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About LagZero

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. LagZero

    Map ideas

    Hi everyone. I am looking for ideas for my next doom map, if you could give me some that would be nice. Have a great Christmas and a great New year everyone.
  2. I have a map for you to play. Its called Infernal Bastion: Download Map
  3. LagZero

    Doom 2 Map Jam (Unofficial)

    Hi! I'm not sure if this is where I should be posting this, but today I'm starting a map jam. You will have 2 weeks to make a map using UDMF format and doom2.wad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. You must use the normal Doom 2.wad file for you're map. This means no custom textures, enemy's, sounds, etc. (note, I will allow custom music and sky textures with the use of slade) 2. The map must use UDMF format. 3. You must make final changes BEFORE the time is up. (I hope this is obvious) 4. Have fun making the map! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will update this post every day to tell you how much time (in days) is left. Have fun making the maps everyone! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 Days left
  4. LagZero

    How do you make custom skys?

    Hi, I was wondering how to make custom sky textures. It would be really cool if anyone could tell me.
  5. Today I'm going to release my doom map Infernal Bastion. Hope you enjoy it! Download Map (PK3 File)
  6. LagZero

    Post your Doom textures!

    I made a small, basic texture pack that only has like 4 or 5 textures, and it was also some of the first custom textures I ever made. Feel free to use this in your wads, but make sure to credit me! Download Textures (WAD File)
  7. HI, today I'm releasing my map Infernal Bastion to the public, it would be nice if you could give me some feedback on the map to! Download Map (PK3 File)
  8. LagZero

    Dreamed features in editors

    I wish there was a easy way to add a colored tint to certain areas. like lets say you could have a red tint in a fiery hell enviroment
  9. LagZero

    Infernal Bastion (Map Release)

    Looking for some feedback on my work in progress map called Infernal Bastion. Run it with no jump and no crouch. Download map (pk3 file)
  10. LagZero

    Infernal Bastion (Map Release)

    Hi, the map was a work in progress, and right now it ends after you open the red door, and so far i havent added any other difficulties other than easy yet. Oh, and thanks for giving me some feedback, it will help a lot!
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on my WIP map called Infernal Bastion. (NOTE: THE MAP USES CUSTOM TEXTURES SO SOME TEXTURES WILL BE MISSING! THE MAP ALSO USES UDMF FORMAT IF YOU WERE WONDERING (AND USE DOOM2 AS THE BASE WAD FILE FOR IT)) Download wad file I made a new version without missing textures!: Download map (pk3 file) I FINISHED THE FULL MAP! Download Map (PK3 File)