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About Anti-Mousetrap

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  1. Anti-Mousetrap

    Is this real?

    Eh if I pressed the switch, nothing happened, nice easter egg.
  2. Anti-Mousetrap

    Is this real?

    I am 3 month late from this video, is this real?
  3. Anti-Mousetrap

    Uhhh, how to make a pk3 file?

    Fuck, I forgot this thing existed.
  4. Anti-Mousetrap

    Uhhh, how to make a pk3 file?

    It don't work like crazy asoidfiojsd
  5. Anti-Mousetrap

    Uhhh, how to make a pk3 file?

    I dunno please just tell me.
  6. Anti-Mousetrap


    i tired to make a custom texture for my chaingun, but, ID SOFTWARE DON'T REALLY CARE ACTUALLY! - nerd dssdasdsdg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1145329547135426611/1183385563412320366/ojkojkppkopkkopo-0.mp4?ex=658824b0&is=6575afb0&hm=3ca70a1d840f870b780a795bdfb73c1b5ecd0afc47767ccae84aa3ca4e1e39e3&
  7. Anti-Mousetrap

    I think spark on a doom editor is useless

    Yes I mean the spark thing.
  8. on ingame, it didn't even spark but instead, it is NOTHING. how do I fix this?
  9. Anti-Mousetrap

    Do everyone has a fix for this gzdoom builder bug?

    oh shit where's the download for the dang sake udb edit: I found the udb
  10. Anti-Mousetrap

    Do everyone has a fix for this gzdoom builder bug?

    oh shit I will download the udb ver
  11. Anti-Mousetrap

    Do everyone has a fix for this gzdoom builder bug?

    I was making a map similar to Ze (Zombie Escape), the gamemode. and it happens.
  12. I have a problem abou that, WHY DO I DRAG TEXTURES instead of just selecting https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119767869580902423/1173508416103272498/2023-11-13_14-21-06.mp4?ex=656435e1&is=6551c0e1&hm=edc0012745d98f39cf4213561266ed70b22b58d02d2fc93e0b71406f4b3e5d93&
  13. Anti-Mousetrap

    how do I fix this bug in gzdoom builder?

    I ain't saving the map, I pressed no.
  14. Anti-Mousetrap

    how do I fix this bug in gzdoom builder?

    btw, I was dumb using a doom editor, I had no idea how to solve the cursor dragging texture issue on gzdoom or other doom builder.
  15. I was editing, but my only issue is that when I pressed q and clicked on the floor or wall, celling. It just displays nothing but moves the texture instead. (I think) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1145329547135426611/1163889922311204986/2023-10-18_01-22-43.mp4?ex=654137f5&is=652ec2f5&hm=fe39fa66f8f93d6eba0c3fa873b7b5dd6f6995605f79f5d3d2320e7f7aea072e&