:42:44 +0000
TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/73574-tas-tool-assisted-demos-part-2/Welcome to the TAS Demos thread: part 2!

This thread is the place to post all your TAS demos, or at least the ones you don't wish to put in their own separate threads. DO NOT post TAS demos into regular threads, the local custom expects regular and TAS'd demos separated.

Please do note that TAS demos in general are expected to meet certain (not meticulously specified) quality criteria. Sub-par contributions might get filtered into separate "learning" threads to maintain the standard expected of Doom tool-assisted demos.

Do not be afraid to post here, however. It is the best place to get hints on improving yourself and learn understanding the general TASing etiquette. Simply said, there's no better place to learn why you suck at TAS!

If you're looking for earlier TAS demos, check out part 1 of this multi-thread.

73574Sun, 05 Jul 2015 01:46:41 +0000
Personal Best Demo Thread (pt. 2) ← POST YOUR NON-WRs HEREhttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/126955-personal-best-demo-thread-pt-2-%E2%86%90-post-your-non-wrs-here/ This thread is dedicated for all you speedrunners who wish to share your personal improvements with the world, but the runs aren't world record beaters just yet. Post all your non-WR PBs here, for all IWADs and PWADs!


Posts from this thread do get collected by DSDA, however it may happen at a slower pace, since there's usually a deluge of them. Please be patient if you don't see your PBs in the archive in a recent archive update.


Sidenote: This is a part 2 of the original thread, which may or may not be broken forever, possibly by too many attachments for the Invision software to handle. Fixing it is apparently quite a conundrum, which is why it's still down as I'm writing this.

126955Thu, 20 Jan 2022 16:58:11 +0000
Ancient Aliens proofs [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/89728-ancient-aliens-proofs-complevel-9/ DSDA page aka aaliens // aaliens.wad


Post your proofs of Ancient Aliens here. It is a Boom-compatible conspiracy by skillsaw & his Illuminati cronies.

Complevel 9 in prboom-plus should be enough to prove NASA faked the moon landing.


starting things off - love this WAD :D

map01 uv-max 1:32


89728Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:41:42 +0000
dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141111-dsda-doom-v0275-2023-12-03/ dsda-doom v0.27


This update brings UDMF support out of beta with an official dsda UDMF namespace, adds MAPINFO support, and fixes a ton of bugs. Other highlights include a smooth light fade option for opengl (from bkoropoff), improvements to the build mode, and ambient sound support. Ambient sound works retroactively: check out Containment Area, which now has beeping computers and audible conveyor belts. MAPINFO does not work retroactively, as the implementation is more strict and less comprehensive in dsda-doom. If you'd like to use it in your wad, add a DSDAPREF plain text lump with the line use_mapinfo.


UDB Support

Thanks to a ton of work by @boris, UDB now includes an updated and streamlined dsda-doom udmf config. Update to the latest version to give it a spin.



I've decided to fill in some gaps in udmf and mapinfo in order to streamline cumbersome boom features and make life easier for mappers. Some of these features are likely to be adopted by other ports, depending on whether or not they are relevant. The basic idea was "if you need a line special to create a static sector feature, just make that a sector property". This includes scrolling, friction, thrust, colormaps, and skies.


New MAPINFO Properties

  • Added Passover and NoPassover map flags to disable or enable finite height (default is NoPassover)
  • Added Colormap map property to set the default colormap (i.e., you can now cover an underwater map in mapinfo without messing with any sectors!)


New UDMF Properties

  • Added wall texture scrolling properties
    • Split by overall, top, mid, and bottom
  • Added sector scrolling properties
    • Split by floor and ceiling
    • Separate flags for texture, static objects, players, and monsters
  • Added sector thrust properties
    • Separate flags for static objects, players, monsters, projectiles, and WINDTHRUST-flagged actors
    • Separate location flags for affecting the ground, ceiling, or air
  • Added sector sky properties
    • Split by floor and ceiling (you can have separate skies in one sector now)
  • Added sector friction properties
  • Added colormap streamlining
    • Colormap as a sector property (you can set it directly like you would set the floor or ceiling texture)
    • Map_SetColormap special action (change default colormap, still overridden by sector-defined colormaps)
    • Sector_SetColormap special action (change colormap by sector tag)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash caused by an off-by-one error in the sprite count

