Title: Hydro-Powered Demon Shower
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hpds.zip
Size: 688.21 KB
Date: 01/15/24
Author: cold soup
Description: Short, fairly hard Boom map taking place in some sort of hydraulic techbase. This is the first map I've ever finished, coming after a long line of half-complete failed attempts. Feedback is 100% welcome. The map itself is heavily inspired by 2-2 from the game Ultrakill. I specifically used the idea of a compact "city" with three switches guarded by monsters as a base for my map. Map02 is a "credits" map with no exit.
Credits: Detailed in hdps_credits.txt
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Two-ish weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd4, Aseprite
Bugs: Minor visual bugs and oddities in Software mode, OpenGL is recommended
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