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About nathaniel7775

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  1. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Archy: this should work: disable doom2.wad so you just have pl2 and plutonia enabled. Then when you start it touch four fingers to the screen and type "newRenderer 1", and the skies should appear (for Plutonia 1 and TNT the new renderer doesn't work, so it's turned off when it detects either of those IWADs). If you play Plutonia 1 or TNT, just change it to "newRenderer -1" (means new renderer will be on except if it's Plutonia or TNT).
  2. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Archy: you can change the loading order, actually. If you hit "edit" in the list of games, then you can drag the different files into a new order by touching the little grey bars that show up on the right after clicking "edit". Let me know if that makes sense.
  3. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Source code is here: http://pinkeh.com/iphone/apps/gameception/gameception.zip
  4. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Sodaholic: Glad you like it! I'll probably wait til Freedoom releases their official version to update, but I certainly will then. And, I'll look into adding custom colormap capabilities.
  5. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Archy: I don't have any WADs with >32 levels handy, but you may be able to idclev to the >32 levels? And for nightmare mode, you can turn it on (for now), by going to the new game screen, touching four fingers to the screen and typing "skill 4" and hitting return. None of the skill level buttons will be highlighted after that but if you pick a level you'll be playing in nightmare mode. And, I'll look into adding command line parameters as well as better ways to play >32 levels and nightmare mode.
  6. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    printz: Yes. lnxr0x: Sorry about that: this should be fixed very soon (EDIT: fixed!) In the meantime, you can still transfer over files from your computer using iTunes File Sharing (this link should explain how: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4094?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US). And/or download WADs from online (DOOM shareware, Chex Quest, Hacx, and Requiem are among the easily available WADs online).
  7. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Newly-released Gameception, based on Doom Classic and including the Freedoom IWAD by default, lets you play any PrBoom-compatible WAD on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. That includes Doom, Doom II, Plutonia, TNT, etc. You just have to transfer over your IWAD/PWAD files using Dropbox or iTunes File Sharing, or download free WADs (e.g. Chex Quest) with Gameception's web browser.
  8. nathaniel7775

    Play WADs on Your iOS Device

    Newly-released Gameception, based on Doom Classic and including the Freedoom IWAD by default, lets you play any PrBoom-compatible WAD on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. That includes Doom, Doom II, Plutonia, TNT, etc. You just have to transfer over your IWAD/PWAD files using Dropbox or iTunes File Sharing, or download free WADs (e.g. Chex Quest) with Gameception's web browser.