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About Johney

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  1. Johney

    Share Your Sprites!

    I just noticed in the cyan version of the recoiled sprite the bottom left and right areas weren't cyan. Here's a fix for that. Early_BFG_9000_hotfix.zip
  2. Johney

    Share Your Sprites!

    I decided to do something simple for my first plunge into DOOM spriting, I scaled down the early BFG 9000 sprites for use in WADs and whatnot. I also made an inactive frame for it. Can't wait for Christmas to come. There's an attached folder in case anyone wants to use them. Early_BFG_9000.zip
  3. Johney

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Just found out that the pickup graphic for the BFG2704 was finished at some point after the 0.5 alpha, and that the pistol pickup graphic I've seen in UDB wasn't custom either. There was also a Berserk Stim at one point (though it could be an alternate graphic for the Beserk pack). It makes me wonder if the view sprites of the missile launcher were completed; if the 2704 had a view sprite (or view sprites) made before being replaced by the 9000, if the Dark Claw had view sprites made before being scrapped, and how a Berserk Stim would've functioned (heh, maybe it would've worked how the Berserk pack was supposed to).
  4. Johney

    GZDoom + GZDoom Builder Error

    It worked! Thanks for the help.
  5. Johney

    GZDoom + GZDoom Builder Error

    Sure thing. MP40 actor MP40 : DoomWeapon 12304 { Weapon.SelectionOrder 700 Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.AmmoGive 20 Weapon.AmmoType "Clip" Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the MP40!" Obituary "%o was riddled by %k's MP40." attacksound "MP40/Fire" Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 4 Scale 0.5 States { Ready: MP40 A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: MP40 A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: MP40 A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: MP40 B 2 Bright A_FireBullets (5, 4, 1, 5, "BulletPuff") MP40 B 0 A_GunFlash MP40 D 1 A_SetPitch (pitch-0.4) MP40 CA 1 A_SetPitch (pitch+0.2) MP40 A 0 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: TNT1 A 5 Bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone TNT1 A 5 Bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone Spawn: MP40 E -1 Stop } } Angled Flashlight ACTOR FlashLightAngled : Weapon 15017 { Weapon.SlotNumber 0 Weapon.Selectionorder 4000 Inventory.PickupSound "misc/p_pkup" Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a flashlight!" Scale 0.75 +NOALERT +NOAUTOFIRE +NOAUTOAIM +NOTRIGGER States { Spawn: FLSH A -1 Loop Ready: FLIT A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop FLIT A 0 A_Light2 FLIT A 1 A_WeaponReady FLIT A 0 A_FireBullets( 0, 0, 1, 0, "FlashLBeam", FBF_NOFLASH | FBF_NORANDOMPUFFZ, 1500) Goto Ready+2 Deselect: FLIT A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("SwitchOn", 1, "LightLower") Lower: FLIT A 0 A_Light0 FLIT A 1 A_Lower Loop LightLower: FLIT A 0 A_PlaySound("flashlight/off") FLIT A 0 A_TakeInventory("SwitchOn", 1) TrueLightLower: FLIT A 0 A_Light0 FLIT A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: FLIT A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: FLIT A 1 A_JumpIfInventory("SwitchOn", 1, 4) FLIT A 1 A_PlaySound("flashlight/on") FLIT A 1 A_Light2 FLIT A 1 A_GiveInventory("SwitchOn", 1) Goto Ready+2 FLIT A 1 A_PlaySound("flashlight/off") FLIT A 1 A_Light0 FLIT A 1 A_TakeInventory("SwitchOn", 1) Goto Ready } } Centered Flashlight ACTOR FlashLightCentered : Weapon 15019 { Weapon.SlotNumber 0 Weapon.Selectionorder 4000 Inventory.PickupSound "misc/p_pkup" Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a flashlight!" Scale 0.75 +NOALERT +NOAUTOFIRE +NOAUTOAIM States { Spawn: FLSH B -1 Loop Ready: FLIT B 1 A_WeaponReady Loop FLIT B 0 A_Light2 FLIT B 1 A_WeaponReady FLIT B 0 A_FireBullets( 0, 0, 1, 0, "FlashLBeam", FBF_NOFLASH | FBF_NORANDOMPUFFZ, 1500) Goto Ready+2 Deselect: FLIT B 0 A_JumpIfInventory("SwitchOn", 1, "LightLower") Lower: FLIT B 0 A_Light0 FLIT B 1 A_Lower Loop LightLower: FLIT B 0 A_PlaySound("flashlight/off") FLIT B 0 A_TakeInventory("SwitchOn", 1) TrueLightLower: FLIT B 0 A_Light0 FLIT B 1 A_Lower Loop Select: FLIT B 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: FLIT B 1 A_JumpIfInventory("SwitchOn", 1, 4) FLIT B 1 A_PlaySound("flashlight/on") FLIT B 1 A_Light2 FLIT B 1 A_GiveInventory("SwitchOn", 1) Goto Ready+2 FLIT B 1 A_PlaySound("flashlight/off") FLIT B 1 A_Light0 FLIT B 1 A_TakeInventory("SwitchOn", 1) Goto Ready } } Medipack Actor Medipack : Health 10394 { Game Doom Inventory.Amount 50 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a medipack." Health.LowMessage 20, "Picked up a medipack that you REALLY need!" States { Spawn: MEDP A -1 Stop } } Food Actor Food : Health 15035 { Game Doom Inventory.Amount 15 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a plate of food." Health.LowMessage 20, "Picked up a plate of food that you REALLY need!" Inventory.PickupSound "pickup/food" States { Spawn: FOOD A -1 Stop } } First-Aid Kit Actor FirstAidKit : Health 15036 { Game Doom Inventory.Amount 25 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a first-aid kit." Health.LowMessage 20, "Picked up a first-aid kit that you REALLY need!" Inventory.PickupSound "pickup/medkit" States { Spawn: MEDK A -1 Stop } } ArmorShard actor ArmorShard : ArmorBonus 10395 { Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up an Armor Shard." Inventory.Icon "ARSDA0" Inventory.PickupSound "pickup/armorshard" Armor.Saveamount 5 States { Spawn: ARSD ABCDCB 6 loop } } Stimbonus actor Stimbonus 10396 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Pickupmessage "Picked up a Stimbonus." Inventory.Amount 5 Inventory.MaxAmount 200 Scale 0.75 States { Spawn: SMBS A -1 stop } } I do believe that's all of them that have the Inventory.Pickupmessage.
  6. Greetings everyone, I'm kind of new to DooM modding and I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this before when making new maps with custom stuff. I'd just made some custom health pickups the other day. I saved my WAD, closed Slade and opened GZDoom Builder. I placed them in the level and was ready to test it out, until GZDoom gave me this error: Execution could not continue. Script error, "First Wad 4th Level with guard11 v3 (UDMF).wad:DECORATE" line 4: '@property@inventory.pickupmessage' is an unknown actor property When I saw this, I thought it was the new pickups I added. So I removed them from the WAD, but it still gave the same error when opened in GZDoom. I tested the new health pickups on a test map I made for new custom enemies, and they worked just fine. Has anyone had this kind of stuff happen before, and is there a way to fix it? By the way, I've used some assets from Realm667 in the WAD, and made some minor edits to one of them (mainly to it's pickup message). Also, I'm using the latest version of GZDoom (Version 3.6.0).