<![CDATA[Other Demos & Discussion Latest Topics]]>https://www.doomworld.com/forum/79-other-demos-discussion/enWhat specific maps/runs made you improve at a particular skill, game situation, or understanding?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142877-what-specific-mapsruns-made-you-improve-at-a-particular-skill-game-situation-or-understanding/ I'll go first by mentioning some examples of runs that I believe made be better with particular weapons (partly inspired by a comment Looper made about av29m being a run that made him get good with BFG).


- E1M2 max made me better with chaingun. Most of my runs up until this point hadn't involved the chaingun very much or at all aside from mowing down a horde of fodder or sniping down some hard-to-hit monsters, or shoot switches. This run however is almost exclusively chaingunning monsters low-tiers, and the tight time frame to crack record on it forces you to chaingun as effectively as you can. Essentially what I came to an understanding and grasp of is that it is much better to tap chaingun in an optimized-chaingun max like this, as you still maintain a high rate of fire except with 100% accuracy. Once I began doing this my hit-rate on enemies went up a lot and they died quicker with less ammo taken.


- lv02m made be better with SSG and lineups. It also made be a little better with shotgun, as did ev01m, pl01m, and E1M5 max, but the principles you apply with SSG are similar as with shotgun in my opinion. Since lv02m is predominately an SSGfest on low-tiers with an extremely tight time barrier, there are a lot of lineups required to cut down the numbers with minimal shots taken. After playing the map 35k+ times, I now instinctively and automatically hunt for lineups with SSG (and SG) and it would actually take a bit of cognitive effort to prevent myself from hunting lineups now lol. Lineups in general can also be helpful for provoking infighting, so lineups are super effective for optimizing in maxing. Additionally, lv02m made me think about the spread of SSG and manipulating how it changes with distance and enemy configurations. Sometimes you may get a lineup of fodder...except it's not enemies behind one another in front of you, it's enemies linked across your field of view in a chain as if they're holding hands...in other words, it's a horizontal lineup you're staring at. In cases like these with a horizontal line of fodder (2-3), it can be advantageous to try to back up away from them and then shoot with SSG, as you get more horizontal spread this way (although if you have the time, it may be smarter to run to the line's side to change the horizontal lineup to a traditional "downhill" one). I believe I got the idea to shoot this way in such circumstances from one of looper's lv02 demos.


Sunlust D2All Max got me better with implementing SR50. Mostly, needing to setup the death-skip in Map10 via a lineskip forced me to make my strafe-divisor really high to make VMM work so I could perform the trick, so consequently I needed to actually bind a setup to use 4-key SR50 instead of mouse SR50. It's hard not to SR50 in every open area I see now


- poog31m made me better with rocket launcher. I think I was already pretty familiar with optimizing rocket splash from previous runs, probably a run like su19m, but this map has several fights that you can't really beat unless you are optimizing your rocket splash. The caco wave in the 2nd main room mandates it with my strategy, and the 2nd secret room's first fight also mandates it practically.


sc31o made me come to an understanding that movement players are insane at movement. For me, I hadn't really tried to perfect movement from point A to B in a run before, and I didn't think it would be that bad having seen the demos of movement players, because unless you've tried a movement run before it really doesn't look like a movement player is doing much in a demo. It's "just" SR50ing on the shortest path to and around corners and backing up from doors and SR50ing through them at the right time. I found it very tough transitioning between SR50s and turns, and also getting the best lines and angles was tough too, frustrating most of all, and that's why I'm not a movement runner.


What runs made you good at rocketjumps? What runs turned you into a glide addict/good at fitting through while sucking in your gut and holding your breath? Runs that improved how you develop routes for maps? Runs that got you better at dealing with archviles, archvile hordes, cybers, cyber hordes, dimensions map03 references? Runs that improved your punching prowess? Runs that improved your movement? Runs that developed your avj skills? Runs that changed how you regularly diagnose monster priority? Runs that taught you how to zero press or void glide? Runs that taught you you don't need to have 200/200 and 600 cells at the end of every map in a movie run? Runs that just generally changed your perspective on speedrunning the game?


Please comment, because this subforum is basically dead.

142877Fri, 19 Jan 2024 07:37:15 +0000
Failed demo attemptshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/53932-failed-demo-attempts/53932Fri, 07 Jan 2011 22:50:38 +0000Heretic demos, mouselook, and sourceportshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142795-heretic-demos-mouselook-and-sourceports/ This is not important, it's just been on my mind lately.


Heretic demo files can record varying speeds of looking up and down, similar to (but not exactly the same as) left and right turns. But vanilla Heretic normally allows you to look up and down with the keyboard only, which changes your view angle at a set speed.


Because of this, any source port that is vanilla demo compatible, but also allows vertical mouselook, limits the speed that you can look up/down to what you can do with the keyboard when recording a demo. (Chocolate Heretic and Hexen also limits analog gamepad looking up/down to this speed.)


However, a while ago @xttl wrote a utility that allows you to do full mouselook in vanilla Heretic, by way of Doom/Heretic's external control driver feature, which allows demo-compatible looking up and down at increased speeds.



Here is a quick example demo: hmouse.lmp


So: Would using xttl's ravmouse invalidate a Heretic demo from being submitted to DSDA? (Other than as a TAS.)

And if so, is "fast mouselook in demos" an option that any source port authors might add anyhow? Quick 180° keyboard turns are no longer allowed IIRC yet many ports still allow that as a key.


I don't think I have ever seen a competitive Heretic demo look up/down at all, so this is probably all theoretical anyhow.

142795Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:30:51 +0000
First attempt demos [never played the map before]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/49306-first-attempt-demos-never-played-the-map-before/Note by Grazza:

Welcome to the First attempt demos thread.

This is the place to post demos that you have recorded when playing a map for the first time ever, with no previous knowledge of the map. That is, you have never ever played it before, and have not looked at it in an editor, or watched demos on it.

This is not the thread to post first-exit demos, or failed demo attempts. Post them in the threads where they belong.

