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Doom II and DOOM (2016) steam reviews of mine

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wrote a review for doom 2016 yesterday....I just figured you guys might be interested in reading it.





And here is a review for Doom II :>



I'll probably update this thread with the rest of my Doom series reviews whenever I write them

Edited by OliveTree : added review for doom 2

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Nice (and quite a large) review! My impression, after finishing the game in HMP, is that the maps become more and more interesting until "Titan's Realm" with the peak at "Lazarus Labs". Beyond that there's nothing really new or enticing apart from the bosses (the hell guards and the mama spider)... the battles just get harder with more monsters, at this point the two big map themes (tech and hell) begin to feel old and overused.


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11 hours ago, ARMCoder said:

Nice (and quite a large) review! My impression, after finishing the game in HMP, is that the maps become more and more interesting until "Titan's Realm" with the peak at "Lazarus Labs". Beyond that there's nothing really new or enticing apart from the bosses (the hell guards and the mama spider)... the battles just get harder with more monsters, at this point the two big map themes (tech and hell) begin to feel old and overused.

Thanks for reading my 2016 review :>


I agree fully with your summation here. I literally couldn't put it better myself (you can see that by my very long review trying to put it better myself, up above, lol).


I updated the OP with a review of Doom II if you're interested.

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