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About dashiefrickintyan

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  1. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 15/11/23 - cute commission for myolden. titlepic for new PUSS project:)
  2. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 26/11/23 - a couple of smol avatars for lunacid hihi
  3. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 31/07/23 - never shared this one for some reason might as well do a smol self plug cus people did a great thingy a couple of months ago
  4. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 13/11/23 - can't decide which one i like more
  5. dashiefrickintyan

    The 10x10 Project demos [-complevel 9]

    Map02 UV-Max in 3:04 (again lol) Video: 10x02-304.zip
  6. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 23/09/23 - smol sketch of mercy's witch skin hehe - 5/10/23 - cutie linda with elf ears:) - 13/10/23 - my fancy halloween pfp hehehe - 21/10/23 - something a bit special, my first animation in aseprite:p
  7. dashiefrickintyan

    The 10x10 Project demos [-complevel 9]

    Map01 UV-Max in 3:04 Video: 10x01-304.zip
  8. dashiefrickintyan

    Happy Birthday Starduster! [cl9]

    luv u star ✨
  9. it's not that cheesy to continue last year's project>:]
  10. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 27/08/23 - cute caco gal from this thread
  11. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 15/08/23
  12. dashiefrickintyan

    Bondleday! [-cl21]

    bumpity-bump, bondleday is now on idgames!<3 https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bondleday
  13. dashiefrickintyan

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    Bloody Rust Map03 UV-Max in 4:38 Video: br03m43820.zip
  14. dashiefrickintyan

    Bondleday! [-cl21]

    This is a smol set of 8 maps made for @brendondle as a bday gift! Prepare for slaughter and jams <3 Map list and music credits: Screenshots: Text File: bondleday.zip https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bondleday catKISS