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Everything posted by ludicrous_peridot

  1. ludicrous_peridot

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Can't be very helpful here I am afraid as I play in non-emulated DOS on a 2.8GHz CPU, and the performance is expectedly fine. I also only played through the first level and started exploring the second, but don't feel that I am up to playing it further UV, as everything takes too many save and load attempts. Also MIDI soundtrack sound very nice indeed, but I am tempted to give the Thor version a go eventually, to hear the difference for myself. For the sky I would suggest seeing if patching the source port further to use SKY6_ZD (and SKY5_ZD for Sigil 1) would make it any better as these are regular Doom skyboxes, unlike the default ones which are sky-dome mapped.
  2. ludicrous_peridot

    Tartar (EE-fork, DOS) - Christmas jukebox special

    Heads up on a version being available that sports all the previously mentioned Allegro improvements for FM music, and seems to take care of visual inconsistencies with the original Eviternity (I guess the sequel being out now has made me push these over the line finally - and also @RjY's fairly clear hint). I mean there's still your occasional slime trail here or there, but seemingly nothing serious. Now, with regards to music Tartar had added to it over the last few months configurable bindings for next and previous track selection, random music playback. With this build one extra "thing" is being added that makes this set somewhat "feature complete". The "thing" is an Easter egg, so I'm not documenting it explicitly yet, but I'd say that one would need an invocation of one's favorite Doom composer to have it activated...
  3. Tartar Tartar is a Doom source port for DOS, author aiming for it to be useful to players running pure (as in non-emulated) DOS or Windows 9X on modern machines for retro gaming. Tartar highlights Has better audio compatibility through updated Allegro library from MBF 2.0.4 Maintenance Release and plays 16 bit sound effects (useful if you have SB16 or later) Supports additional screen resolutions 640x480 and 1280x1024 with and without upscaling from smaller core rendering resolution and optional aspect ratio correction for non-CRT displays Includes numerous quality of life improvements including auto-loading of WAD, DEH and BEX files to include skins, fixes and WAD compatibility packs for specific PWADs Offers extended game view size for higher resolutions, new optional "grille" translucency for sprites and textures and new optional "simplified" and more accessible level shading mode Contains many bugfixes and PWAD compatibility improvements Implements the compulsory blood spat recoloring for "hissies", "bruisers", flemoids, ubermutants and roaches What to play with Tartar Original Caverns of Darkness TC for DOS Curios from what remains of the cancelled Eternity TC Vanilla Doom 2, TNT Evilution and Plutonia Experiment (with animated intermission screens a-la Doom 1 courtesy of Doomworld user @oliacym) No Rest for the Living (aka NERVE.WAD), Sigil and Sigil II with proper map names, music tracks assignment, levels and secrets progression and (for NERVE) intermission backdrops courtesy of @oliacym with helper WAD included in the distribution Chex Quest without Doom IWAD - and it will end after level 5! (also green slime splashes can be activated by switching on particles) Wolfendoom collection by Laz Rojas (MAC versions strongly preferred!) with helper WAD included in the distribution Strain TC for DOS - via a compatibility option to change [MBF collisions code] (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2507168) Sunlust and maps using uncompressed extended nodes table format Eviternity and maps using sprites and textures that are more than 255 pixels tall Ancient Aliens and maps with non 9px high fonts, elaborate MUS format music tracks and non power-of-2 wide textures Avactor and maps with DeepSea extended node format Hydrosphere and maps with higher resolution sky textures, in this case also with proper progression and ending with helper WAD included in the distribution The Long Trek Back Home with intermission backdrops by @oliacym with helper WAD included in the distribution 2022 A Doom Odyssey with non-episodic linear progression through all maps, proper secrets progression and intermission screens with helper WAD included in the distribution Maps with non-Unix line endings in DeHackEd patches, or other DeHackEd patches shenanigans like references to non-existant code pointers (e.g. Rush) HACX 1.1 without Doom II IWAD (but make sure Tartar is given a PLAYPAL, e.g. by putting one of InstaDoom filter WAD-s into FILTERS directory AND that text mode startup is on!) Also - only if you are desperate enough - The People's Doom as IWAD ... and last but not least Doom 1.1 with tiled status bar extravaganza and demo playback Also... ... for some traits "less common among source ports": Best effort at loading GENMIDI lump for more accurate music playback with FM sound cards Arcade play mode where player is resurrected on the spot without level restarting Next/prev music track bindable hotkeys and music tracks randomizer Screenshots from virtually anywhere in the game with bindable hotkey Cycle through InstaDoom filters (or any other PLAYPAL/COLORMAP providing WAD-s for that matter) without restarting the level Voltron assembly features: -- drop in SELFIE.WAD and SELFIE.DEH to make selfies in any PWAD and still shoot plasma rifle happily -- drop in JUMPWAD.WAD to switch to "pogo stick" mode in any PWAD and jump around by pressing fire (by the way, you can also load Jumpwad as a PWAD with Tartar) Send regards to the loved ones with a bindable hotkey, (e.g. while recording a video) What Tartar CANNOT do Tartar distribution is available following the link below: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tartar/downloads/tartar-distro There, TARTAR directory contains latest version of the port including TARTAR.EXE and additional assets and files required to run it. Playing Doom with TARTAR Playing Caverns of Darkness with Tartar Installing popular fix packs with Tartar Playing No Rest for the Living with Tartar Playing Sigil and SIGIL II with Tartar Playing cancelled Eternity TC with Tartar Playing classic Wolfendoom with Tartar Want more? Try extras!
  4. ludicrous_peridot

