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About JacaCaca

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Title: Scarlet Sleigh Day Author: JacaCaca Music: War in The Middle Earth Remix - Skaven Link to level:SNO.zip Difficulty settings: Yes Comment: Short punchy "slaughter" map, can be beaten in less than 10 mins, and hopefully for what lacks in visuals can be made up for in gameplay :) Screenshots:
  2. Ok I genuinely have no idea why that closet didn't open in the last image, the only explanation I have is that you got unlucky in game or something, truly idk about the other stuff, the missing textures platform wasn't even supposed to be a lift so that was on me, and back tracking wasn't really planned in the first place, but just for you I put it in ;) DoomTV12 cl2 edition 2.zip
  3. This looks sick lemme get a spot
  4. Here's map 27, pretty taxing brain exercise trying to remember everything, even then I missed a few minor details. Feels pretty surreal going back and playing the original after making a not so precise replica, well that's the point I guess. Original (top) Mine (bottom) Anti - Recollection.zip
  5. Wait nobody took 27? if so, lemme get it
  6. Really good map, I actually got the no-clipping monsters bug for the first time after I teleported back to the start with the chaingunners. Other than that, really cool!
  7. Whoops, kinda missed that part and went a little crazy, nevertheless here's the one that should work as normal on cl2, a little less engaging in my opinion but it should get the job done DoomTV12 cl2 edition.zip
  8. Map Name: Tyrant Time Traveler Map Number: 12 Mapper: JacaCaca Prompt: Boss 1 - Cyberdemon Music: Atcoty from Heretic Note - the midi I chose doesn't entirely fit in with the overall theme of the wad, so if someone has something that better fits the cp and goes along with the map I'm all ears DoomTV12.zip
  9. Wow nobody’s taken the cyberdemon level, Mind if I take a crack at it?
  10. This is it, I get that texture is hard to see so I made the geometry easier to recognize, it's a puzzle after all, there's got to be some thinking going on to solve it. DUUUUM2.zip
  11. Is something broken? The switches are found by: pressing the screen in the little bunker, flipping the switch and following the path, and shooting that switch, that should raise the platforms to the last switch where the blue key lowers in the house and sure I’ll add something to the hard section DUUUUM2.zip
  12. Nothing was supposed to happen, they’re just opposition, that area is a giant puzzle
  13. Map 29 - AT DOOM 2'S GATE By me, goodnight DOOOM2.zip
  14. Hey again, thanks for the feedback and here's my response to allat A - there was actually a switch there as the hint, but I realized that the HUD can block it easily with the maps geometry, so I changed it accordingly B - Added an outline, changing the base color would make it waay too easy, but regardless it's done C - Yeah I feel you, Added a slight black line on the roof to make it more visible D - In the original post, I sent the wrong version of the map, there was misaligned textures, broken spawners, and worst of all the door that was supposed to open after shooting that button didn't work because the sectors clipped into each other (No clue how the hell that happened), but I fixed it all and this SHOULD be the final truly done version, as usual though get back to me if not dope the third.zip