The normal practice with first demo attempts (or FDAs for short) is to restart*** the map after a death, and keep playing the map from scratch until you exit (or give up). It is nice to give some stats for these attempts, including number of deaths, total time, and perhaps number of missed monsters/secrets if you were trying for Max kills.


*** To clear up the ambiguous wording, it is customary to keep playing after dying by respawning, not by quitting and restarting the map. -dew

Now back to ArmouredBlood's original post:


1st attempt demos lasting about an hour on phmlspeed MAP06 (Don't know how long link will last, check the thread in wads/mods if it breaks). Did not finish but I think I was getting close.


49306Fri, 14 May 2004 07:24:19 +0000
Best Looking Demos in Your Opinionhttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134906-best-looking-demos-in-your-opinion/ I don't like throwing around the term "hardest demo", but thought this would be a bit of fun.


What's a run from another player that, whether is hard or not, purely from watching the demo, looks like one of their best demos to you?

134906Fri, 07 Apr 2023 19:16:43 +0000
DSDA Issues / Reportshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/133330-dsda-issues-reports/ The Doom Speed Demo Archive is the primary website for classic Doom speedruns. It hosts numerous demos for Doom, its related games such as Heretic and Hexen, and community-created mapsets.


Submission to DSDA is as simple as zipping your demo file with an accompanying txt file that has some information about the run, and then posting it in the relevant thread in the submissions forum on this website. You can find more information about actually running Doom over here.


This thread's primary purpose is for users to report issues with the site, or with the upload process. If you posted any demos and they did not make it onto the website in the last upload batch, this is the place to do so. If you notice a mislabeled demo, this is where you should mention it.


This is a list of issues that are currently unsolvable, already known, or being worked on:



You can find this thread's original incarnation over here.

133330Thu, 05 Jan 2023 23:19:02 +0000
(TOOL-ASSISTED) Plutonia - MAP32: Go 2 It (100%) (No Damage) (Revision II)https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141492-tool-assisted-plutonia-map32-go-2-it-100-no-damage-revision-ii/ Just as the title says, this run is TOOL-ASSISTED and it's NOT meant to be submitted to any speedrun/demo website. All of the details are in the attached text file.


So, I've been trying out dsda-doom lately. Not because I want to speedrun the game, I still need to learn about that, but I wanted to try it out and see the Source Port's features. I must say, it ISN'T complicated but rather tedious to use, especially on Build Mode. I tried to do a few demos here and there using the Port's tools, seeing what it's like but nothing much came out of it. A few moments later, I realized this Port isn't only for speedrunning, but also for "showcasing" maps, and by showcasing I mean making a demo which simply shows a map or a WAD but isn't meant to be taken as a serious run. No actual legitimate gameplay, just showing how the map's like.


I decided to test these tools the Source Port provides and I spent an hour making a demo of Go 2 It where the player doesn't receive ANY damage at all. To make this possible, I took advantage of the slow mode and the rewind and save/load tools to make everything perfect. And if you thought that was enough, I have done the demo AGAIN but this time I enabled fast monsters and have somehow taken less time in doing it.

Of course, I already beat this map legitimately a long time ago, but I wanted to come back to it just for this, and this map was the first thing that popped up inside my head when I thought "very hard map". Showcasing doesn't equal beating a map, and I'd like to think that everybody understands that.


Please remember not to take this demo seriously. I only made it for fun and to show how the gameplay could be in this situation.


With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy watching these demos and have some fun thinking if any of you could actually pull this off (I'm sure I wouldn't be able to myself).





141492Thu, 16 Nov 2023 04:42:35 +0000
Thing about Viddump I found out.https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140672-thing-about-viddump-i-found-out/  

There are many people who viddump demos to videos. Some people don't have monitors who doesn't support UHD resolutions like 4K, 8K etc.

But, irrespective of your monitor supports the resolutions or not, you can viddump in UHD resolutions directly. Just follow the steps :


1. Open the DSDA-Doom/PrBoom-plus/PrBoomX config file.


2. In its screen resolution, type "1920x1080" for 1080p ,"2560x1440" for 2K, "3840x2160" for 4K, or any resolution you want. (Depends on the video codec, and the highest resolution supported by it.)


3. The 'x' between the width x height should not be capital. So, make sure to turn caps lock button on your keyboard off while typing the resolution. e.g if you type "1920x1080" this is correct, if you type "1920X1080" this is wrong.


4.Save the config file.


5.When you are viddumping, you can do other things on your PC, such while the video is being viddumped by FFMPEG. When viddumping starts, you can press 'Windows' button on the keyboard to go to normal computer mode.


6. Make sure that you are in non-fullscreen mode. If you are in fullscreen mode, then, the resolution of the output video will be defaulted to the max resolution supported by your monitor. If you are viddumping in a resolution which is beyond the max resolution supported by your monitor, then you won't be able to watch the entire game screen of demo which is going to playback on your PC while viddumping, but that's okay, the output video will be absolutely fine. Trust me.


7. In this way, you can viddump your videos in 2K, 4K, 8K, any resolution, but be aware, increasing resolution, can increase viddumping time. It depends largely on your OS, processor, video codec, encoding settings etc. But, in general, higher the resolution, longer the viddumping time.


Just a recommendation :


If you want to encode your videos, in UHD resolutions, it is recommended to encode in advanced video codecs like H.265, VP9 or AV1. H.265 and VP9 gives 25-50% and 20-50% bitrate savings when compared to H.264 while keeping same visual quality respectively. AV1 gives 30% more compression efficiency than VP9, and about 50% more compression efficiency than H.264.


If you want to know more about these codecs, check out the links below:


Encode H.265:



Encode VP9:



Encode AV1:




But, remember, again, this is just a recommendation, because video codecs like HEVC, VP9, AV1 are cpu-intensive to encode i.e the encoding times of these three codecs is much higher than H.264. (AV1 encoding is the most cpu-intensive task and takes the longest encoding time of the three, its compression is much more complex and advanced than HEVC and VP9) and if you don't have a high end CPU, its recommended to stick with H.264 or VP8, and if you have a semi-powerful CPU, HEVC and VP9 are good options, and if your cpu is a beast, than AV1 video codec is your best bet.


