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About NoisyVelvet

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    Senior Member

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  1. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

  2. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone Map06 Pacifist in 0:28.23 - xch06p028.zip Map13 Pacifist in 0:10.60 - xch13p010.zip ;)
  3. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    100 Line Christmas Map32 Pacifist in 0:07.34 - 100lx32p734.zip One final tick-beater for the night.
  4. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    PUSS XXIII: Mappin' Round the Doommas Tree Map17 UV-Speed in 0:25.14 - puss2317-2514.zip 100 Line Christmas Map12 UV-Speed in 0:33.66 - 100lx12-033.zip
  5. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    War on Christmas Map01 Nomo100S in 0:16.86 - wxm01os016.zip
  6. I'm not in a mapping mood, but as a city level enjoyer, I look way forward to this release. Best of luck to all.
  7. NoisyVelvet

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    War on Christmas Map03 Nomo in 28.46 - wxm03o2846.zip Map08 Nomo in 43.29 - wxm08o043.zip
  8. DEAD: Map01 Category: 1 (blind) Time of Death: 0:50 Kills: 20/71 Demo: noisy_absoldis_ironman.zip
  9. NoisyVelvet

    IronEagle Competition 60: Bad Idea

    DNF Map16 Difficulty: UV Category: 1 Time of Arrival: 28:04 Time of Stuck: N/A Kills: 101/113 Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.2 Demo: noisy_badidea_ironman.zip
  10. NoisyVelvet

    Who likes a good snooze?

    Snoozing rocks. Sometimes it's good to just relax and vibe out, sometimes it's a crutch. I like pillows and fabric and soft things a bit too much and the psycho-somatic things they provide, sometimes to a fault. Sometimes I accidentally vibe so hard that I start melding with the Fabric of the Universe itself and become some sort of cosmic Snorlax temporarily. Snooze responsibly, everyone.
  11. NoisyVelvet

    Mapping - how much of it is talent?

    I'll say this, though. "You shouldn't be afraid to try." and "Sometimes you gotta walk through deserts to get shit done" are worthy, primordial pillars to bat for; and those points are what's being expressed for in this thread I think. Peace.
  12. NoisyVelvet

    Mapping - how much of it is talent?

    A lot of people seem to have a fetish for the word "Talent" and what it means to them. Whatever gets anyone off, I guess. edit: Most of them would probably say something like: "Thanks!"
  13. NoisyVelvet

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    NoisyDiarrhea (related demo pack thread) NM-Speed tablefills: Map31s in 1:41 - nd31sn141.zip Map28 in 0:19 - nd28n019.zip Map27 in 0:33 - nd27n033.zip Map26 in 0:49 - nd26n049.zip Map25 in 0:38 - nd25n038.zip Map20 in 0:58 - nd20n058.zip Map19 in 0:16 - nd19n016.zip Map18 in 0:27 - nd18n027.zip Map17 in 0:16 - nd17n016.zip Map16 in 0:22 - nd16n022.zip Map15 in 0:23 - nd15n023.zip Map14 in 0:24 - nd14n024.zip Map13 in 0:14 - nd13n014.zip Map12 in 0:29 - nd12n029.zip Map09 in 0:29 - nd09n029.zip Map07 in 0:53 - nd07n053.zip I'm not sure if a speed megawad named after loud pooping, one that has demos already, needs it's own thread, but let me know.
  14. Here's an FDA (died around 100 kills). Good clean map. It has a comfy difficulty balance throughout for ammo/health/armor. The menu screen made me smile after dying. noisy_Wood54Life.zip
  15. If I complain about my state I get put on a list. So I guess my opinion of my state is that "I can't complain". :)