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About Razordoom

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    Warming Up

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  1. It's funny you say that, when you load the map with the -deathmatch parameter, you load into an alternate version of the map specifically tailored for it, with a partially reworked layout and deathmatch items and weapons. I intend to have a deathmatch tuned version of every map built in, not just remixed placements like the original mapsets. Oh and thanks for trying the map!
  2. Thanks for trying it out! Was definitely fun to watch!
  3. Thanks! I'll look at making some small ammo and health adjustments, and take that into account going forward. I'm a fan of getting the players to use the whole arsenal so definitely don't want everyone just chaingunning everything, though there are some arenas where that's sort of a given due to the fodder. I appreciate the feedback! (and that's a good idea for that hallway, easy enough to change, provided chocodoom plays nice)
  4. More in the readme, basically I wanted to make a Doom II mapset where you never get the super shotgun, and it's balanced around that. I also wanted it to have deathmatch map variations that reflect the original map but can vary wildly if it makes for a better deathmatch map, similar to how Sigil has separate DM maps (DM maps WILL have SSGs). I only have one map currently, but figured I should release something so I can get feedback and figure out how to tailor subsequent levels. Additionally, my main testing Sourceport is ChocolateDoom, utilizing the plane-limit plugin for Ultimate Doombuilder extensively, but some testing and considerations are given to Zandronum. Gameplay is intended for vanilla play, but I haven't found anything that's broken by jumping, crouching, or mouselook yet, so you do you, doomers. All difficulties are implemented, and multiplayer monsters are as well. There is a small chunk of Map 2 implemented, but it's not completable yet. RDSMv0.02.zip
  5. -To be fair, if you run the Unity port on an actual 4:3 CRT and set the game to a 16:9 resolution that has the same vertical pixels as your physical monitor and then set it to 4:3, it does display correctly, but then make any modification to res or other visual settings and it reverts back. So basically you have to set everything as you like it, then set your res.
  6. Razordoom

    DM: Shoot through bars or nah...?

    Gotcha, I will make them able to be shot through then, I will keep that in mind that if I want projectile blocking it should be an obvious physical object generally. Thanks you guys!
  7. So I have these bars around an arena part of one of my maps. In a deathmatch scenario, do people generally prefer all projectiles being able to shoot through these, or hitscan only (plasma/rockets/grenades blocked), or blocked entirely (i.e. transparent cover). I think I like projectile blocking, but I also don't want to confuse the player/have to factor something in their head if it's not fun or good for gameplay.