If you do encounter any problems, feel free to ask!

140672Tue, 10 Oct 2023 04:12:31 +0000
Why are items not counted in UV-Max demos?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141295-why-are-items-not-counted-in-uv-max-demos/ This is something I've always wondered why this is the case. I've seen people ask this before but there's always just been a vague answer of "it's boring". How did the community come together to decide that items aren't counted in Max demos?

141295Mon, 06 Nov 2023 10:26:05 +0000
dsda-doom v0.27.1 [split - zoom removal / endoom again]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/141164-dsda-doom-v0271-split-zoom-removal-endoom-again/ So I didn't say anything previously, because I was debating whether I wanted to stir the pot or not, but I think I should at least give my thoughts on a couple things, since DSDA Doom is my main port of choice - It is the port that I enjoy playing on the most, both for it's rendering and "game feel".


1) I'm glad that since version 0.27, turning on ENDOOM no longer results in DSDA Doom hard crashing when exiting.


Though I will say that with my experience on Windows 11, how ENDOOM is implemented is absolutely useless and so I just end up turning it off. Having it print in the console window and just immediately disappear is quite lame, and is basically the equivalent of just not seeing the ENDOOM at all.


I'm not saying this to stir more controversy, I'm just telling you how it currently is. I think I've seen certain people recommend to use different default consoles to stop it from just exiting, but honestly I think that it should not be on the user to have to do that. Having to change a default console on Windows just for DSDA Doom is quite honestly ridiculous. This is all I will say on this matter, as I do not want a repeat of the previous ENDOOM clusterf---.


2) This was actually done in the latest major release of DSDA Doom, but I'm not really a fan of removing features from the port that were in the original Doom. To this point, I am specifically talking about the screen zoom being removed.


You'd expect source ports to generally keep features included in the original game, and expand features on top of it. It seems strange to me, for original features to be stripped out (just to clarify, I am not talking about ENDOOM here, as ENDOOM is technically outputted after the program is closed, so you could see it as not part of the original game in a way).


I'm not saying I actually use this features (I don't), but it's more about what removing this features means for the future. It means that you have no problems stripping out other stuff from the game that was there originally, and that honestly concerns me. What other features will you decide to strip out of the port, since original features such as that have been removed? I often tend to joke about this with other Doomers, but I do find it a bit worrying... I can't wait to see the HELP screen get removed in a later update.

141164Mon, 30 Oct 2023 04:38:12 +0000
Is using midipacks permitted in speedrun demos?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140859-is-using-midipacks-permitted-in-speedrun-demos/ I wanted to run some Final Doom maps, but I don't think I'll stay sane without the midipacks. Can I load them with the IWADs without being disqualified?

140859Mon, 16 Oct 2023 11:34:52 +0000
Doom demos with built in audio commentary - Was it ever a thing? Was it planned at some point? Am I just "Mandela Effecting" real hard? What if it was real?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140683-doom-demos-with-built-in-audio-commentary-was-it-ever-a-thing-was-it-planned-at-some-point-am-i-just-mandela-effecting-real-hard-what-if-it-was-real/ I had a strange memory pop into my head a few hours ago.

I remember around 6 or 7 years ago - I was reading some documentation for PrBoom-Plus and its terminal options. Around the section where it was describing the "-viddump" parameter - there was a listing for an experimental parameter that allowed you to record a demo while ffmpeg was simultaneously also recording your microphone inputs. Once demo recording was finished - it would take the demo and audio recording and it would either do one out of the two following things: 


  1.  Call the "-viddump" command, but also merge the audio recording into the output video file.
  2.  Merge the raw demo file and audio recording into it's own unique file (which was probably a different .lmp demo file). You could then plug that new file into PrBoom-Plus and it would replay the demo together with the inner audio file.


Now, in all likelihood - this was a false memory from me. I probably misinterpreted something from the old documentation and add onto the fact that I'm retelling this memory 7 years from when it happened - it might just be one big "Mandela Effect" from me. But even then - I do have to wonder about the feasibility of the 2nd feature. A feature that lets you bundle a raw demo together with an audio track.

140683Tue, 10 Oct 2023 19:21:30 +0000
Should runs using -coop_spawns have an SN marker?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140599-should-runs-using-coop_spawns-have-an-sn-marker/ I thought about this once I finished my first run Sigil E5M1 and I realized that the run didn't have the SN marker next to it. Now I understand that there are certain quirks that solo-net has that coop_spawns doesn't (though I don't know anything outside of weapons staying around so feel free to educate me on that) but the principal is similar enough to where I feel that the SN marker should apply to runs using coop_spawns, especially since the archive already indicates what parameter was used under the run's time as well as having the SN marker. However, this is just how I feel and I would like to know how people who have done this for far longer and have far more knowledge than me think about this.

140599Fri, 06 Oct 2023 17:42:24 +0000
Where's all the old Sigil v1.1 demos?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140264-wheres-all-the-old-sigil-v11-demos/ Was trying to look at old demos to get an idea for some UV-Speeds I'm planning on doing but the only version of Sigil on the archive as far as I can see is v1.21. I would think that there would be runs of v1.1 as Zero Master has some on his channel that are clearly from a previous version. Are they just gone?

140264Mon, 25 Sep 2023 04:45:44 +0000
Ancient Aliens demo doesn't record musichttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/139755-ancient-aliens-demo-doesnt-record-music/ Hi. I was trying to record the first Ancient Aliens map demo, but when I finished it and uploaded it to YouTube the music just don't sounds. It just plays the background sound, but when I "Smoke" the pipe and passes the wolf psychodelic section the sound just stops and the music doesn't play. I'm recording it with the viddump PrBoom+ utility, so I don't know if is something 'bout compatibility, my pc or it's just that it cannot be fixed. I tried also to drag the mp4 video to Vegas Pro but the audio just glitches and it just keep a white noise, so I can't fix that by editing.



