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About vyruss

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    :(){ :|:& };:

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  1. vyruss

    Thoughts on Witchaven?

    Hehehe. Witchaven.
  2. vyruss

    Best years of your life?

    With the way I lived in the past, what I've put myself through and the choices I made leading up to get to where I am now, every day is a blessing. Things aren't always rosy peachy but anything beats joining the worm team prematurely.
  3. vyruss

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    I don't really feel good even trying to gauge this one. Just took one look at the dude and he turned into a red husk.
  4. vyruss

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    Guy has difficulty distinguishing things from a jar of mayo. 0/10.
  5. vyruss

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    Hey, not all of us souls nerds are like that! No seriously, whoever is saying this kind of dumb thing statement that amounts to "using game feature y is bad and you are bad if you do" are the same kind of folks that would try to build a 1000 meter building with extension ladders and rope pulleys from ground level while having a system of measurement based on the size of the foot sole of the biggest person on the job site while communicating with unintelligible gibberish.
  6. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The entire universe behaves like it has a serious chemical dependency disorder (or worse), and God forbid you bump into a table and knock something down, and attempt to place it back onto the table. Just touching a spoon in someone else's house is enough to have everyone in the room screaming for the guards about a thief, and then having to cough up a decent sum of gold or go to jail.
  7. vyruss

    Doom running on an ultrasound machine.

    Windows XP embedded. Following the trail it was an old GE Ultrasound machine that was being decomm'd and this was the tech messing around before sending the machine back and destroying the storage media.
  8. vyruss

    Word Roulette!

    Fifo's Night. A rare earth metal that is used in jewelry and some electronics.
  9. vyruss

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    I keep thinking its perfect cell
  10. vyruss

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Wait.... ducks don't have teeth
  11. vyruss

    opinions on pineapple on pizza?

    Hooray, my favorite topic, skub pineapple pizza. It's wonderful on thin, cracker-like crusted pizza with some ham.
  12. vyruss

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    A dishwasher. My old one was over 15 years old and I'm amazed at how much more efficient and quiet the new machine is. I am equally amazed my old one did not explode in the midst of operation based on the sounds it was making, thought it would have been fun to hear the sound of the pump going completely.

    On 1/11/2023 at 6:04 AM, vyruss said:


    I am presently finishing out a suite of functionality related to rearranging the ROM's contents to allow for new levels to be created and added.  Easy part is over - I have defined the logistical side and behavior of how to carry this out, the second half of this is adding the functionality to Aneurysm.  The more entertaining side of this is having to add the needed capabilities to Aneurysm to enable new level creation and ROM modification.  Hopefully it won't take me a year and a half to release that change.



    New Aneurysm update coming soonish(?) I hope.  Finishing up some functionality to add in a Sound Player for the PCM audio from the ROM and CD version, and adding an Enemy Header editor and Raw Level Header viewer.  I think the ROM rearranger/expansion logic is something I can add, but as far as the actual "new level" creation logic that might have to be a future release.




    Excuse spiel:


    My day job has been running me through the wringer since about January.  Burnout sucks.  Things are finally slowing down as I am finishing one project and moving to another I finally have the energy at the end of the day to want to work on personal projects again.

    1. vyruss


      Yay. Found the magic words to make CD digital sound clips play at native bitrate and sample length as the PCM would sound in game.  Now I get to tell users to find their SHELL.BIN for the game.  Feels kind of gross hardcoding all of the offsets for the sound data but I do not seem to find any good emulation setup that has active disassembly or even something like live trace for the Sega CD.


      Ah well.  Time to wrap this up into Aneurysm and send it.

    2. vyruss


      Adding a Texture Editor in this release too.  Will work by displaying the raw displayed half in a "universal" palette and give a preview of how it would work in game based on the selected per-level palette assigned in the tool.

    3. vyruss


      Texture editor is done save for integrating palette selection.  Need to think on what else to add to or fix in this release to make it worth updating to public branch.
