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How to Beat the Marauder in Less Than 30 Seconds

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So everything is going well in your game. You've got a good handle all your weaponry, your flame thrower and your frags; you're getting pretty comfortable at this point. Then along comes along this "boss" a$$hole called the Marauder that screws up your universe. Not only does he shoot at you when your too close, he'll release his hound after you if you haven't struck a blow in a bit. If you're too far, he's blast you with his axe. Shoot him and he'll just block it with his shield. You're first encounter with him is going to be a frustrating nightmare.


So here's how to beat his a$$ in less than 30 seconds. First of all, you need 3 things:


1) The Ballista Weapon

2) The Super Shotgun

3) The ability to change out weapons quickly through the Praetor Suit.


Start with your Ballista. Make sure before you walk into this room that you put your Super Shotgun as the weapon to switch to rapidly by pressing triangle.


Keep your distance, but not too far because he'll shoot you with his axe. And keep moving; stay still and you're dead. Try to ignore the other minions in the room if you can help it. Wait until the Marauder's eyes turn green when he swings his axe at you. Soon as that happens, blast him with your Ballista once. While he's stunned, quickly switch over to your Super Shotgun and give him another blast. Don't use the meat hook. He'll recover almost instantly after that. Switch over to your Ballista and repeat. If he releases the hound, blast that hound with your Super Shotgun.


And that's it! He'll be staggering in less than 30 seconds so you can Glory Kill his a$$.


Anyone know an easier way?

Edited by dylux

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