Here is the video

139755Sun, 03 Sep 2023 18:42:32 +0000
Watching demos doesn't seem to work righthttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/139584-watching-demos-doesnt-seem-to-work-right/ I'm trying to watch 4shockblast's NM Speed demos of Sunder map 10 and 13, which I downloaded from DSDA (attached below). He uses Prboom+ so my command is

prboom-plus -iwad DOOM2.WAD -file sunder/Sunder\ 2407.wad -playdemo demos/downloaded/su13n346.lmp

and something similar for the map 10 run. Everything works fine until I watch the demo: instead of a final successful run, I'm seeing him die a bunch of times and ultimately not getting anywhere. The movement through the map seems normal up to death so I don't think the demos are desyncing. What am I doing wrong here? Is there a separate WAD for old Sunder that I should be using?



139584Sat, 26 Aug 2023 11:29:22 +0000
Discussion about using the 180 turn key, and if it was ever allowed in Compet-Nhttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134535-discussion-about-using-the-180-turn-key-and-if-it-was-ever-allowed-in-compet-n/ So, I've caught whiff of a discussion going on Discord about using the 180 turn key press when recording demos. There seems to be some confusion regarding the historic use of this, and since I'm and old crustation from the age when Compet-N was the be all for speedrunning, I can attest to the fact that it was strictly banned. Any run using any tool to enhance the players ability led to an immediate disqualifiction of the run.

It's really weird to me to see this being a discussion at all - and also that it is a readily available tool in DSDA. Obviously it should be disabled with the -record parameter added. You cannot compare a tool assisted run to a clean run, and this goes for the 180 turn as well. Since some of the discussion touched on the recent fantastic run of Map02 max in 0:56, let me just say I think Kinetic is an incredible talent. That aside he unfortunately utilize the turn key at one point in map02, and thus it becomes invalid as a clean record to me. It's still an incredible run - just not valid as a non-assisted speedrun.

The fact that Compet-N allowed for "spinning tools" ment you were allowed to use a mouse, a trackball or similar hardware for the runs, not some software addition tool automating turns or spins. The confusion might stem from this.

There's tool assisted runs and there's clean runs, and people might record whatever they like as far as I'm concerned, but the long standing tradition for "clean" runs means you cannot tool assist, and it will never be a fair comparison regardless of how miniscule the effect in a given run.

(I'm not making a post to diss on Kinetic, I'm a fan of his stuff - I'm just baffled by the confusion going on about old rules that somehow allowed for the 180 turn to become an established speedrunning gimmick. Please keep any discussion and thoughts on this clean and on an adult level).

134535Sat, 18 Mar 2023 11:34:10 +0000
(NOT A SPEEDRUN) Doom UV With fast monsters. (2)https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/139533-not-a-speedrun-doom-uv-with-fast-monsters-2/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/139533-not-a-speedrun-doom-uv-with-fast-monsters-2/?tab=comments#comment-2690920


139533Thu, 24 Aug 2023 18:18:30 +0000
dsda-doom v0.26.0 UDMF [2023-05-29] / [light mode stuff]https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136232-dsda-doom-v0260-udmf-2023-05-29-light-mode-stuff/ Not a fan of the indexed light mode being forced on us. The entire reason I used the GL renderer was so I didn't have to deal with it.

136232Mon, 29 May 2023 20:38:55 +0000
Weird demoshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/54008-weird-demos/I released this demo a while ago with a normal demo of the same map. I guess nobody watched it though. Something really weird happens on the lift. See if you can figure out what happened. The map is megaw2.wad map 01 btw.


54008Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:18:23 +0000
Questions About TASing With DSDA-Doomhttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136480-questions-about-tasing-with-dsda-doom/ Forgive the ignorance but I'm new to TASing and am looking for some advice on a few random things with the DSDA-Doom TAS tools. I get the gist of using Build Mode and some aspects of the bruteforcing tools, but can't quite figure out what I should be looking into to accomplish what I want. Here's a few things I'm curious about:


1. Is there a way to bruteforce damage dealt TO the player? I see there are trackers and such for damage dealt BY the player, but not the reverse. I have a window of about 1-5 seconds in which I need to prevent damage to the player, or minimise it as much as possible.


2. Related to the above, what is the "RNG Index" value mentioned in the bruteforcing tool guide, and could I use this to manipulate enemy AI behaviour? I assume that it explains why no matter what sort of movement I make, the enemy wakeup time is always on the same tic; this only seems to change if I restart the demo from scratch.


3. Are you able to use the build mode to edit previously made (non-TAS) demos? When I open up one and enter build mode, nothing is altered and key states can't be restored because it's in playback mode or whatever. The TAS I want to make in question would be way easier to make if I can just manipulate the last few seconds of a demo I already recorded, but I can't figure out any way to edit the tics.


From what I understand XDRE bruteforcing tools should be able to accomplish what I want, however, as far as I read XDRE doesn't support -complevel 21 and that is the complevel I'm working with. I only have an ancillary understanding of Doom's nuts and bolts so sorry if all of this is obvious, I'm just hitting a bit of a wall. Any thread or other places with good info on using DSDA-Doom specifically for TASing would also be super helpful.

136480Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:47:19 +0000
Since I'm new here, can someone answer the questions?https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136137-since-im-new-here-can-someone-answer-the-questions/ All questions will be related to the Personal Best Demo Thread forum (pt. 2) ← POST YOUR NON-WRs HERE.

1. Is it possible that the demo won't be added to the dsda page at all, even if it meets all the requirements? If this is possible, then under what conditions?

2. Is it possible to attach a YouTube video if it has extra wads, such as hd sounds or wide statusbar?

136137Mon, 29 May 2023 06:33:25 +0000
Rocket jump in Doom 2: HOE, map 14https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136404-rocket-jump-in-doom-2-hoe-map-14/ Hi all. Recently I became a sort of a "speedrunner" in Doom 2: Hell On Earth. What I am actually doing is just playing my favorite game in a fast manner, trying to achieve any possible tricks I watched on youtube. I managed to perform several tricks: glides, archvile jumping, SR50. The only thing that I can not perform and which is crucially needed in map 14 is a rocket jump.

