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About Foxpup

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  1. Foxpup

    Big Half-Life Update

    No doubt this is because Blue Shift isn't actually a Half-Life mod; it actually uses its own modified engine (for some reason), and is totally incompatible with the original Half-Life engine. It would indeed instantly crash if you tried to load it as a Half-Life mod, so the behaviour in the update isn't a regression.
  2. Foxpup

    Source Ports personal deal breakers (Jan 9, 2024)

    This actually pre-dates ZDoom - the first source port to add vertical spread to all hitscan weapons was none other than DOSDoom , which I don't think even gives you an option to restore the original behaviour at all.
  3. Foxpup

    Beyond just a bool

    Part of it is coming from the fact this is the usual reason for people to ask questions similar to yours, but most of it is coming from the fact that you said "ya pretty much" when I straight-up asked you whether this is the case.
  4. Inb4 "the hanged corpse sprites are edited photographs of the execution of Mussolini and his followers". They're not.
  5. Foxpup

    PrBoom+ giving me error message when using custom wads

    Considering the error message specifically refers to a sky texture, this may have been worth mentioning earlier. Does your WAD's TEXTURE1 lump (or TEXTURE2 if present) contain a valid texture named "SKY3"? Because it needs to even if your map doesn't contain any sky sectors, as Doom unconditionally attempts to load the hardcoded sky textures when starting a new game.
  6. Foxpup

    Dehacked : Monster keeps refiring infinitely.

    They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. That's actually not the case: the definition of insanity is being mentally incapable of controlling one's actions or understanding the difference between right and wrong, and therefore being unable to be held legally or morally responsible for said actions. Still, it is the case that you're doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result, so let's start there. You still have state 741's next state inexplicably set to 737. (Also, I think you need to think harder about how your monster's pain and death states are going to work if you're overwriting them with an extended attack.)
  7. Foxpup

    PrBoom+ giving me error message when using custom wads

    Are you using a third-party texture/resource WAD for your map? If so, what does its text file say about advanced engine requirements?
  8. Foxpup

    PrBoom+ giving me error message when using custom wads

    Every WAD you download should include a text file detailing (among other thing) whether an advanced engine is needed to run it. PrBoom+ (and DSDA-Doom) are not advanced engines - they are basic limit-removing Boom ports. If the "advanced engine needed" is anything other than "Boom", "limit removing", or "no"/"vanilla", the WAD is (probably) not compatible with PrBoom+/DSDA-Doom and cannot be expected to run without errors.
  9. Foxpup

    Error With Map Walls

    Corrupt geometry can sometimes be magically fixed by clicking on the problem sectors in Make Sectors mode; beyond that it's impossible to suggest anything without seeing the WAD.
  10. Foxpup

    so, where super shotgun come from?

    It does in co-op multiplayer, and BFG tracers absolutely do not discriminate.
  11. Foxpup

    so, where super shotgun come from?

    Simply because they are far, far, less effective in combat than movies and video games would have you believe. In particular, they are way slower and more fiddly to reload than magazine-fed weapons, especially if you try to load both shells at once which is a sure-fire way to put one shell in the gun and one shell on the floor unless you've had a lot of practice at it, and even then there's no way you're reloading as fast as Doomguy. And you have to deal with all this after only getting off a measly two shots, which is a problem since you never know how many shots you'll actually need in a given combat situation (especially since nobody's perfect and you're likely to miss one or more shots). It's no exaggeration to say that double-barrelled shotguns are almost as obsolete as the blunderbuss from which they directly descend (the double-barrel was literally invented as a way to get more than one shot out of a muzzle-loader), and are favoured by civilians (including criminals) mainly because they're less legally restricted than magazine-fed weapons in many jurisdictions (especially those with very tight gun control like the UK or Australia) rather than any practical advantages, which are pretty marginal except in certain shooting sports where the rules explicitly favour double-barrels.
  12. Foxpup

    Dehacked : Monster keeps refiring infinitely.

    Again, what are you talking about? I did no such thing. Literally all I did was change state 741's next state to 728. My DEH file is otherwise identical to the one you posted. The FatAttack actions were already like that; you can see this plainly in the screenshot you posted, too. I just assumed you did that and that it's what you wanted it to do in the first place. If not, where did this file even come from? Are you attempting to modify a DEH created by someone else without understanding how they did it? I feel like I'm missing something fundamental about what you're actually trying to do.
  13. Foxpup

    Dehacked : Monster keeps refiring infinitely.

    What are you talking about? You already changed the action (it was originally CPosRefire, not FatAttack3), and absolutely nothing prevents changing the next frame. Here, I fixed it for you: Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 # Created with WhackEd4 1.2.4 BETA # Note: Use the pound sign ('#') to start comment lines. Doom version = 21 Patch format = 6 Frame 741 Next frame = 728 Frame 742 Sprite subnumber = 0 Pointer 415 (Frame 738) Codep Frame = 377 Pointer 417 (Frame 740) Codep Frame = 380 Pointer 418 (Frame 741) Codep Frame = 383 See? Next frame = 728, simple as that. What's the problem?
  14. Foxpup

    Dehacked : Monster keeps refiring infinitely.

    The final state of a monster's attack must return to a chase state unless it has a refire action (which returns to the first chase state if the target is dead or out of sight). State 741's next state should be 728, not 737.
  15. Foxpup

    Beyond just a bool

    Please, please, stop before you hurt yourself. Please forget that these "AI assistants" exist, or better yet, pretend they're a conspiracy invented by the technocrati to prevent outsiders such as yourself from ever learning to code, because that's what they may as well be at this point. Your code doesn't work and never will because it's not really code, it's just a collection of meaningless symbols thrown together in a way that vaguely resembles a computer program by a glorified autocomplete system that doesn't even have any conception of meaning and isn't designed to. You really need to learn the fundamentals of computer programming from an actually educational source, not an AI. And to think some people say AI is going to take our jobs.