  • Fixed a crash caused by zero-length ledge linedefs in cl11+

  • Fixed backspace from skill selection showing the episode menu when there is only one episode (e.g., in kdikdizd)

  • Fixed nightmare skill warning showing up for heretic / hexen skill 5

  • Fixed issue with reversing build mode in cl7-9

  • Fixed issue with combining manual key frames with build mode reverse in vanilla complevels

  • Fixed rare crash in line of sight check

  • Fixed various features not working in solo-net mode (next map key, -pistolstart, etc)

  • Fixed opengl not respecting the screen multiply setting (bkoropoff)

  • Fixed some brute force conditions getting ignored depending on the order

  • Fixed some brute force targets displaying a value in the message when there is none

  • Fixed trackers not resetting properly when loading a previous state

  • Fixed player damage tracking reporting the wrong value sometimes when rewinding

  • Fixed an issue that would cause graphical oddities and / or crashes for some players

  • Fixed a crash caused by repeat uses of brute force

  • Fixed mouse buffering while the mouse is disabled

  • Fixed big health / armor exhud components not using the text color config

  • Fixed ammo components not coloring by the ammo percent config

  • Fixed a crash occurring in maps with inconsistent nodes

  • Fixed an automap freeze when dying while using the minimap

  • Fixed position in level table resetting when reopening it

  • Fixed a crash when using the quartz flask hotkey on the title screen

  • Fixed the ammo_text component having the wrong order under alternate alignment

  • Fixed a broken hack related to software midtex clipping

  • Fixed a crash when using -time_use without the associated component

  • Fixed negative coordinate rounding in the console

  • Fixed custom colormaps combined with invulnerability yielding the wrong colormap in opengl

  • Fixed alt-tab causing the wrong palette to appear under certain conditions

  • Fixed reload on use while dead carrying a command over

  • Fixed displayplayer in coop demo playback


Check out the full patch notes here.


Thanks to @ZeroMaster010 for comprehensive regression testing to ensure demo syncing.


Thanks to @almostmatt1 and @RockyGaming4725 for testing and feedback on the build mode improvements.


Thanks to @Bytefyre, @GarrettChan, @Maribo, @Master Medi, @Meowgi, @Ravendesk, @Spendoragon, and @Napsalm for beta testing and feedback.


Thanks to @Xaser, @Graf Zahl, and @Major Arlene for various degrees of feedback on the extras above.


Download the latest release here. This release is incompatible with past save files.

141111Fri, 27 Oct 2023 11:56:12 +0000
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks mapshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/86724-demos-for-miscellaneous-ribbiks-maps/A thread for all those small-scale Ribbiks mapsets like Stardate, Swim with the Whales, Crumpets and so on!
The implied complevel is 9 (Boom-compatible), but make sure and check the textfile!

Stardate 20X6 - thread - idgames
Swim With The Whales - thread - idgames
Crumpets - thread - idgames
Jq2 - thread
Stardate 20X7 - thread
Nefertiti - thread
Pepper - thread - idgames


crumpets.wad uv-max demos

map01 in 0:02
map02 in 2:24
map03 in 1:47
map04 in 2:50
map05 in 2:58
map06 in 4:27
map07 in 4:02
map08 in 5:44
map09 in 4:28


86724Sun, 31 May 2015 15:45:55 +0000
NoSp demos [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/131085-nosp-demos-complevel-9/ DSDA page


NoSp (some speedmaps I made for nanowadmo)


Map04 UV Max in 2:12 NoSp04-212.zip

Map05 UV Max in 1:08 NoSp05-108.zip

Map07 UV Max in 3:38 NoSp07-338.zip

Map21 UV Max in 1:21 NoSp21-121.zip

Map22 UV Max in 1:41 NoSp22-141.zip

Map23 UV Max in 1:32 NoSp23-132.zip

Map26 UV Max in 2:51 NoSp26-251.zip

Map28 UV Max in 3:42 NoSp28-342.zip

Map29 UV Max in 13:32 NoSp29-1332.zip

Map30 UV Max in 9:44 NoSp30-944.zip


131085Fri, 03 Jan 2020 02:10:47 +0000
Hell Revealations Demopack (Open Demo Submissions)https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142601-hell-revealations-demopack-open-demo-submissions/ logo.png

------------------------- DEMOPACK -------------------------




It wouldn’t be a Hell Revealed project without a demopack!