I watched tutorials about how to rocket jump generally. I downloaded a "PracticeHub" wad and performed rocket jums there relatively easy (after some practice). I watched all the speedruns from the famous masters like ZeroMaster. But I still can not perform this rocket jump in map 14 (the Inmost Dens). It looks so easy, but nothing.

Is there any secrets about it? Exact coordinates? Exact angle? I tried thousands times with different angles, no luck.

I use dsda-doom 0.26.0 and also tried a cryspi-doom 5.9.2. I have the "always run" option turned on. I use SR50.

The place where I am stucked is in attach, as well as my initial position.


P.S. Map 9 (The Pit) is also the problem, but I can avoid the rocket jump with a small (acceptable for me) increase in time there, so the real first big problem is a map 14.

Screenshot 2023-06-06 231815.png

Screenshot 2023-06-06 232014.png

136404Tue, 06 Jun 2023 20:24:51 +0000
Changes in maps vs demo desyncinghttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/135959-changes-in-maps-vs-demo-desyncing/ I've been wondering what kind of changes in a map can lead to demo desyncing. My intuition tells me that changes to the geometry of the map and different item placement (e.g. remove a medikit the player picked up in their playthrough) could potentially affect demos, while things like texture alignment changes should not.


That being said, back then when I used to record Duke Nukem 3D speedruns, the demo files were extremely sensitive to any kind of changes in the maps, to the point where removing sprites that were not even in the player's path would cause them to desync. I know that's a totally different engine, but I thought I might as well ask what's the case in Doom, just to be 100% sure.





135959Mon, 22 May 2023 09:07:46 +0000
Meowgi's Classic Doom Speedrunning Tutorialshttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/135562-meowgis-classic-doom-speedrunning-tutorials/ I've been working on (and off) a video guide series for some of the more common tricks utilized in Classic Doom speedrunning, and feel like with the separation of this discussion forum, there are enough of them now to warrant a thread to keep them organized. I initially was updating the OP for Practice Hub with them as I made them, but that subforum moves very quickly, and the information isn't well-suited there, especially since the map has been out for a year and a half now.


The series exists as a playlist on my youtube channel, but I will post the individual videos here in case anyone is looking for information on these topics within this forum. I'll update this post as I make more as well. I suppose the thread can be used to recommend/request specific topics to cover in the future, but I have a pretty rough idea of what I'd like to cover already and also want to make sure I have enough information to make a video useful.

Straferunning & SR50:




Zero Press:












135562Sat, 06 May 2023 10:30:35 +0000
Problem with PowerShell variables in demo-recording scripthttps://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/135031-problem-with-powershell-variables-in-demo-recording-script/ Question about writing a PowerShell script for recording demos, which I'm doing as an exercise: When I record parameters as bare text after the invocation of dsda-doom.exe, using variables to store only their arguments, for example,

&"D:\Path\to\dsda-doom.exe" -iwad $iwad -complevel $complevel -file $pwad"

the program runs as I would expect it to run, but when, for convenience, I try to use variables to store both a parameter and its argument, to store two option switches like -analysis and -levelstat, or to store multiple parameters and switches, for example,

$iwad = "-iwad D:\path\to\iwad.wad"
$pwad = "-file D:\path\to\pwad.wad"
$complevel = "-complevel 9"
$wad_args = "$iwad $pwad $complevel"

$warp = "-warp 01"
$skill = "-skill 4"
$map_args = "$warp $skill"

$record = "-record D:\path\to\demo_folder\demo_name$"
$other_options = "-shorttics -analysis -levelstat"
$demo_args = "$record $other_options"

&"D:\Path\to\dsda-doom.exe" $wad_args $map_args $demo_args

I get an error message like the following: 

Unknown command line option -iwad D:\Games\Doom\doom2.wad -file D:\Games\Doom\wads\doom2\mgwds\machete\macheteFinal.wad -deh D:\Games\Doom\wads\doom2\mgwds\machete\DEHACKED.deh -complevel 9 -warp 01 -skill 4 -shorttics -record D:\Games\Doom\demos\my_demos\machete01-$ -analysis -levelstat

which seems silly on its face. My guess is that it's trying to read all of this as one single parameter, rather than as a parameter and a huge argument, or as several different parameters, their arguments, and some options, but if that's the case, I don't know how to break it all up again except by hand. It could also be that I'm using double quotes where I should use single quotes, or vice versa.

This feels like a "scripter didn't take CS in college" problem, where I've misconstrued the typing and the basic function of what a variable does, storage rather than labeling. It's weird to me that the %additional% variable in the batch files provided in the speed demo subforum, which expects multiple parameters separated by spaces, doesn't seem to suffer from this limitation, but it's probably significant that %additional% doesn't expect a string in single or double quotes. It could also be that I don't understand how PowerShell specifically handles variables-within-variables like this, or how dsda-doom expects parameters and options to be typed and separated from one another. 

Whatever the issue is, I'm sure it's a really basic error, but thanks in advance for any light you might be able to shine on this problem.

135031Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:46:48 +0000
Dem-O-Matic | Easy demo recording batch script.https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134679-dem-o-matic-easy-demo-recording-batch-script/ Hello.

I’ve created a single batch file that automates the process of demo recording, segmenting and viddumping all into a friendly UI.


  1. Place the batch file found in the downloaded zip folder into Dsda’s root folder, where “dsda-doom.exe” is stored.
  2. Run the batch to start recording a demo. To use custom wads, drag the PWAD on top of the batch file.
  3. Done. Hopefully the batch file itself guides you smoothly through the rest of the process.  




After a demo is recorded, Dem-O-Matic places everything outputted into sorted sub-folders by demoname. Those sub-folders are found in a "demos" folder aside Dsda-Doom.

Attempting to input an existing demo at the demoname prompt will allow you to segment from that existing demo. 
When viddumping, Dem-O-Matic uses a separate Dsda config called "viddump.cfg". It's found aside Dsda's config and it's only purpose is to toggle a set of curated options specifically for viddumping.

An extra feature I've added since release would be multiple ghost support. I've set a cap of 4 ghosts for the reason that I think it’d be too cluttered otherwise, and also I don't currently know of a way to dynamically add more.

