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NEW WORLD RECORDS in Doom Eternal and its add-ons

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On the 10th of January 2023 a Ukrainian player Absolutemassive established a NEW WORLD RECORD in Doom Eternal in the category 100%/Restricted/Ultra-Nightmare, which is absolutely incredible, because it's one of the hardest things to do in DE! 🔥 The run was done in 1:43:05.18 LRT.








P. S. Obviously, it wasn't yesterday, but as of 2023.03.01, this is the current world record in this combination of categories.

Edited by Geniraul : April 14: Topic transformed to the one dedicated to all the new world records in Doom Eternal and its add-ons, rather than just one record. April 28: The name of the game clarified in the title of the thread in order to avoid confusions.

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Thank you, I only got enough at the early game to get through it on Ultra Nightmare once and then abandon it forever, which is to say I was terrible at it. Watching someone absolutely dismantle it is eye-opening. I didn't even think to try this PB-melee-PB-melee thing he does.

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Glad it was helpful, I hope it will motivate you to not give up and inspire to try some further improvements!


EDIT: Here is the link for 4 new world records in different categories in The Ancient Gods - Part One:



I will be very thankful if someone from the moderators joins these topics together by inserting that post into this thread.

Edited by Geniraul : Link to 4 new world records in different categories in The Ancient Gods - Part One added.

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haw, I doubt I'll ever see the early game again. After I beat the campaign on ultra nm the best feeling was relief that I'll never have to play without meat hook ever again haha. I honestly think Doom:E without meathook is like a 7.5 game instead of like a 9.5/10. Kind of awesome that 30 years later, the SSG is still the most fun weapon in gaming


But it's shocking to see how they make a mockery of fights I had to be careful on, nor does he seem bothered to be sitting at 20 life with alot of fighting to go. I was really unprepared for what such powerhouse gameplay looks like. Almost like some insane auto-turret or something


Also makes me curious what monitor he plays on to be at 250 fps? Most are 240? Or maybe he just picked that number? I can't remember if you can or not. I play on that 280 fps alienware but often miss my old 4k TV and rtx3070 110 fps. Hell knights and barons were much less obtrusive at that fps

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On the 2023.04.15 🇺🇬 Gycnob established the new world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part Two in the category 100% (All Combat Encounters) / Restricted / Ultra-Nightmare. The run is done in 26:21.74 LRT, which is about a 23 second improvement over the previous record by Raitro.






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On the 2023.04.16 🇺🇬 Gycnob established one even more world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part Two, this time in the category Any%/Restricted/Classic. The run is done in 16:25.73 LRT, which is about a 4 second improvement over the previous record by 🇫🇷 Potdechoucroute.






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On the 2023.04.21 🇮🇱 Quarth established the new world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part One, in the category Any%/Restricted/Classic. The run is done in 15:54.69 LRT, which is a 44 millisecond improvement over the previous record by 🇺🇬 Gycnob.









Edited by Geniraul

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On the 2023.04.26 🇺🇬 Gycnob established the new world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part One, in the category Any%/Restricted/Ultra-Nightmare. The run is done in 17:13.88 LRT, which is about a 3 minute 5 second improvement over the previous record by 🇨🇦 DrakePHOSE.







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On the 2023.03.25 Ender_Eli established the new world record in Doom Eternal in the category Any%/Unrestricted/Nightmare. The run had been done in 2:32:05 LRT and 2:58:59 RTA and was only verified on the 2023.05.04 by Quarth. It may be due to what the runner had mentioned in the "Notes" section to his run:



timer was accidentally reset at cultist base while exiting to main menu


This is the very first run in this combination of categories.







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Today, on the 2023.05.13, 🇮🇱 Quarth broke his own world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part One in the category Any%/Restricted/Classic, making it 15:41.24 LRT, which is about a 14 second improvement!



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On the 2023.05,11, with the run verified by R4lph and the video published on the 2023.05.15, 🇺🇦 Absolutemassive broke their own world record in Doom Eternal one more time, again in the category 100%/Restricted/Ultra-Nightmare, making it 1:41:46.58 LRT, which is about a 1 minute improvement over the previous record!







Fun fact: The improvement of this own world record compared to the previous one is only one hundredth of a second less than one minute.

Edited by Geniraul

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Verifier Note: Retimed.


