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About NeoWorm

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  1. NeoWorm

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    I was playing with some ideas some time ago when I was trying to do proper magic attack animation for SMM. First I wanted him to be untargetable by other monster just like Arch Vile. Than to make it proper boss with phases. When it hits half HP it becomes invincible (complete with inverted black and white palette) and spawns four orbiting drones that are high enough for him not to hit. As long as the drones are alive SMM is invincible. Maybe it could repeat that phase twice, it would need testing. As for the magic attack, I had few idea, none my favourite. Mass ressurect of monsters around, Teleport player right in front of him (with animation and delay similar to Archvile attack), BFG attack with long tell (slowly materializing the BFG ball above it's head), and even stopping monster around from infighting and force player (or just the current target of SMM) to be also their target.
  2. NeoWorm

    Hexen: Veil of Darkness (UDMF Mapset, GZDoom)

    Destructible crates are a must, ever since Carnage Galore III I try to destroy all the creates in all HeXen maps just to be sure.
  3. I kinda got stuck at creating nature textures and some textures for towns and villages. But I would like to create some themed packs eventually.
  4. NeoWorm

    Hexen: Veil of Darkness (UDMF Mapset, GZDoom)

    I currently have the woods map flooded by all kinds of monsters. Every time I finish one of the side location, it gets populated by that location's type of monsters. I cleaned the map after the first location, but hopelessly run out of ammo after the second so they started stacking. I don't know if they are respawning, but the sheer amount of them is enough. And since all the pathways are clogged with ettins, centaurs and those poison flowers it is really not much of joy to play like that. I will try another playthrough with either Fighter or Mage. I think Mage will be a lot easier because you can snipe everything with the wand.
  5. NeoWorm

    Hexen: Veil of Darkness (UDMF Mapset, GZDoom)

    I got about halfway through, finished, swamps, mines, most of castle and dipped into the ice caves. But hell, those respawns in the main HUB map are getting overwhelming. I am out of mana most of the time and getting around the map is getting really annoying. Some of the monsters seems like designed to counter both Cleric weapons.
  6. NeoWorm

    Hexen: Veil of Darkness (UDMF Mapset, GZDoom)

    This is what I hoped people would use my resources for.
  7. NeoWorm

    Share Your Sprites!

    Try posing the character. All HeXen player sprites are quite hunched forward. You may actually be almost there already. Also the naked hand needs to be thicker, maybe both needs to be. It's better for overall readability of the sprite. If that doesn't push it far enough, try making the shoulders wider. I know it's supposed to be woman, but it would help. Also don't forget that all DooM engine sprites are rendered with 1:1.2 pixel ration, so they will be higher ingame, it's best to compare it to sprites that are proportioned with the ratio in mind (20% higher) and than downscale your sprites to 0.83 of their height before puting them ingame.
  8. Nice quick, visually beautiful map. And very nice item economy. Only thing it would be nice if the the shortcuts would work both ways once you can use them for the first time when going back. It would open the map nicely and cut out some backtracking.
  9. NeoWorm

    Share Your Sprites!

    Long time ago I made this: With all the pages deformations done as smart objects so you can easilly switch them up in Photoshop. I still have the PSD if you are interested.
  10. Photoshop and a lot of layers. This set was made by layering the beams over the base texture, each one with a shadow/cracks in separate layer under every single other beam so I can just enable the beam and it's shadow without rendering the shadow over another beam. Underneath I had basic texture with color variations. It got very complex quite fast and exporting the 4 color versions took unbearably long. So I will do every variant side by side with all beams in single layer and all shadows in another and I will layer a gradient effect layer over it and mask it on the walls only. That way I will be able to change colors or undelying texture and export whole sheet in much less time so I can tweak the colors. There are few tricks I could use if I had newer version of Photoshop (I have CS5.5) which include palette lookup table to preview the paletized version right away without changing the color mode and layer sets to quickly switch between variant textures, both methods are what Ukiro used on Otex. But I don't want to give in to Adobe's blackmail so I am stuck at old version of Photoshop. I personally never got used to programs made for pixelart since I prefer to paint freely, sometimes even in higher resolution than convert to palette and fix details than push pixels around. I have Aseprite though and I use it mainly to palette conversions, recolors and new palette creation. It's palette manipulation tools are clearly superior to any version of photoshop.
  11. I will need to change my setup a bit to have easier export. Than I can iterate faster and make more color variants. I will probably also do a set of 3D elements to complement. Doors, shutters, some wooden supports etc.
  12. I will post the textures after some more tweaking
  13. And another piece some combination of materials.
  14. Hope you like timber framing. I kinda wanted to make something like this for some time. It will need more work since this look mostly (brown set is fine) like trash in either Heretic or Hexen palettes. (Hexen II is fine though).
  15. I am not a huge fan of Wayfarer's tome, it's "ballance" makes Heretic even more like DooM reskin than it was before. But otherwise I look forward to this.