In order for viddumping to function, Dem-O-Matic (and dsda doom) needs an executable of ffmpeg aside it. Dem-O-Matic will refuse to viddump without this.


134679Sun, 26 Mar 2023 20:23:38 +0000
Questions about FDAs (First attempt demos)https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134865-questions-about-fdas-first-attempt-demos/ I've been looking into doing some recordings for maps I've never played before, and I have some questions.

Firstly, is there an agreed on naming convention? I've read through the thread for FDA submissions here, and there was briefly an attempt to sorta standardize with either map-fda-player
(example, aa01-fda-xerenogan , for ancient aliens map 1 by me), or the eight character version (aa01-xer). As the thread goes on though, the names are all over the place with underscores, full names, differing abbreviations, and so on. To keep myself sane, I've started a list of prefixes on a per-wad basis that I source almost exclusively from DSDA. Just trying to be consistent ya' know?

Second, Why FDA for First Attempt Demo as opposed to FAD? Surely this would confuse things with Failed Demo Attempts right? Just curious.

Third, For those of you who do FDAs regularly, how do you have them organized? I have a lmps directory of course, but inside so far I've given the iwads their own directory, but everything else is either a working folder or a zip file named after the contents per wad.

Lastly, For the dedicated thread that FDAs go in; is it better form to make a post for each wad I do as I play them, or do I hold off until I have a group of them and submit them all at once?

I decided to post out here rather than there, as I didn't want to clog up the submission thread.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

134865Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:40:41 +0000
The Great Tyson Thread of 2016https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/89630-the-great-tyson-thread-of-2016/ So, what should we tyson next?

Here are some statistics to remind us of the current extremes of tysoning. Feel free to improve any of these stats:

Highest number of monsters killed in a tyson: 644. AV14 by Aqfaq.
Longest tysons: AV20 by j4rio at 2:51:09. HR203 by Aqfaq at 2:52:49.
Hardest tyson ever done: Plutonia map 12 by j4rio?
Most herding: Plutonia map 29 by j4rio.
Most door abuse: AV13 (Can somebody count how many times a door was opened?)
Most bullets farmed: Plutonia map 32 by j4rio. How many bullets?
Most telefrags: ???
Most chainsaw: Plutonia map 28 by j4rio?

Most cybers stuck: 2 (Scythe map 23 by 4shockblast)

Most homing missile abuse: Scythe map 23 by 4hockblast?
Most switch abuse: ???
Most optimized tyson: ty01-041 by Xit Vono?
The best tyson TAS ever made: ???


Next we have a list of notable non-tysoned maps with estimated "SKILL LEVELS":

"DOABLE" maps don't seem to require more skill than anything that has been tysoned before. It doesn't mean they are easy, though. Nothing is easy here!
"INSANE" maps seem harder than anything that has been tysoned before.
"INSANE+" maps seem much harder than INSANE maps.
"TAS ONLY" maps can't be realistically tysoned by a human. j4rio can do them, though, so don't give up, there's always more cheese to be found.
"IMPOSSIBLE" maps can't be tysoned even with perfectly built input.
"???" Unknown difficulty. Feel free to give an opinion!


30 TAS ONLY. TAS exists by Light_Speed.

12 INSANE+. Spider in a very bad location. Otherwise relatively simple compared to most other maps. Spider can get stuck by a lost soul, so this is definitely within human reach.
14 DOABLE. One cyber can be telefragged. The other cybers can be infighted to death. Mancubi must kill most of the windowed revenants. Otherwise we run out of bullets.
15 INSANE. Good infighting possibilities. Bullet farming needs to be done, so that the cybers can be killed.
16 INSANE+. Not as hard as most HR maps. Good infighting possibilities.
17 INSANE+. Not as hard as most HR maps. Good infighting possibilities.
18 INSANE+. With incredible infight planning and patience, this might actually work. The cyber must stay alive so that it can kill the tower arch-viles.
19 DOABLE. Cyber can get stuck. Arch-viles can kill the spider.
26 TAS ONLY? Cyber can kill the ghosts?
28 INSANE+. Arch-viles can kill the cybers?
32 TAS ONLY. Maybe the hardest tyson map on the list, but should be doable by an experienced TASer.

24 DOABLE? Again, berserk exists, and there's a lot of infighting opportunity and tons of room unlike map 23. The mancs in the cages towards the north of the map might be hard to take out as they don't infight with anything easily. Revs from the west of the map can be brought down the lift and infought with everything else.
25 INSANE/DOABLE? Lots of arach punching that's probably unavoidable since the monsters in the map won't provide enough support from infighting (cyber also needs to be punched, but there's enough space for that). No bullets on the map other than backpacks, but you do get berserk.
26 INSANE. I mean, infighting can go a long way here, but how would you deal with the three cyber triplets on the key ledges? Berserk would be insane, and there's not much ammo, and there's five more cybers in addition to those. Doesn't seem likely, but maybe I'm underestimating the amount of damage everything else can do to the cybers.
27 DOABLE. Just grind it until you get all the cybers stuck.
28 DOABLE. Already done with 81% kills. 100% should be possible?
29 INSANE+ Maybe through a bunch of clever infights this could be done?


05 INSANE+. Arachnotron needs to kill some imps. Otherwise we run out of bullets.
08 DOABLE. It requires some clever infights and baron punching without berserk, but j4rio has already done harder maps than this one, so it should be doable.

12 ?
25 DOABLE? What a strange map...
26 DOABLE? Berserk and invulnerability are available, which suggests this is doable?
28 DOABLE? TAS exists by Cyberdemon531. Learn from it.
29 DOABLE. Almost done, but Cyberdemon531 got unfairly rekt in the end.

16 HAAAARD. TAS exists by vdgg. Learn from it and prosper!
20 DOABLE. Best attempt: 104/112 kills by Aqfaq.
21 TAS ONLY, because of the two cybers on a pedestal & the caco-filled exit room.
22 DOABLE. TAS exists.
26 DOABLE. There is a berserk kit and two invulnerabilities.
28 DOABLE. Berserking + tons of bullets. Don't take the invulnerability! Leave it for the arch-vile in the last room!
30 TAS only.

