Title: Brighter Alternate Colormap
Filename: graphics/britemap.zip
Size: 6.33 KB
Date: 08/04/98
Author: Matthew W. Miller
Description: This is my attempt to tweak the colormap so dark areas don't fade away to browns and greys. For starters, it's easier to tell Knights apart from Barons now. >:)
Credits: Everybody.
Base: Generated with the BASIC program enclosed.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: QBASIC, DeuTex
Bugs: Due to limitations of Doom's palette, some colors may seem darker/lighter than they should be. There is nothing much that can be done about this.
Rating: (8 votes)
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leilei is an fag, though i am a little tired of "bright" colormaps. i like the proper colors, but it would be nice if there was a regular dark colormap with the proper colors though.x
... good job? x
[Approved By Dark Zero Inc.] 5/5x
mmm nicex
leilei approves.x
hey, not bad!x

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