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About kalensar

  • Rank
    Castlevania 3 for Simon's Destiny compiler

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  1. Odd. I know I already shared this to buddies, but funny I didn't give my usual kudos. Anyways. Kudos. Love what I played of it and I can't wait to see your future products. Your style tickles my palette very well.
  2. kalensar

    Terminator 4 Vanilla Doom

    Hehehe. I use him in one of my Monster packs from awhile ago. I use him as a Spidermastermind replacer in the mod. Had to tone him down a bit so that he was a bit better vanilla balanced when unable to use a BFG.
  3. kalensar


    DUDE!!!! Good MAP and stuff!!! Works well with that mod and the atmosphere is amazing!!! Felt like playing the old AVP 2 2001 PC game for atmosphere and combat on the Human campaign, Massive kudos.
  4. kalensar


    The answer is technically yes as that is a common trope within Hexen itself of switches opening doors in other maps. As for how its done, I don't have a clue.
  5. kalensar

    -= Doom 2 monsters in Doom 1 =-

    The megawad called Doom 1 for 2 is Doom 1 converted to Doom 2 and uses Doom 2 iwad as the base. https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/downloads/doom-142
  6. kalensar


    TO my knowledge nobody has taken the time to cut those extra deaths out of BD21 and its completely understandable why: absolute pain in the donkey. Basically BD wraps around on itself in so many ways that its very difficult to cut apart certain content cleanly even when you know what you are doing.
  7. This is a really decent map set. Definitely going to add it to my mention list for Doom 1 megawads.
  8. kalensar

    Tips for mapping block?

    Very good subject. Writer's Block by any other name smells just as rancid. haha Generally, in my long experience of Writers block for 20 years, in some cases, I've learned that its not necessarily the block itself, but the brick that holds the block in place that causes the biggest issue. You may be passionate about a project, but there is some twig tripping you up and causing disgruntlement. The twig can be anything and I can allegory it to the history of building the Panama Canal. Basically the original engineer who started on the Panama Canal was also the same dude who engineered the Suez Canal in Egypt. The difference between the two areas is geography, where Suez was mostly sand, and Panama was a mountain range. So the Panama area put the brakes on the engineer's plans because he severely underestimated the geography of Panama. Writers block can be similar to that in many ways where the project itself develops its own unforeseen twigs building a beaver dam that blocks your progress. So if your Block gets diagnosed you can make progress, but I also find building a different section of the project can rectify the problem caused by the original block. Either way you care still making progress on the same project. Instead of grinding your brain on the same stubborn rock, you can move to a different location of the project and start in softer sand.
  9. Doom the way Doom Did it-- DTWDDI. Yeah, I think you are good to go. To put this simply, John Romero remade 2 levels of Episode 1 and nobody batted an eye negatively at his remakes. There's nothing really saying you can't do it especially when it should be a whole new creation in the first place.
  10. kalensar

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Not mapping, but being super slow on direction I want to take with it. Mainly a bunch of asset rewrites and replacement going on with expanded freedom of playability compared to its earlier cousin. basically expansion for gameplay mod rather than full TC. Still tinkering.
  11. kalensar


    Yeah I know the one you're referencing. Thats a player modification mod so that would go after the weapons slot. So basically slot 5 before any of the global mutators because it is a player specific mod. For that mod its fine after the HUD mods.
  12. kalensar


    Basic load order from top of ZDL load side going down. Pwads usually maps. Textures packs including lighting and other pure map enhancements only. Monster pack if applicable Player only mods such as weapons. Player mods, but this time HUD or other player side enhancenments Global mutators such as Corruption cards Thats pretty much it. This basic layout is best for mod so that they will have less clashes with each other. Not at all helpful for full gameplay mods that try to replace everything, something that I am definitely guilty of building.
  13. Not arguing. Everything I wrote is direct application straight from zdoom wiki. No need to have a sour attitude over a language you clearly don't like. If its not your cup of tea then put some sugar in it. Chocolate works too.
  14. How many ways are there to change a lightbulb? Depends on if you're using a torque wrench, a blow dryer or having to blow the glass from scratch. Anyways, Each version of doing the same task is different from each other on a technical level. ACS, Full new decorate actor , or inherited edit decorate actor are all just different techniques towards the same goal. Just because they all perform the same task doesn't mean the syntax to arrive there is identical with each other.
  15. GZDoom Supports MBF21. ZDoom, LZDoom and Zandronum do not. In the case of Zandronum Decorate syntax you are dealing with an older form of Decorate that uses now deprecated versions of commands that in GZDoom. Aka its Middle English vs Old English but still mostly the same. The GOOD part is that GZDoom can usually play anything that runs on Zandronum. So in the case of Zandronum, you'll need to replace all the special actors that your MBF file would cover. Ramon Dexter covered the Ammo question perfectly. Any other non-vanilla actor would also have to be covered, Decorate is a hugely powerful language even though it may not seem like it. Its designed to be flexible. The important thing to remember is that Inheritance makes things much faster if the base is of the special actor is going to be similar to the vanilla counterpart. The inheritance will copy the base actor and then you just change the parts you want changed to be different. That way you dont need to write out an entire complete actor block. ACTOR myNewShell : Shell replaces shell { Inventory.Amount 2 Inventory.MaxAmount 20 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 50 } ACTOR myNewShellbox : Shellbox replaces shellbox { Inventory.Amount 10 } Basically this is a good shorthand for how to quickly make new ammo types and amounts quickly.