11 DOABLE. Get the cyber stuck with revenants. There are also plenty of bullets, at least 500-600.
16 TAS ONLY. There are six cyberdemons in a single room?
17 DOABLE. Get cyber stuck.
18 INSANE. 639 monsters. Precisely planned infights required, but this map seems only slightly harder than anything that has been done before.
19 DOABLE/INSANE. 268 monsters. Berserk available. A TAS exists by Azuruish. Maybe the arch-vile can kill most of the arachnotrons safely?
23 INSANE. 158 monsters. Berserk available. Are there enough bullets to kill the big spider? If there are, then this might be doable.
25 DOABLE. The map has 1325 monsters, but no worries. Just be careful who to release and when. All monsters pretty much cancel each other out. Monsters can't open fast doors, so we are completely safe. Cybers can be telefragged in the dark tunnel, if we need to. The last room is hard, but we can harvest bullets for that, if necessary. With invulnerability we can probably initiate infights, so that the arch-viles kill the three lava pit cybers. We can save the invulnerabilities for the hardest parts. My test run had all invulnerabilities still available to the very end.
26 TAS ONLY. 964 monsters.
27 TAS ONLY. 838 monsters.
28 INSANE. 304 monsters. Probably harder than anything that has been done before, but not by

much. Most of the cybers can probably be trapped. Some bullet harvesting is also possible, if you find a good setup for chaingunners and arch-viles.

29 TAS ONLY. 346 monsters.
32 INSANE+. The first half of the map is doable. Can we find a safe strategy for the second half? Maybe arch-viles can kill the cybers? TAS exists by Clumsydoomer.

07 DOABLE. Get good arachnotron/hellknight infights.
09 DOABLE. Git gud.

15 DOABLE. Berserk tells me this is doable.
18 DOABLE? Berserk is available.
19 DOABLE? We have chainsaw for the spiders. We can also farm bullets.
21 INSANE+. No berserk? The cyber is a big problem.
22 DOABLE. Hard arachnotrons, though.
23 INSANE+/TAS ONLY. Ghost SS soldiers and cybers can be dealt with. What about the monster spawner?
27 DOABLE. You need to punch some barons in the middle of the level. The rest is easy infighting. The final spider is easily shot from the pit.

14 DOABLE. The arch-vile can damage the cyber nicely. Together with other infights and bullets, no punches are required for the cyber.
15 DOABLE. The last room is cruel. Otherwise the map is relatively simple. If this gets done, it is probably in the top five hardest tysons ever made, but we can easily get the cyber stuck by revenants. We also have berserk and bullet harvesting, so this map is definitely within our reach. The last room is the only real challenge here.
17 INSANE. Nothing special, you just need to be about as good as j4rio.
20 TAS ONLY. Unless you find a safe strategy for killing the last two cybers.
22 DOABLE. Cyber is no problem as the ledge revenants can safely hit its tall head. If you can punch mancubi, then go for it!
23 INSANE+. The final room is incredibly hard, but not impossible. Maybe we can use mancubi noclip shots to damage monsters beforehand?
25 DOABLE/INSANE/INSANE+. Hard to tell how hard this is without carefully testing the infights.
27 DOABLE/INSANE/INSANE+. Hard to tell how hard this is without carefully testing the infights.
28 DOABLE/INSANE/INSANE+. Hard to tell without testing how the infights play out. Maybe all the monsters kill each other?
29 DOABLE? It seems that arch-viles can kill all the hard monsters for us?
30 INSANE/INSANE+/TAS ONLY. Hard to tell how hard this is without carefully testing the infights.
31 DOABLE/INSANE? Only 8 monsters. Berserk is available. TAS exists by Azuruish.
32 DOABLE/INSANE. Good infights and bullet farming are available.

25 DOABLE. It seems like it should be easy, but the barons, PE, and archvile complicate things significantly. Punching the barons in such tight spaces is really hard, and infighting them is also really hard because there isn't much space to maneuver so you just need to hope the cacos go up there and shoot quickly. PE starts spawning souls quickly, and with little cover and so many monsters around, it's hard to isolate it to get rid of it. If you get the archvile stuck on the bottom step, you can punch it from below, but that requires luck.
29 DOABLE. Get cyber stuck. Get spider stuck. Relatively easy map compared to the rest of the list.

30 TAS ONLY? Well, you can walk around the crusher trigger that kills the player at 2 minutes and punch the demons at the start, but then you have two cybers and an AV, no chainsaw or berserk. You can get both cybers stuck on lowering ledges, making it easy to punch them out, but monsters constantly spawn into that room. With TAS, it would be trivial to manipulate RNG such that all the monsters spawning there are either weak (demons, imps, etc.) or too big to be positioned in the spawn spots as they are very close to the wall, but without TAS, you'd need a lot of luck, and it would still be troublesome to deal with the AV. Alternatively, you could infight the AV with a cyber, but you'd then need to hide somewhere and the only spot available is the hallway towards the exit, but going in there triggers a crusher that kills the player (unless you get lucky and skip it).

08 DOABLE. Use doors to survive. Lure hell knights away from the cyber. Release cyber. Cyber will kill hell knights.
11 DOABLE/INSANE. Save the invulnerability and the megasphere for the last room. Try to harvest bullets also.
13 INSANE. Surprisingly, not as hard as it seems. There are many spots that allow good infights. The monsters are pretty well contained. Tower arch-vile can torch the baron houses. If you have the patience, you can run around and exhaust the revenant army one by one. Imps and spider mothers cancel each other out.
14 INSANE+. Arch-vile can harvest an extra ~500 bullets from chaingunners. The cyberdogs clear out most of the sheep. The cyberdogs themselves can be telefragged with incredible luck. The caged revenants require insane patience and skill.
20 DOABLE. There are plenty of bullets. Cybers can be shot and infighted to death. Just plan the bullet usage and this will be relatively easy. The first cyber has two possible teleport destinations. I don't know which one is better.
21 INSANE. Berserk, a plenty of bullets, a fast door riot shield. What else do you need? Oh, you need to keep the cyberdoge alive! The cyberdoge needs to kill as much as possible, otherwise the run gets nearly impossible to finish. So, you need expert herding skills. Woah, this is a very unusual setting... You actually need to PROTECT a cyberdoge to succeed! Go for it! :D
25 DOABLE. Careful bullet harvesting and infights make this an easy two-hour map.

