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About Proxy-MIDI

  • Rank
    Music composer (at your service).

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  1. Proxy-MIDI

    Why people delete their good works?

    I deleted some of my wads for many reasons. 1 - These were shitty as f*ck 2 - Technically and funny-cally (:P), it was poor or uninspired 3 - Some of the levels had a bad difficulty. The kind of level that you have to stay covered 90% of the time and wait for the good moment to strike. So boring... 4 - The music was so bad that you had the feeling it has been made by an AI 5 - I'm ashamed to have released this kind of stuff and have been proud of it. 7 - I forgot the 6.
  2. Proxy-MIDI

    [MBF21] Mudman (now on /idgames)

    I totally forgot to make a review of this wad. It highly deserved a cacoward. For once, it was a pretty original map. The fact to be slowdown by the liquids made the player to think about his actions, and just for that, it was unique. Good job ! ;)
  3. Proxy-MIDI

    The Cognition Engine - Single Map

    Wouh ! Indeed ! I understand why this wad had a cacoward. The map is big, beautiful and full of surprises. And finally, the difficulty is fine ! Indeed, there are some tough moments with the demons fights, but they are reachable. The music gives a pretty mysterious soul to this place. That reminds me the "Resident Evil" PS1 Soundtrack ! It was incredibly good ! <3 So ja, good job ! I had a good moment ! ;)
  4. Aaaaaaand here it comes. It was originally created for the cancelled project called "Cleanout". I didn't touch anything in this MIDI file except for the ending part. Enjoy ! ;) https://www.mediafire.com/file/dz0hqr0400ttbtb/Map+V.mid/file
  5. Okay. I've done all of the levels. They were very good and beautiful ! Good job ! ;) Without a doubt, Suka Blyat Day is my favourite level ! The combats were intense, the music was hilarious and the gopnik outfit for trespassing the poisonous areas was a freaking good idea !
  6. The OST of this megawad of course. It deserved to have a reward because it was the best of this year without any contest. The musician spent 2 weeks for that, which is far to be nothing ! :oversize ego: https://tenor.com/bs7v3.gif Alright, I'm stopping. It's just that I'm disgusted that the community leader went insane with the members and has wasted the official release because of this attitude. :/
  7. Hmmm, do you think this person needs someone to make the MIDI track for his/her map ? :wink: :wink:
  8. I know I already told ya but... Congratulations @HeadshotTAS !!! You deserve this cacoward ! <3
  9. (I really hope someone will name his map "Anal Doom". If it's in the contrary, this will be a wasted potential. :ahem: )
  10. Just like @Hajo_official , I'll give +1 to "Hell Revelations". I had a lot of fun in this wad even if the difficulty was a bit high for me. But it was the coolest wad of the year in my opinion btw. ;)
  11. Proxy-MIDI

    Go to sleep v2 (3 levels for doom 2)

    I played to your map and this was incredibly funny ! This was a good idea to copy paste the same map but find another way to find the exit and go to bed. This will serve clearly for a community project in the future. <3 To put in a nutshell, this wad should be called instead : MyHouse... but not terrifying.wad. :P
  12. Proxy-MIDI


    That was... huh... special.
  13. Proxy-MIDI

    Some Dumb Map I Made (Now called Ground zero)

    Ja, I played to your map. And it wasn't dumb at all. It was pretty good tho' ! I had some "the way Id did" vibes to be honest. The level was short, maybe a bit too easy and pretty simple to finish (even if there were some misaligned textures with the computers). Nice job ! ;)
  14. Okay, that was a goofy but pleasant map ! I laughed so hard when I saw the dancing Doomgirls and the posters with the babe-ron of hell. It was a bit hard. The lack of ammunition was present at the end of the map ! So I had to count on infighting. Good stuff ! That was funny ! X)
  15. This map was pretty cool ! I wasn't ready for the Whilelm scream when you're killing monsters with a rocket launcher ! :rofl: This was short, but intense. And the music was a bit mesmeric. Just like to say a final goodbye to this kind of place... and sign the beginning of the "true life". Congratulations for your accomplishment ! ;)