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DSDA level tables.

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I found out the level tables record your progress in each level and was wondering if using saves or anything prevents it from doing so. I'm on level 29 on ICHINICHI.wad and noticed that two levels didn't have anything recorded for. Also I was wondering what the Sk5 thing is and if its related to pistol starts? I've been pistol starting each map but each level is blank in that category.

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As far as I know nothing stops the stats from being recorded unless you tell dsda-doom not to record the stats with the "wad_stats.forget" command. If you loaded different WADs or loaded them in a different order for those levels, the stats may be recorded to a different file, since there's a separate text file for each combination of WADs you load.


Sk5 is short for -skill 5, i.e. nightmare difficulty.

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the tables only record stats for that *exact* combination of wads too. If you do half of Doom 2, then decide to use widescreen assets and the spritefix, it'll then record for the later half under a new set of stats. You can manually edit the stats textfile though, or move it from the old combination to avoid starting over if a cosmetic wad is added or removed.


The manual editing is pretty much required for vanilla-ish mapsets that have a progression-stopper epilogue map, as you cant get a cumulative total without removing those maps

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