Now that Hell Revealations is final and demo-compatible, I figured why not host a demo recording event as per HR tradition!

Hell Revealations includes two WADs: The main 33 map wad (HRs.wad) and a bonus 11 map wad (HRsBonus.wad).


The /idgames release is now up-to-date!

Download HRs


Here's some simple rules:

  • Please only use the latest HRs.wad and HRsBonus.wad
  • Record demos using Complevel 2.
  • Use a UMAPINFO compatible port (DSDA Doom, Woof) if recording D2ALL for HRsBonus.wad
  • Please use the prefix hrs or hrsb (depending on WAD)
  • Acceptable categories included in the spreadsheet, TASes as well!
  • Please post records only. (Non-records will be compiled into a separate pack)


We will be uploading demos to this thread. I will be updating the sheet whenever I check whether the demos are valid. Please include what category your demo is for.
The goal is to continue accepting demos until the entire UV-Max list is filled up. After that, we may wait a while til we get some better records or other demos.


Here is the spreadsheet of current submitted demos (HRs.wad and HRsBonus.wad in separate tabs):


Here are some NOMO help demos that show 100% secrets and some extra non-secret secrets for all maps:


Also NOMO help demos are now on YouTube:




Also this is my first time managing a demopack, so please be kind :)

142601Thu, 04 Jan 2024 19:51:45 +0000
Jenesis demos [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/54395-jenesis-demos-complevel-9/ DSDA page


This is a demo thread for Jenesis, Pt. 1: "Descent" and upcoming sequels.


Jenesis, Part 1 MAP01 UV-Max in 5:20


54395Thu, 17 Feb 2011 17:17:40 +0000
2022: A Doom Odyssey demos [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/132358-2022-a-doom-odyssey-demos-complevel-9/ DSDA page aka 2022ado // 2022 ado


2022 A Doom Odyssey e1m1 nm100s in 00:49

                                  e1m2 nm100s in 01:49



132358Sat, 05 Nov 2022 20:51:07 +0000
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/55558-final-doom-demos-complevel-4/ TNT: Evilution DSDA Page

The Plutonia Experiment DSDA Page


old mod edit:


[MOD EDIT: Post Plutonia and Evilution (TNT) demos (-complevel 4 recommended) here unless they are vanilla demos for Compet~n.]

I got this demo a few days ago.

It's a full plutonia max run with the exception of one secret missed in map28. So I am not going to upload this to the compet-n unless they accept it as a 27pl ??

I dont think anybody worked on that before so here is my best attempt.


note : this is the 1st time I reached map32 in a run and I was very happy to finish it w/o much troubles :) The remaining maps are done very slow ... next time I'll try to speed things up.

note2 : I heard Dashiva is going to work on a TNT max run. I wish him good luck... would be nice to finally get these runs done. How about a Plutonia -fast run ? :)))

55558Sun, 20 Feb 2005 09:39:57 +0000
Zone 400 demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/123590-zone-400-demos-complevel-2/ DSDA page

aka zone400


Here ye, here ye, pcorf has blessed us with another wad. Post your demos here. File code z4. This wad is vanilla: complevel 2, crispy, etc.


Zone 400


Map 01 UV Speed in 0:32


123590Thu, 29 Jul 2021 23:51:00 +0000
Fruit Salad demos [-complevel 9]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129330-fruit-salad-demos-complevel-9/ DSDA page


Fruit Salad UV-Maxes (and a pacifist run). If it matters, I couldn't record with the wad's original filename "Fruit Salad.wad" because of the space, so I renamed it "FruitSalad.wad".









129330Sat, 16 Jan 2021 07:42:48 +0000
Cleimos and Cleimos 2 demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/128875-cleimos-and-cleimos-2-demos-complevel-2/ Cleimos

Cleimos 2


I recorded a Cleimos II (cleim20) demopack (17 UV Max demos, 1 UV Speed demo). This may belong to the category of "recording demos on excellent old WADs which suffer from little demo activity" (cleim20 is from 1995), but also may prove Qaatar's point that I tend to choose certain kind of maps ("Maybe one of the more hardcore masochists on this forum would like to give it a shot? Vdgg seems like a prime candidate" -> about Jade Earth). Still, I skipped some maps, because they were no fun to record even for me :)


128875Tue, 11 Jan 2011 12:41:16 +0000
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/55560-ultimate-doom-demos-complevel-3/ DSDA page


old mod edit:


[MOD EDIT: Post demos on the Ultimate Doom iwad here (-complevel 3 recommended) unless they are for Compet~n.]


