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About Insaneprophet

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  1. Insaneprophet

    Thirty Years with Doom [RC2]

    Playing in dsda on map 11 there is stuck mancubus next to the switch that opens the bars down to the exit. I dont know if he is placed there where he cant move or if he walked his way into a stuck spot but I left him alone all map long as I cleared everything else out, then after getting the red key and going through the door and out around that ledge, he was just chilling there in the cubby next to the switch begging me to put him out of his misery πŸ˜€
  2. Insaneprophet

    Thirty Years with Doom [RC2]

    Ive had this stuck in my brain since it was released. Just been waiting to have the right time to play it. Got the first three maps done before some xmas shopping and already its living up to my hopes. Feels like really really good old school mapping. Map two grabbed my attention quickly being a longer exploration adventure early in the set and I almost wasnt surprised to see Beewen had his hand in it. I was then completely surprised to find that map three was one of my favorite maps that I'd happened across earlier this year. Such a great start! I almost cant wait to get to maps ten and eleven for obvious reasons but I'm also excited to get to RastaManGames' contributions as well because Ive alway enjoyed everything Ive played of his.
  3. Insaneprophet

    what are the doom novels rated?

    I really dont know what/if they are rated but I read them back in the 90s when they came out, when I was a teenager, and they seemed to me to pretty much be aimed at teenagers. I would think as long as your in highschool you would be fine. But honestly, i dont really know, times have changed.
  4. Ive figured it out. Was a bad copy of doom2.wad, I made a new copy of it from my lzdoom folder and it worked. @No-Man Baugh THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for begining to try to help. When I get a chance I will try to get Gz running too but I imagine that will fight me too.... I really am just experimenting and using 30 year old knowledge to figure tgis stuff out.
  5. So if im looking at this right it is a Dell Inspiron One 2020. That is NOT the year i got it though, prolly more like 2013ish
  6. After 8 hundred million tries Ive finally got dsda to finish unpacking. I was able to get doom 1 to start by drag/dropping the wad onto the application but the doom2 wad gives fatal errors and crashes when I try it. Im making baby steps but it sure would be nice if someone more knowledgable about this stuff would step in...
  7. So Ive done everything yet again and I still cant get either to finish unzipping or working without fatal crashes. I AM HOPELESSLY LOST! Somebody out there has to be able to walk me through what is going wrong.....
  8. Just finished this up and loved it. Classic Doom! I played on lzdoom and dont know what wasnt supposed to work on older ports because everything seemed fine to me, oh well. The ending was great and the ship was the cutest damn thing πŸ˜ƒ One more thing, all of the artwork is AMAZING! Thank you for all your years and creations.
  9. This may not be the perfect sub forum to post this but I feel like it may get more eyes here and I hopefully will recieve the help I need. So I am as close to a computer illiterate as anyone is likely to find anywhere. Bere with me as I explain my issues and what I need help with. I have a very old desktop PC and I have only ever been able to somehow get Lzdoom to work on it. I have a handful of times tried to download different versions of Gzdoom and have failed in every attempt. With the release of Eviternity 2 I am faced with having to try again. My preferance would be to have both DSDA and GZ both up and running but alas, me and my computer are both shite. From the dsda site I am mostly lost looking at it then after clicking on what I think should get me the latest version and downloading something, when I try to unpack it, it gets hung up on a textfile and never seems to get "done." A file for dsda shows up where I directed it but all thats in there is a text document and an application. Trying to open the application or trying to drag and drop doom2 wad onto it just freezes up the computer. It would look like I have better luck with gz, but when I try opening it I always get a "zmusicdll file not found on pc" error. I am unsure if I can even be helped but if anyone is willing to try it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Map 10 was another combat arena but Map 11 is a super fun city map Map 12 is something Im still working on and may be above my pay grade All in all I couldnt be more impressed with this episode. Its got some of everything and at every step it exceeded my expectations. Maps 9 and 11 are far and away my favorites but thats only because they both not ony fall in my favorite genre but are also really good takes on it. None of that should take away from the rest of the set though, it may not all be my favorite style map but it is all good examples of what they aim for and I like doom levels of every kind, especially when they are high quality. Thanks for creating this πŸ˜ƒ
  11. Im playing lzdoom I saw it when the cliff first rises up behind you but you actually want to go up some steps then across a few pillers that rise up. The cliff along the wall of the canyon I think has some health bonuses on it and shows all the untextured stuff for me. That is also where when I jumped down I couldnt climb all the way back up because the cliff had raised to high to make the last step.
  12. Im really enjoying the hell out of this, and highly impressed as well. Been playing UV as always and see no reason to change, was just comenting on the fact that I find these to try a lot harder to kill me than the average set does. And no offense was meant, I have polish ancestry along with most of my good friends πŸ˜ƒ Heres some quick notes Ive been jotting down as I go Map 1 Has a ton of old school charm Map 2 Sadistic Map 3 Visually striking fun ass site Map 4 Super atmospheric and artistic in its complexity Map 5 Just a test of endurance Map 6 Highly abstract Map 7 Jenga... the doom map Map 8 Really cool concept and theme, tough and fun Map 9 Favorite so far (path to the red key throws out tons of HOMS and can soft lock you if you fall down when different sections of the cliffs raise and untextured surfaces start showing) Really really having a good time with these! πŸ˜ƒ
  13. This is my tomorrow Ive played the first 5 maps so far and Im unsure if it has anything to do with being the butt of an entire generations jokes or not but the Pols seem to be some sadistic bastards πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Insaneprophet

    Three Decades of DOOM (Documentary)
