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About NightFright

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    Statusbar Extender

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  1. NightFright

    Crispy Doom 6.0 (Update: Mar 31, 2023)

    Separate truecolor builds would indeed be appreciated, especially since all games are still compiled if you do it on your own, including those which don't support the feature. PS: This also goes for x64 builds.
  2. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    I've just realized that besides truecolor support, the Woof coding team has implemented every single feature request I've ever wanted or needed for this port. Take your time with the last one. I'm running out of ideas. ;)
  3. NightFright

    Crispy Doom 6.0 (Update: Mar 31, 2023)

    Now that Heretic got truecolor support as well: Any chances it will be merged into the master code branch soon? I've been using Crispy almost for this outstanding feature alone already since ages and never had issues with it.
  4. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    I think multithreading is supposed to be implemented to help with these performance issues, if I've read correctly. Oh, and before it's forgotten: Voxel support is in the pipeline, too.
  5. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    It was already easy enough to implement specific automap color schemes before (copy-paste from cfg/txt file into ini and save). Maybe later more custom schemes could be provided for that purpose, but tbh I wouldn't know which ones might actually be relevant besides the ones provided. If I am brutally honest, I never cared about automap color settings once I had my good old vanilla visuals back. And now it can be done merely by flipping a menu switch, so this adjustment was right down my alley. @CacoKnight I'm already using Woof for pretty much anything besides what it isn't capable of running, so I don't want to switch between ports with otherwise rather minor differences (PrBoom+ already does that, in fact). Right now I'm quite comfortable with the "Crispy Doom look plus Boom/MBF compatibility and quite a few QoL features" approach, but if Woof is aiming a bit higher, I won't say no. Oh, and International Doom already has 600p available for a while IIRC, in case you just want it a bit crispier.
  6. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    Looking at the current internal developments on Github, I've seen that great strides have been made towards adding higher resolutions. This may still be far off, but I cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate the decision to go above 400p after all. It's the only reason why I still have PrBoom+ laying around on my HDD. And it's going to be erased the day Woof gets the update. Keep going at it, guys. And thanks for continuing to make this port even "greaterer"!
  7. NightFright

    Ultimate Doom "In Name Only" - On IDgames

    Just for the record: E1M7 is intentionally ending in a clusterfuck of weirdly aligned sectors and HOMs all over the place, right? However, even in that case: It got so confusing I wasn't able to find the exit. In fact, I kinda threw the towel already with the switch puzzle before. That was the only issue I've had with the first two episodes so far.
  8. NightFright

    Ultimate Doom "In Name Only" - On IDgames

    In order to celebrate the Cacowards entry: Widescreen statusbar! udino_wide.zip
  9. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    I'm pretty sure that sky image will be fixed in a future Sigil II update. Therefore I'm not even sure whether a port-sided fix was necessary on such a short notice. Maybe it should have rather been a fix solved with an additional autoload file instead of a code change. Easier to undo.
  10. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    If you are loading the first Sigil with the second: Don't. I seriously doubt this is supposed to be done since it would introduce at least one new gameplay element from the second part into the first, i.e. a super-tough Spider Mastermind. Which has an impact on the original episodes as well, btw. You can ofc edit the DEHACKED to undo that change, which in return makes the final fight in Sigil II a lot easier, however.
  11. NightFright

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    I also wanted to curse about that Cyberdemon in the green wall maze. Until I discovered an Invulnerability on a secret ledge above me. At least on the difficulty I played. Romero's designs are often evil, but usually not unfair.
  12. NightFright

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Ah, nice one! I knew there had to be some connection because the setup looked somewhat familiar.
  13. NightFright

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Looks like my impression about the Mastermind fight taking longer than expected wasn't mere imagination. From DEHACKED: Thing 20 (SpiderMastermind) Hit points = 9000 3x tougher than default. BFG zerging FTW, I guess...
  14. NightFright

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Is Jimmy also doing the soundtrack for Hellion? If so, he's going to have a lot on his plate... Anyway, no complaints in the music department. As for the levels... well, it wasn't until the second half of the episode when the expected dick moves of Romero's design were finally unleashed. Fighting in extremely dark areas? Check. Balancing across narrow ledges while taking damage from all sides? Check. Cyberdemon fight in maze? Check. Admittedly, there are often some utilities available to help you out of these predicaments, but until I'd figured it out, I took some hard beatings. For my taste, some of the shootable pentagrams were a bit too well hidden, especially those required to make real progress. Those FIREBLU cracks on the other hand were easy enough to spot (and known from previews already). What I haven't figured out yet is how to legitimately enter the secret level. I mean, I found out where it is and how to trigger the exit, but how to pull it off without cheating? My suspicion is , but I'd like to have some confirmation, if possible. The final fight was harder than in the first Sigil, at least, so that's something. I had the impression the Mastermind was able to take far more BFG hits than usual, but maybe that was just me being unlucky at RNG. Overall, it was quite amusing. But I wouldn't try this on UV. In this case, that's for masochists. PS: Wished I would have found more of those Light-Amp Visors...
  15. NightFright

    This is Woof! 12.0.2 (Dec 13, 2023)

    Yeah, I guess the general idea behind this measure was rather to unclutter the menu. Those who know what they are doing can still fiddle around with the config file, so I guess it's a fair compromise.