Nothing really special... I've done another nightmare! run of Doom - first episode, this time in 9:51. I know, this has been done several times, but it doesn't matter.

55560Mon, 14 Apr 2008 16:10:49 +0000
This SUXX demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/119367-this-suxx-demos-complevel-2/ I have a lot of runs still planned for this, so I guess may as well have a thread, especially given the recent activity for this wad.



aka thissuxx // thissuxx.wad


Start off with a couple second barrier improvements over times I got beaten on by tics:

Map 03 UV-Max in 0:04.74.

Map 31 Stroller in 0:04.97. (secret exit)



119367Mon, 25 Jan 2021 00:00:27 +0000
Chex Quest: The Penultimate Breakfast demos [-complevel 3]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142447-chex-quest-the-penultimate-breakfast-demos-complevel-3/ the biggest chex adventure yet, with plenty of sporks.



e1m1 tyson 1:28 https://youtu.be/cbxB9gkjgho tpb1-1t128.zip

142447Thu, 28 Dec 2023 14:56:50 +0000
Kama Sutra demos [-complevel 2]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/36365-kama-sutra-demos-complevel-2/ DSDA page

aka ksutra // ksutra.wad


Post Kama Sutra demos here [vanilla or -complevel 2 recommended].

The original demo pack thread can be found here.


I did a speedrun on "Kama Sutra".

Map 8, in 0:08.
I'll try for 0:07 later (which should be the best I can do).

First demo to beat a UV speed entry in the KS demopack... ;-)

36365Thu, 10 Nov 2005 22:56:25 +0000
Eviternity demos [-complevel 11]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/104592-eviternity-demos-complevel-11/ DSDA page


Since Eviternity is now on its final release I thought it would fun to start a demo thread for it :)


Map01 No Monster in 0:30

Map01 UVSpeed in 0:34


104592Mon, 11 Feb 2019 19:27:46 +0000
Grindfest demos [-complevel 21]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/137487-grindfest-demos-complevel-21/ Post your Grindfest demos here.

Naming convention gfxx-yyyy

idgames link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/grindfest


Map 01 UV-Max in 4:15

Map 02 UV-Max in 5:45

Map 03 UV-Max in 6:10

Map 04 UV-Max in 5:14

Map 05 UV-Max in 7:32

Map 06 UV-Max in 4:15







137487Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:21:13 +0000
Notable 2023 demoshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142548-notable-2023-demos/ Another year of demo insanity and another most demos in a year record broken. Not broken as much as last year, and we haven't crossed the 15000 demos threshold needed to extend the stats graph on DSDA, but we sure got close. :^) At 14,243, that puts us at a ridiculous average of 39 demos per day, and that's without any demo months (except December), though I think the overall pace slowed down later into the year. Overall, 36% of all demos on DSDA were recorded between 2021 and 2023, which is nuts I think. :) Anyway, time to cover some other notable achievements of the year:

  • The new most demos in a year record goes to @Andrea Rovenski, with 1,352 demos in 2023 (@Bdubzzz ended up at 1,107 in 2022). Andrea was also the winner of the sole demo month this year, so congrats on that. Have to of course mention @Human Being's valiant effort; 1,289 demos in what is so far the only year he has recorded any demos in, a feat of stamina at the very least. :)
  • Alongside the single demo month mentioned above, we had one new demo pack for Tetanus, was even packed in on idgames with the release of the WAD itself :). A few additional cool events to mention:
    • D5DA3 team competition, organized by @Ravendesk, which was a flurry of hundreds of demos recorded over the span of just one weekend (a full 297 table slots filled during the comp), which was also the first introduction of the bingo concept that's been floating around for demo competitions. Winner was resoundingly the Pacifist Gamblers team, guess that solidifies whether UV-Max or Pacifist is the better category once and for all. :^)
    • The first Bingo competition in @Meowgi's Discord, which was far more focused than the usual competitions we've had, featuring only 24 competitive runs of decent challenge; in that span, almost all the runs had the existing records on DSDA beaten, and a lot of fun mini-wars happened. mhrzenaries ended up as the competition winners, if you can even call it a competition with the state of that final board. ;)
    • Must not forget the Tambourine Tangerine UV-Max competition, won by @mhrz in a very crowded field of


    • The Haste and Italo-Doom segmented runs (Haste thread, Italo thread) organized by @mhrz deserve a mention as well; the first segmented runs of this kind since Doom Done Quick, I think (though that wasn't exactly a demo either). Looking forward to seeing/participating in more of these.
    • FDCs returned for a one-time competition in 2023, first one since 2018.
  • Roughly 100 new players for DSDA (beginning of 2023 reference).