14 DOABLE. Fredrik says: "If you camp around the central horseshoe structure, pretty much everything dies to infighting. Two cyberdemons and a spider mastermind need to be killed with berserk + 900 bullets. One cyberdemon and the spider can both be killed safely with the pistol. The last cyberdemon is in a decent location for punching (perhaps it makes sense to kill it first of all?). If you get very lucky with the infighting, bullets might last all the way (e.g. arachnotrons might kill the spider)."
18 DOABLE. Fredrik says: "There are something like 700 bullets available to begin with, which is enough to take out the two annoyingly placed cyberdemons and the two tower revenants, provided that the cyberdemons have been softened up by infighting and some punches with the invulnerability. The third cyberdemon usually dies to infighting. On top of that, the archvile + zombieman inside the train can be farmed forever, if needed. The archvile near the blue skull switch also potentially allows farming, but I'm not sure if there's a consistent setup for it. The nukage arachnotrons can potentially walk into the teleporters which allows telefragging them. However, bullet farming seems faster than waiting for that to happen... Everything else looks reasonable, considering that there's a berserk, plenty of health, and corners to hide behind."
20 INSANE. The difficulty depends on how easily we can get the cybers stuck.
21 DOABLE???
22 DOABLE/INSANE/INSANE+. It depends on whether we can kill the cybers easily. We will probably run out of bullets. Bullet harvesting, maybe?
25 DOABLE???
27 IMPOSSIBLE. I'm not sure whether this can be completed even if TASed optimally? Can we kill the two cybers inside the arms of the robot?
28 TAS ONLY. One of the hardest maps on the whole list. Theoretically, cacodemons can kill all the caged monsters.
29 INSANE/INSANE+. Cybers get stuck and infights are plentiful, but the map is very long, so it will take extra dedication to finish this one.
30 ???
31 DOABLE/INSANE/INSANE+. A lot of infighting available!

09 INSANE. Can you punch five cacodemons in a small room?
14 DOABLE. Revenants help us get the cyber stuck. Barons kill the spiders with our help.
16 DOABLE. Revenants help us get the cyber stuck. Lots of bullets available.
18 DOABLE. It's a puzzle game. With the fast doors we can farm bullets.
20 DOABLE. Bullet harvesting is available.

24 DOABLE/INSANE. Barons and lost souls can kill the ghosts.
25 ???
26 DOABLE. Cyber gets stuck.
27 ???
30 ???
31 ???


E3M3 INSANE? Can we survive the last room?
E3M8 DOABLE? We have bullets for one cyber. With some luck, the second cyber and the spider cancel each other out.
E4M6 DOABLE? The cyber seems a bit tricky.
E4M8 TAS ONLY? First we have a cyber in a tiny cellar and only about 200 bullets. Then we have two cybers in the final room and no bullets.

(I'll update the list and statistics when new tysons are made or new information is delivered by a tyson "scientist". Feel free to contribute. If you are a mod, feel free to edit this post as you wish!)

89630Thu, 14 Jul 2016 20:06:23 +0000
<![CDATA[Most Proud/Nostalgic Demo & Future Demo/Speedrunning Goals]]>https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134238-most-proudnostalgic-demo-future-demospeedrunning-goals/ Tell us about the demo(s) you are most proud of, or a demo(s) you really enjoyed making/that you made. Any demos that took an unfathomable amount of effort/growth on your part? Any demos where you learned a new trick that you love to perform now? Any runs that got you closer to the community, maybe? Any runs you feel you just really performed well on, or routed really well, and are just proud of the time you got? A lot of new players the past couple of years, myself included, but a ton of us have a high demo output, so plenty of candidates for every person to pick through, I'm sure. This is a nice way to look back at your body of work and recognize what you have accomplished. Your past.


And tell us about what runs you hope to ultimately do, or are currently eyeing/enjoying. Are there any large, ambitious demos you hope to attempt and complete at some point? Any tables you want to have to yourself? Any particular wads you want to run, previous times of yours you want to improve on/revisit, any new skills you want to learn? Planning to just chill where you're currently at? Even anything you want to do as it pertains to contributing to the speedrunning community generally (such as a sourceport that rhymes with bsba boom). This is a nice way to assess where you are currently at with your demo output/speedrunning career here, and where you want to go going forwards.


I thought this topic would be nice for people to be a bit introspective about their speedrunning career here, and to see and share what demos are near to players' hearts and what mountains players plan to ascend next. I feel like it's nice to give players a bit of a soapbox to talk about their own accomplishments, everyone deserves it I think, I know all of you have done and will do some really great demos.


Feel free to write as much or as little as you would like :), I'll write a little since I already wrote a lot.


My most proud demo is likely my most current Dimensions Map03 UV-Max in 11:31, even though I'm kinda disappointed at the time considering I was gunning for at least an 11:2X run. I've wanted to make a map and record my own, and I've worked a lot at this run the past 2.5 years, maybe comparable hours or even less than lv02 put into this run, but I've stuck with it longer than any run, and I will continue to chip at the time in the future, hopefully sometime this year.


As for future goals, I've already mentioned this basically, but I want Dimensions Map03 UV-Max record to be my own, I would defend my time on it no matter what, it's my legacy run so to speak, I don't want anyone else to have the record until I'm fully retired one day and cannot defend against it. Other demos I want to (potentially) do are:


- Dance on the Water Map03 UV-Max

- Fractured Worlds D2All UV-Max (already in-progress, but on hiatus)

- Dance on the Water Map32 UV-Max (also in-progress, but on hiatus)

- Sunlust D2All UV-Max in sub 3:30

- Feel like there's others but I cannot think of any at the moment

134238Mon, 27 Feb 2023 09:09:02 +0000