As far as I could understand, on the 2023.04.06 Sieg broke his own world record in Doom Eternal in the category Any% Restricted/Nightmare making it 1:18:30.46 LRT, which is about a 1 minute 48 second improvement over the previous record!






Edited by Geniraul : formatting

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On the 2023.05.24 🇺🇬 Gycnob established the new world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part One, in the category Any%/Restricted/Classic. The run is done in 15:07.35 LRT, which is about a 34 second improvement over the previous record by 🇮🇱 Quarth.




Leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/de_tag1?h=Any-Restricted-Classic&x=mke4gx92-jlzgw65n.4lx25j41-38dz311n.5lezd9kl

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On the 2023.06,06 🇺🇬 Gycnob broke their own world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part One, in the category 100% (All Combat Encounters) / Restricted / Ultra-Nightmare, making it 31:51.35 LRT, which is about a 1 minute 14 second improvement!






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speedrun.com has recently added a new feature: world records history of a particular game. To see Doom Eternal's greatest speedrunning achievements in a certain category, simply select it and click on the History button. Same goes for the add-ons: The Ancient Gods - Part One and The Ancient Gods - Part Two.

Edited by Geniraul

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On the 2023.07.18, with the video of the run published on the 2023.07.23, 🇺🇬 Gycnob broke their own world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part Two in the category 100% (All Combat Encounters) / Restricted / Ultra-Nightmare making it 24:37.05 LRT, which is about a 1 minute 45 second improvement over the previous record!






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On the 2023.07.15, with the run verified on the 2023.07.27, 🇺🇸 MuteD established the new world record in Doom Eternal in the category Any% Restricted / Classic. The run is done in 55:59.89 LRT, which is the first sub 56 minutes run ever in the category Any% Restricted. This is also about a 1 minute 54 second advantage over the run of the current second place holder 🇫🇷 Tehn0va.


Runner's notes:





Unbelievable, I finally did it. I killed 56, once and for all. This minute barrier is no longer, and I can rest well in bed knowing that this one may just last a while.


Once I was fighting for minutes, now I am fighting for seconds, oh how times have changed, how we've changed. With every new record the task grows more and more difficult, but we never give up. We find something better, newer, and faster.


Here's to the future, let's see a 54 one day.


These are all real youtube comments by the way:


How many cheat u have active hir, this is segmented not speedrun if u reload ceckpoint i think u don t know what really is speedrun


How is it restricted, if you're using slopeboosting multiple times?


Whoa, amazing. I thought this was a glitch run or something like that.


why do you not lose crucible charges when dismounting doom hunters?


Cheater detected.


what a noob


it was too slow I had to watch it at x2 speed


I didnt think anyone was better than Draqu at this, but you're faster ans seemingly more accurate, insane accuracy.


I accidentally did a speed glitch by dying and then holding down forward the entire time and I was just launched across the room


How long do you think he spent on Cod quick scoping for? How many damn hours


That concludes this time's chatting review, I'll give it a solid 8/10. See you next time







Edited by Geniraul

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Yesterday, on the 2023.08.05, 🇺🇦 Absolutemassive established the new world record in Doom Eternal, in the category Any% Restricted / Classic. The run is done in 55:37.52 LRT, which is about a 22 second improvement over the previous record by 🇺🇸 MuteD.






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On the 2023.08.09, 🇺🇸 Plobbus established the new world record in the add-on The Ancient Gods - Part Two in the category Any% / Limited / Classic. The run is done in 16:24.93 LRT and 16:58.24 RTA, which is about a 3 minute 30 second improvement over the previous record by 🇫🇷 Potdechoucroute.






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On the 2023.08.14, with the run verified on the 2023.08.24, 🇺🇸 MuteD established the new world record in Doom Eternal in the Any% (Restricted) / Classic category. The run is completed in 54:46.19 LRT, which is about a 51 second improvement over the previous record by 🇺🇦 Absolutemassive.






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Date: 2023.09.21. Verified: 2023.09.23. Runner: 🇺🇦 Absolutemassive. Category: Any% (Restricted) / Classic. Time: 54:25.83 LRT. Improvement: cca 20s. Previous record holder: 🇺🇸 MuteD.







Leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/doom_eternal?h=Any_Restricted-classic&x=mke88q8k-6njyrq5n.lx55yv31

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