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About Arbys550

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    Forum Regular

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  1. Arbys550

    Doom Streams

    Mapping stream: https://www.twitch.tv/arbys550
  2. Arbys550

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    The city is nearing completion, crazy what you can get done forcing yourself to map for just 30 mins a day.
  3. Arbys550

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Abstract city-type slaughter thing:
  4. Arbys550

    Abandon [final]

    Me and a couple friends played through half of the WAD in coop, I'll put it here in case the devs want to see some not-so-serious feedback:
  5. A little update for anyone who is still following this, there are now 21 maps in the WAD (20 normal + 1 secret). Progress has been slow because of insane ambition and my tendency to put too much detail into a map. For the final 10 maps I'm gonna focus on reeling myself in a little bit and not trying to do a magnum opus every level. Hopefully this will be done within the next couple years. I am still appreciating feedback, especially on maps 18, 19, and 20. Difficulties are not really implemented yet, I will overhaul them at some point in the future.
  6. Arbys550

    Our Band's First Album

    Thanks so much! Glad you guys are enjoying it! Nice to see some love for Clown Analysis, that was my song and I got pretty off the rails with it. My motto when writing that song was "objectively bad, subjectively good." I think it's probably the hardest song for people to enjoy who aren't in the target audience. As for the hearing more part, the band broke up after me and my brother moved to Virginia to start our careers, so no more from this band. Me and my brother are gonna try to start another band though, we've learned a lot from this and we've got some really promising compositions cooking. Thanks for the purchase! I told myself I'd be happy with this album if we could provide joy to at least one person in the world, and it looks like we've done it!
  7. Arbys550

    Our Band's First Album

    I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! I guess I should've put in a bit more info in OP. I've got a whole writeup of the band's history on our Bandcamp that I can put in a spoiler. I'm Donovan Myers, the guitarist btw.
  8. Arbys550

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Cavern thing, trying to get a little bit better at lighting, it's my crutch:
  9. Arbys550

    Our Band's First Album

    Our band Kitchen Sink just released our very first album! We're a prog band with some sparse jazz influence and some light metal. This is all of our first forays into the world of music. The production quality is questionable but we think the composition is strong. We definitely learned a lot and grew a lot as musicians and songwriters in the process of making this. Enjoy! Credits: Additional Details:
  10. Arbys550

    classic doom games are better than the modern games

    Anyone who thinks the new games are passionless and are only made for a cashgrab need to watch the hours upon hours of interviews with Hugo Martin and his playthrough of the game on Youtube because you're wrong.
  11. Arbys550

    Which celestial body would you visit?

    I agree, even though my original post was a joke. I had an astronomy class in college and I remember being fascinated by Uranus and Neptune particularily.
  12. Arbys550

    Which celestial body would you visit?

    I've always been fascinated by Uranus, that's what I would pick.
  13. Arbys550

    Doom Streams

    Mapping stream https://www.twitch.tv/arbys550