    Things about Doom you just found out

    That O for Destruction demo reel in German version of Doom 2 IWAD is actually different from the international one. The German Marine lasts much longer against the forces of evil, where as the standard version has him fold quite quickly. EDIT: Ahhh, my bad - was comparing 1.6 to 1.9 here... :( EDIT-EDIT: Comparing with contemporary IWAD however, can see that in MAP29 multiplayer starts has been added for players 2-4 in the German version and in MAP25 the following line special. Which versions would these fixes be normally attributed to?
  5. ludicrous_peridot

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    One question I have to the team is: if loading both Sigil and SIGIL II is a norm (assuming this so far based on episode assignment, TEXTURES, etc), is it fine that mastermind hp change also retrospectively affects Sigil and, well Ep 3 and 4)?
  6. ludicrous_peridot

    Tartar (EE-fork, DOS) - Christmas jukebox special

    Looking at @dgondos MBF PR made me realize there was an omission in latest release when it comes to Sigil and Sigil II support, so I have reuploaded shims to hopefully fix this.
  7. ludicrous_peridot

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Why is coming back from E6M9 take you to E6M8? Looking at UMAPINFO it should be E6M4.
  8. ludicrous_peridot

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Some things about Ultimate Doom. Printed manual actually had it that berserker pack lasts until the end of the level and redness effect is just temporary. I mean, all this time! Despite the game being called Ultimate Doom, installer actually still suggests putting it into \DOOM_SE Ultimate Doom 95 has a chic installer with Spider Mastermind jamming to a MIDI tune, but the way it's implemented makes me think about @Revenant100 immediately. Online manual for Ultimate Doom 95 is a very Doom 1 manual, except that section on the automap has a picture of Entryway. If you have Ultimate Doom 95 _and_ DOS versions of Doom II or Final Doom, you can still play all of them with the Windows version and the startup shell will even show the accurate level names!
  9. ludicrous_peridot

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Experimenting with higher resolution for my Hexen house port. With the "aspect correcting" scaling it looks less flattened out, but Raven's delicate fonts get ruined a bit in the process... What do you folks think? UPD: oh, apparently I did not have to stick with 1.6 aspect ratios for renderer buffer at all; Hexen can handle 1.25 pretty well, so farewell to aspect correction.
  10. ludicrous_peridot

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    For the final battle track, which is not in MIDI format in the WAD, I am curious if the MIDI version ever published and if I could ask for permission to distribute it?
  11. ludicrous_peridot

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Rrrright... all those PNG textures, OGG music for MAP30 (again?!), MBF21 and @Altazimuth literary just now posting EE capable of running it. Probably Doom needs to turn another 10 before this gets ported :)
  12. ludicrous_peridot

    Tartar (EE-fork, DOS) - Christmas jukebox special

    That's a valid question as this does not get very clearly documented. I am referring to latest version as "stage 5"; in credits section and on moddb page it still says "stage 5 testing". Sadly the July version is also mislabeled as "stage 5" in the distro :( and have not yet even tagged it in the repo - I'll fix this eventually. This probably makes a bit more sense when looked at this way: I actually perform debug symbols stripping and binary compression starting with this release. Thanks to a hint from @MrFlibble I also switched from DJP to UPX (which seems to be the latest and greatest DJPGG executable compressor).
  13. ludicrous_peridot

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    While I am sure my skill would be sub-par to even start out with this, I unpacked the soundtrack immediately upon seeing the go live moment on midnight... and here's what I got to see. That's some incredibly accurate planning on your part folks :)
  14. ludicrous_peridot

    DoomLegacy 1.48.14

    Hey, @wesleyjohnson This looks super exciting... congratulations. I am a user of 1.40 for DOS (mainly for Heretic), does the above mean there are DOS/Win9x compatible builds in the wild which have UMAPINFO support? Anyway, appreciate the "official" binaries will be done when they are done, should the SF page be checked for downloads then?
  15. ludicrous_peridot

