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Everything posted by Besli

  1. Besli

    HD Doom Art

    Okay I decided to make a new Topic for this. Here are really HD Doom Art Pics for your pleasure: Doom64 Art: (by Roger Motzkus) You can find a higher res Version there: https://ibb.co/X4LwyTh Here is another Version of that art: https://www.deviantart.com/ffburger101/art/DOOM-1994-Original-PlayStation-Artwork-746379784 And here are higher res Versions: https://ibb.co/gFz9bpN https://ibb.co/6J0brw6 https://ibb.co/P4KhmcM Roger Motzkus himself posted a Version of the original art, i think it was on his Twitter account, but that wasn't very high res. So i improved that a bit: https://ibb.co/s6zps9Z https://ibb.co/GvDYwCx https://ibb.co/wd5LhwL And here is another Version of the same art: https://ibb.co/3Sy0DmQ I used https://letsenhance.io/ to create the high res versions.
  2. Besli

    BFG / Exit door source

    I prefer these...
  3. Besli

    HD Doom Art

    Ah, thank you for that information!
  4. Besli

    BFG / Exit door source

    I also quote for the middle right version. Best fucking HD version of the BFG!
  5. Besli

    HD Doom Art

    Doom Art: (by Don Ivan Punchatz) https://www.deviantart.com/ffburger101/art/DOOM-1993-Original-Artwork-746378990 Doom Logo: (by Don Ivan Punchatz) http://imagehost.cc/image/RjIxe DoomII Art: (by Gerald Brom) https://ibb.co/wcmnfpN https://ibb.co/c6bGM6v https://ibb.co/YjZ97gW Did you know that this only was a part of a bigger Image!?
  6. Besli