As with last year, Vile provided a good set of highlights already in the 2023 Cacowards. Here's some additional personal picks (with some help from @Billa's compiling sheet).

  • Ancient Aliens Map 09 2P co-op Nomo in 0:25.89 (demo, video) by @kmc and @kvothesixstring. Have to mention this one, very creative finding and possibly the only example of a voodoo doll death slide like this.
  • Doom E3M1 UV-Max in 0:59 by @mhrz (demo). The first sub-1 on this infight/damage RNG diceroll map is really cool, even though it's sad that @kimo_xvirus's first demo in years had to be annihilated like that. mhrz has no chill. :^)
  • Doom II: Hell on Earth Map 21 Stroller in 0:34.00 by @Pleymo (demo, video). If you've ever tried strolling through this map on the pacifist route, you'll know why this deserves to be listed, despite the somewhat sad final time. You need some crazy luck to get through the chaingunners this way.
  • H2H-XMas Map 13 Nomo in 0:04.97 by @aconfusedhuman (demo, video). Only listing this because H2H and @aconfusedhuman please run more Doom. Oh, yeah, also good to see an optimal time for this category of course. :^)
  • Italo-Doom Map 01 UV-Speed in 0:20 by @El Juancho (demo, video). Huge luck to get a double AVJ this quickly. Made for a great start to the UV-Speed segmented D2ALL.
  • Judgment Map 17 Pacifist in 4:49 by @Terrarienn (demo). Terrarienn continuing his pacifist onslaught with one simple strategy: just walk through the monsters, lol. Really impressive to be able to get through the start of this map at all, and given that you're not even out of the waters after and that this completes the table definitely means this demo deserves a spot in this thread.
  • NoYe D2ALL in 4:32:31 by @Meowgi (demo, video). This is already listed in the Cacowards, but this is Noye, so I have to list it again. Being there live for this run was incredible ngl. As the demo compilation spreadsheet puts it, finally after all these years a good demo. :^)
  • Poogers Map 15 UV-Speed secret exit in 1:18:36 by @djnr (demo, video). I already mentioned this demo in the winter month and gave it extra points, but it really deserves additional spotlight. This is a really hard and intricate map requiring lots of different skillsets and thought to get all the way through, so any exit here is super impressive. Still really hopeful that there's some breakthroughs that make max a viable target in the future. :D
  • Scythe Map 17 UV-Max in 1:53 by @kmc (demo). Not the flashiest or most optimized run ever by any means, but it is just really nice to finally see this 2 minute barrier broken. It was on the table ever since @j4rio's time was on the table in 2013, so it's good to see someone finally put in the work for it. :)
  • Scythe Map 25 Tyson in 21:01 by @akolai (demo, video). Insanely hard map for Tyson. Good candidate for best Tyson run ever made IMO, this map is a real test of skill for punching some of the hardest melee monsters in the game, and you don't even get armor for some leeway on the damage you can take. Just one map in the table left to fill, how bad could it be? :^)
  • Final Doom: TNT Evilution Map 17 UV-Max by @Kinetic (demo). Slick run from Doom master boss of maxing, sub-2 here was always inching closer and closer but seemed quite far from previous times, but of course it's Kinetic if anyone who would smash through the barrier with the biggest improvement on the map since 2:34 -> 2:19.


Feel like I picked more this year than usual, and I could still keep going but it would take hours to write up something comprehensive, really impressive output from the community this year. For a personal pick, I think I'll have to go with:


Perdition's Gate Map 30 Tyson in 6:26 (demo, video). Finishing this table feels pretty good tbh, and while this run is really just a glorified slot machine, it does have some cool routing IMO, the different approaches that I had come up with that I'd try depending on the RNG I got were fun to theorycraft, even though all of them were like 1% survival rate. Think I got a decent time out of my grind too, all things considered. :)

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