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About TheSlipgateStudios

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  1. TheSlipgateStudios

    What are you playing now?

    Just started the 20 Years Of Doom episode WAD, beat the first map and so far it's really nice!
  2. TheSlipgateStudios

    do you use cheats in doom?

    I gotta admit, I used cheats in Sigil 2 because of the unfair challange that was Map 6 (which it can eat a LongJohn) but other than that, using very rarely
  3. TheSlipgateStudios

    SIGIL 2 !!!

    Yeah, this WAD is awesome, aside from a few encounters and maps that is (map 6 can eat a LongJohn). Overall really good, 7/10
  4. TheSlipgateStudios

    What are you playing now?

    Finished 2022 A Doom Odyssey in the span of a week, Played Sigil 2 and finished it on Hurt Me Plenty, and now taking a break from Doom to clear the rest of my gaming backlog.
  5. TheSlipgateStudios

    What are you playing now?

    2022: A Doom Odyssey, already finished episode 2!
  6. TheSlipgateStudios

    Can't wait for Sigil 2!!

    Heck yeah can't wait to play it!
  7. TheSlipgateStudios

    Introducing The Phobos Amphitheater - A YouTube Channel About Doom WAD Music!

    Your content is amazing!
  8. TheSlipgateStudios

    What actually happened to Daisy, Doomguys pet bunny?

    She got invited to a massage, look how happy she looks!
  9. TheSlipgateStudios

    What are you listening to?

  10. TheSlipgateStudios

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    I did a FULL PLAYTHROUGH of Ultimate Doom Unity edition on YouTube!
  11. TheSlipgateStudios

    Who else has never beat the iwad maps in a single playthrough?

    I finished all Iwads and the commercial releases of Doom.
  12. TheSlipgateStudios

    Getting dizzy playing Doom

    Nah it's a skill issue
  13. TheSlipgateStudios

    What's your general play style in Doom?

    Almost all of the above, lol.
  14. TheSlipgateStudios

    Does anyone fear that the next doom games story might... suck :(

    Quoting Carmack again: "Story in a game is like story in a porn movie, it's expected to be there but it's not that important."