    Looking for textures

    Or try it there: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31139
  7. Wow, very nice work! Your Tei Tenga , Sun, and Earth picture are very close to the original! Where did you found that sun pic? That's right, but can be swapped easily. I combined the two nuke textures:
  8. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Name: War Hero (a.k.a. Wolfenstein 3D) Artist: Julie Bell http://dmitryges.narod.ru/photo458.jpg http://www.imaginistix.com/details.cfm?Id=60 http://www.d4rkw00d.net/gallery/julie_bell/julie_bell_warhero.jpg http://fantasy.mrugala.net/Julie%20Bell/Julie%20Bell%20-%20Hard%20Curves%202001%20-%2070%20-%20War%20hero.jpg http://artmight.com/albums/2011-02-07/art-upload-2/b/Bell-Julie/JLM-Julie-Bell-War-Hero.jpg Name: Judgement Day (a.k.a. Doom II Pre-Release) Artist: Julie Bell http://dmitryges.narod.ru/photo217.jpg http://www.imaginistix.com/details.cfm?Id=88 http://www.d4rkw00d.net/gallery/julie_bell/julie_bell_jugdementday.jpg http://fantasy.mrugala.net/Julie%20Bell/Julie%20Bell%20-%20Hard%20Curves%202001%20-%2032%20-%20Judgement%20day.jpg http://artmight.com/albums/2011-02-07/art-upload-2/b/Bell-Julie/JB-1994-judgement-day.jpg http://artmight.com/albums/2011-02-07/art-upload-2/b/Bell-Julie/JLM-Julie-Bell-Jugdement-Day.jpg http://romero.smugmug.com/Video-Games/The-Archives/480_BdMqY#368956905_cvxpX-O-LB Name: Doomed (a.k.a. Doom II) Artist: Gerald Brom http://www.slackers.co.za/uploads/old/doom.jpg http://lcart2.narod.ru/image/fantasy/brom/brom_doomed.jpg http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/7423/538085-doom2.jpg http://www.robotvsbadger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/brom081.jpg Interview de Gerald Brom - Blog de mercenar Name: Druid (a.k.a. Heretic) Artist: Gerald Brom http://abobobo.tumblr.com/photo/1280/276754554/1/tumblr_kueukqt1UT1qarrk2 http://files.myopera.com/KS-Hexen/albums/309468/Heretic.jpg http://lcart2.narod.ru/image/fantasy/brom/brom_druid.jpg Name: Unknown (a.k.a. Doom Online) Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v64/l11l1VeNoM1l11l/XBOX%20LIES/DoomOnlineOdamex.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dmX6KzOItLI/TD_jkQby8NI/AAAAAAAAFeE/biZQiYuodXw/s1600/015+doom.jpg Name: Ultimate Doom Poster Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz http://www.doomworld.com/pageofdoom/graphics/UltimateDoomPoster.jpg http://infomusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ultimatedoomposter.jpg?w=198 Name: Doom2 (a.k.a. Doom PSX) Artist: Roger Motzkus http://www.motzkusart.com/Images/Doom2.jpg http://imageshack.us/f/28/doom2art.jpg/
  9. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    For the moment, yes. I don't think this is ranger, I think it's an enforcer.
  10. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Did you mean this one? http://www.disksoplenty.com/images/products/DeathMatchM_1.jpg http://img.swapit.co.uk/00/02/18/67/2186766_1.jpg http://i.ebayimg.com/15/!B8,50vg!Wk~%24(KGrHqYOKnUEy0FyLLskBM3!2)E-zg~~0_3.JPG http://pics.mobygames.com/images/covers/large/1252539732-00.jpg
  11. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    I wish someone could make a high quality scan of the IBM box, and use that art to remake a new HD Titlepic... Name: Blake Stone - Aliens of Gold Artist: Les Dorscheid http://thefloppydisk.com/games/blake_stone_aliens_au_vision/manual_front.jpg Source: http://thefloppydisk.com/games/blake_stone_aliens_au_vision/ Name: Castle Wolfenstein Artist: John D. Benson http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/castle-wolfenstein-john-d-benson.jpg
  12. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    I'm still searching for this box, or the art of it. And look what I've found: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/WOLFENSTEIN-3D-IBM-3-5-DISC-RARE-1992-ORIGINAL-BOX-/350608567802?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item51a1e62dfa
  13. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Hey Belial, I have some good news! Look what I've found: http://castelodafantasia.net/2005/wizard19.jpg Source: http://castelodafantasia.net/2005/wizard.html Edit: Now I found out the name of the artist: Myles Pinkney And the name of the picture is: Dragon Mountain (http://www.mylespinkney.com/gallery/painting.html?painting=dragonMountain) Here are better versions: http://lair2000.net/Wizard_Pictures2_Download/2w29.jpg http://visipix.dynalias.com/newsgroups/newsgroups/view_pic.php?ng=fantasy&mirror=&start=96&pic_size=original&keywords=daruma&lang=&group=0&searchmethod=fulltext http://visipix.dynalias.com/newsgroups/newsgroups/view_pic.php?ng=all_ng_arts&mirror=&start=116&pic_size=original&keywords=myles&lang=&group=0&searchmethod=fulltext http://visipix.dynalias.com/newsgroups/newsgroups/view_pic.php?ng=all_ng_arts&mirror=&start=28&pic_size=original&keywords=myles&lang=&group=0&searchmethod=fulltext http://visipix.dynalias.com/newsgroups/newsgroups/view_pic.php?ng=all_ng_arts&mirror=&start=65&pic_size=original&keywords=myles&lang=&group=0&searchmethod=fulltext http://www.sfxman.com/ttboard/data/GALLERY7/dbs_myles_pinkney_2002_calendar_04_dragon_mountain_apr.jpg Hope that helped! ;)
  14. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Ah, okay. I can't find out the artists name, can you read it on the pic?
  15. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Have you tried to contact the user who posted it? http://s869.photobucket.com/albums/ab251/The-Mage-King/ Hm, the highest resolution I've found is 1024x768: http://www.google.de/search?q=The+Ultimate+Wizard&hl=de&safe=off&sa=X&imgrefurl=http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:The_Ultimate_Wizard.JPG&imgurl=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090810142260/uncyclopedia/images/4/43/The_Ultimate_Wizard.JPG&w=800&h=600&sig=116411829094644897356&ndsp=20&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbs=simg:CAQSEgmQ995HrRGH_1yEF_1eVRSO0cYQ&ei=mV5RUNTgL8jtsgbWr4CQCg&ved=0CAUQrBE&biw=1117&bih=800
  16. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Does someone here remember the good old Amiga days? Most of the games came with posters, showing the cover art in high resolution. Here is a Example: http://chrisachilleos.co.uk/index.php/art-shop?Itemid=473&option=com_rokecwid&view=ecwid&ecwid_product_id=8258482#ecwid:category=0&mode=product&product=8258482 The Poster (my brother still has hanging it in his room) had a black border, plus the game logo you can see on the box cover, and the Psygnosis logo (with the owl) on it. Good old days...
  17. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Okay. While I was searching: Boxart: Enemy Terretory - Quake Wars (Xbox 360) http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/56605/Enemy-Territory-Quake-Wars/ Boxart: Enemy Terretory - Quake Wars (PC) http://gameswallz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/EnemyterritoryquakewarsGamesWallpaper3.jpg http://www.fondosypantallas.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/wallpaper_enemy_territory_quake_wars_03_16001.jpg Boxart: Enemy Terretory - Quake Wars (Final/Released) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hd7RiGpPOVw/TlBMtMkHBEI/AAAAAAAAIGY/zs9IBidRprw/s1600/Enemy-Territory-Quake-Wars.jpg Logo: Enemy Terretory - Quake Wars http://www.goliatclan.ucoz.com/_si/0/20834729.png http://images.wikia.com/quake/images/6/6e/Quakewars-logo.jpg http://www.realmofgaming.com/screenshots/pc/EnemyTerritory-QuakeWars/Enemy%20Territory%20QUAKE%20Wars%20Logo_Low%20res.jpg (1,4MB)
  18. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Sorry, I don't know the pic you are talking about. Can you please post the small one, then I can try to find a better one. Here is a reconstructed clean Heretic cover, by Tea Monster: http://www.sendspace.com/file/85vuhw
  19. Besli

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Ah, someone has noticed it before there: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/49319-the-cacodemons-skinny-eye/
  20. Besli

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Ah, thanks. And sorry for my mistake.
  21. Besli

    Things about Doom you just found out

    The painting on texture RW16_4 (wad name), a.k.a. Panel5 in the hires retexturing projects, is part from a texture of ShadowCaster.
  22. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    What cyberdemon in the way back? On the released PSX box, the cyberdemon in the way back (+ the thing he shot) is removed... On the original he holds a pistol (+ muzzleflash) and the machete is on the belt. And he looks like he was walking through the water (he is dryer). On the released box you see him holding the machete and the gun is holstered on the belt. And he looks like he comes out of the water (like he was diving, or swimming). Name: Rise of the Triad Artist: Les Dorscheid http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57524/doom/images/2/2c/ROTT.jpg I wish I had a scan (or a copy) of this clean version: http://www.3drealms.com/rott/images/goodbye.jpg
  23. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    Name: Doom Logo Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz http://www.insidethegame.it/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1159395752-1.jpg
  24. Besli

    Game Art (Titlepic Art)

    And what do you say about the Operation Body Count art? I found it! ;) Name: Quake Artist: Paul Steed http://www.pcgamewallpapers.net/1920x1200/quake-wallpaper/ (Highest Resolution, and best Quality I found...)