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About Clippy

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    Stationery Doomer

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  1. @Dannarchy great vid fun to watch hope you feel better - that scrolling texture damn it it got mis alligned again I know I had it right lol - good job - those secrets are nuts will reveal later @Captain Mobius thanks for the support lego buddy @Andrea Rovenski that was INSANE - it's jaw dropping to see a creation played so well - I certainly never could - I just recorded a saveless UV secretless run and it was nerve racking - also I forgot to put a monster block on the opposite side of the megasphere teleport so thats all messed up - not changing it now tho haha - sorry for rampant cacos but superb run Christmas day I'll drop that reveal vid good times
  2. It's officially on idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/themes/xmas/exmas Also FYI @Andrea Rovenski since asked it's done Thanks as always for the support everyone
  3. Back at you buddy any of those teleporting Archies are nasty don't worry they'll get what they deserve @Dannarchy thank you so much for the surprise video I'll definitely watch this good times hope you feel better
  4. Here we go - I will post these now as I am about to get the christmas busies but will air em later good times - map 11 was especially interesting for me - I truly love these maps so much thanks for the entertainment!
  5. you put A LOT of effort in this, was not ready to play this long haha but worth it - creative well built stuff man kudos
  6. Clippy

    Perimeter Scrum

    nice little map was tricker than I was ready for but a good challenge and interesting kudos wanna be friends with my cat?
  7. @ShallowB thanks for the surprise video I really liked it! I wouldnt say you cheaty way'd it - I did say freelook was allowed and its just something I would have maybe blocked off with a trap door or something had I clued in - but you legit outsmarted me and ppl can take the bfg that way just fine haha - I sent it to idgames waiting approval good times buddy