    2023 Cacowards

    Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary date. Hats off to @Erick194, @Gerardo194 and @Chris194 for the well deserved award! I don't think the article does even scratch the surface of the Team G.E.C. 's achievements and how your tech prowess has been fueling incredible creativity of console Doom fan community. Keep on going, folks - U R Awesome! Huge thanks and congratulations to the awards team! Cool to see your hard work bring doomers of all backgrounds, skills and experience from all around the world together around, as always, prime material!
  16. ludicrous_peridot

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    I think it's for ZDaemon. Was the same in Sigil 1 and there it was actually referenced in one of the *MAPINFO-s. I am actually taking advantage of that and using it for playing Sigil with my DOS port. EDIT: Also, I think it's not resized as such - it seems to be the original texture from which a version that maps better to a GL-style sky-dome has been made.
  17. ludicrous_peridot

    Tartar (EE-fork, DOS) - Christmas jukebox special

    It's kind of almost there, so I will update the download packages in about an hour's time and OP as well. The way long/short filenames play and that the name of the WAD uses roman numbers (who would have thought - Doom II had romans in title, but the IWAD is doom2.wad, oh well...) kind of borked the autoload stuff I put into Tartar in anticipation, so the way to run the game would be: TARTAR.EXE -shim SHIMS\SIGIL_II -iwad DOOM -file SIGIL_v1_21 SIGIL_II_V1_0 for LFN systems or TARTAR.EXE -shim SHIMS\SIGIL_II -iwad DOOM -file SIGIL_~1 SIGIL_~2 for non-LFN systems; for the latter be sure to load SIGIL II after SIGIL for TEXTURES lumps to align correctly. EDIT: builds are up, OP updated
  18. ludicrous_peridot

    Fluidsynth .sf2 .mid listening tool?!

    Please consider FalcoSoft MIDIPlayer. It is quite awesome, has support for MUS format and not only MIDI and you can throw soundfont-s at it as long as it is configured to use BassMIDI, which is just couple of clicks. Frankly speaking, this is my go-to MIDI solution in Windows. EDIT: Apologies, it's BassMIDI, not fluidsynth, but I would still recommend it.
  19. Thanks! Not the right thread to ask, but any idea why would source port authors not put a complevel check around this?
  20. I am curious why looking out of the windows at the start of e1m2 in vanilla or mbf causes a hom-like effect?
  21. ludicrous_peridot

    BOOM/MBF IBK that mimics Doom's instruments?

    Okay, this is not strictly speaking IBK thing, but I wanted to raise awareness of (totally unauthorized) hacking of Allegro 3.0 to bring OPL sound *subjectively* closer to how original games sounded, using @gerwin's MBF 2.0.4 and its custom Allegro 3.0B as the starting point. For those interested in listening, a preview build of the engine (not MBF) is up on vogons that includes numerous tweaks like proper note offset support, better pitch bend handling and a take on "double-voice" polyphony (OPL3 would probably be a requirement for the latter, although Allegro supports double OPL2 configuration, but sadly I never tested this). It does not require IBK-s though. UPDATE: and we also got an actual MBF build now, courtesy of @MrFlibble.
  22. ludicrous_peridot

    'Harmony Compatible' now available!

    Oh, I see. So I take that as pistol ammo addition was more of a refinement than a limitation in the end, even if it was prompted for by a limitation in the first place, and that it should not be looked at outside of the whole player arsenal.
  23. ludicrous_peridot

    'Harmony Compatible' now available!

    How much did that pistol was using bullets now change the maps/balance as compared to the original? I am curious if a source port implementing infinite ammo for pistol specifically for Harmony Compatible would make sense with current state of the maps, etc?..
  24. ludicrous_peridot

    SC-88 Soundfont?

    Something I noticed at the archive page - SC-55 Deemster (the one that comes with GZDoom) Really? Has that been bundled with GZ? I have been replacing that with the one from deemster's Vogons thread, and always though I heard a difference; was I a fool?
  25. ludicrous_peridot

    Getting Eternity TC resources into playable state

    If you need states and action code for these check out Tartar source code (C, not ZScript though). They come for Caverns of Darkness source code made available by @Murdoch couple years ago. I did not find any playable maps among published ones back in the day so ended up building my own to showcase the actors the engine had support for and dialogs engine. You can check those out as well in Tartar full distro. PS My experience on this board was that Quasar was quite friendly when it came to the TC. He responded with a lengthy storyline explanation and such already; can fetch the link if your search does not come up with anything relevant.